The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3428: Reincarnation Power

All four of them had already stepped into this place at the peak of quasi-reincarnation.

Now that I have practiced here for hundreds of thousands of years, my strength has already reached an extremely terrible level.

A terrible coercion erupted from them that was completely different from the pseudo-reincarnation powerhouse.

As soon as this coercion came out, the whole space was shaking and roaring.

This coercion makes people feel a sense of suffocation and despair.

"They are all reincarnation strength !!!"

At this time, Devouring World of Warcraft said suddenly.

"What? The strength of reincarnation?"

Xiao Yifeng looked startled.

"Yes, there is no ban in this place, so they have all reached reincarnation, but only in the early days of reincarnation."

Said World of Warcraft.

"It's the first time I've met the reincarnation powerhouse, and there are four when I come out !!!"

Xiao Yifeng outlined a playful smile in his mouth, and his eyes were bright.

"Lord of the stars, now all four of us have reached reincarnation."

"I'll see how you can resist the attack of the four of us !!!"

One of the four looked at Xiao Yifeng and sneered.

"I just happened to see how powerful the reincarnation power is !!!"

Xiao Yifeng smiled, without any fear on his face.

Instead, he was eager to try.

boom! !! !!

The first person came to kill Xiao Xiaofeng.

The terrible divine power swept out like a flood, and there was a very terrifying power in his body.

The momentum and power of this reincarnation powerhouse is completely different from that of the pseudo-reincarnation powerhouse.

Although the pseudo-reincarnation power also has divine power, it is not the real reincarnation power.

He did not experience the unique transformation of reincarnation, and could not really control the power of divine power.

The inability to exert the power of divine power is as if it has only its shape and no meaning.

boom! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng also blasted out with a punch.

He exploded all the power of the flesh, the power of the ten stars in the body, and the power of the eight great tricks.

Both attacks collided.

A harsh roar exploded.

Rumble! !! !!

A wave of terrible energy swept through.

The surrounding space is distorted.

Pedal Pedal! !! !!

With one blow, Xiao Yifeng stepped back a few steps.

The opponent's body also receded.

"It is indeed a strong reincarnation, and the strength really is great !!!"

Xiao Yifeng smiled at him.

"I didn't expect that you would not have reincarnation, so you have such a powerful power !!!"

The Lord of the Demons stared at Xiao Yifeng with a shocked expression.

"Let's go together, don't waste time !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said directly.

Immediately all four of them shot towards Xiao Yifeng.

Four terrifying reincarnation forces erupted.

Rejected towards Xiao Yifeng's killing and suppression.

Sen Luo Vientiane Boxing! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng directly urged this punch, and his strength broke out again.

The power of the eight major avatars in his body also exploded.

boom! !! !!

Immediately, Xiao Yifeng's punch collided with the strength of the four people.

There was a thunderous sound.

Terrible energy gives a breath of destruction.

The strength of Xiao Yifeng's blow and the strength of the four-man reincarnation continued to collide and bombard.


Xiao Yi snorted.

The strength of the whole body and the power of the eight major avatars broke out completely.

The eight great avatars were swept out by the power of Lingzhu.

These eight spirit beads are shining brightly.

Began to suppress the strength of the other four.

"Change of the Dragon !!!"

"First change !!!"

Xiao Yifeng once again exhibited the first change of Dragon's Change, which directly doubled his strength and skyrocketed.

Rumble! !! !!

With Xiao Yifeng's power doubled soaring.

Originally he had the upper hand.

This time, the four main powers of the demon in the early days of reincarnation were completely destroyed.

A terrible explosion sounded.

All four of them flew out.

Bang bang ...

A series of dull sounds sounded.

All four of them fell on the ground and made a muffled sound, and the corners of their mouths were filled with blood.

They looked at Xiao Yifeng with a terrified look in their eyes.

Obviously they did not expect Xiao Yifeng's strength to be so horrible, they even defeated the four of them in one hit.

This strength is stronger than his last strength.

"How's it going?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the four and smiled slightly.

"Come again !!!"

These four people yelled, and as dignified reincarnation powers, naturally they couldn't give up so easily.

The four of them stood up, each urging their strongest stunt.

All the magical powers of reincarnation broke out.

The four men spurred terrible martial arts skills, and the burst of power soared dozens of times.

Four terrifying breaths permeated, forming a terrible coercion in this space.

"Star Power !!!"

Xiao Yifeng urged the starry sky map, and the terror of the starry sky broke out oppressing the other party.

The terrible coercion of these four people was suppressed in an instant.

boom! !! !!

The next second, Xiao Yifeng waved the Xinghe map, urging the power of Xinghe.

A similarly horrifying galaxy also exploded.

With the power of the galaxy and the power of the starry sky, two terrible coercions erupted together.

Carrying the terrible starry sky and the galaxy of the river, the four were suppressed.

On the spot, the four of them were shaken by the coercion formed by these two forces.

The corners of the four were overflowing with blood and pale.

All four of them were shocked.

I never expected that Xiao Yifeng's coercion would be so terrible.

They had to share some strength to resist.

Then the four of them quickly carried out the strongest attack and went towards Xiao Yifeng ~ ~

Xiao Yifeng urged the power of the galaxy, and killed and suppressed all the power of the galaxy the size of which he understood.

Directly collided with the power of these four people.

A terrible energy burst out.

The four men's attack was terrible, and it was extremely close to the terrible blow of the strong men in the mid-cycle.

No one in the entire ancient world can resist the power of the four of them.

But unfortunately they met Xiao Yifeng, a perverted freak.

Xiao Yifeng urged the strength of the galaxy to destroy all four of their attacks.

The power of the galaxy is unimaginable.

Even though Xiao Yifeng just realized the strength of a hundred feet long galaxy.

They still destroyed the four strong attackers in the early days of reincarnation.

The four of them were blown out again and fell to the ground, spitting blood in their mouths.

Xiao Yifeng stepped out and the terrible star power broke out completely.

Suppressed fiercely on these four people, they are spitting blood again.

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