The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3424: Brother is too stupid

The godson stared at Ziluo and Liu Shengyi, his mouth raised, revealing a playful smile.

At the same time, in this space inside Mount Fuji.

The man in the black robe stood in front of the coffin.

At this moment, the coffin was constantly trembling, and the patterns on it began to shine.

A terrifying and sacred breath was released from the coffin.

The whole space was shaking.

Terrible momentum erupted from this coffin.

"Are you finally waking up?"

The man in the black robe shot a faint glow in his eyes, his expression seemed very excited.

"When you wake up, this world will be ruled by us !!!"

The man in the black robe had a look of excitement and excitement in his eyes.

On this day, it is not just the major ancient ancestral forces in China.

In this West, the mountain that came to the gods three years before it was also spread.

A huge mountain appears somewhere in Europe.

The whole mountain exudes a mighty divine power, giving a feeling of inviolability.

"The mountains of the gods descend, the gods are born, and all parties submit !!!!"

A voice like the voice of the gods came from the mountains of the gods.

Resound throughout Europe and even Western countries.

In short, the entire primitive world, this day completely transformed towards ancient times.

Countless ancient forces have revived and the peak age of warriors has come.

The entire earth is undergoing tremendous changes.

For all this, Xiao Yifeng, who is far away from the world of Tianmo, did not know.

He was constantly searching for the geniuses on the Tianmo list, and took away the jade cards in their hands leading to the Tianmo realm.

In an instant, the day passed.

On this day, an amusement park in Tianhai is located.

Hongmei and other women brought Xiao Xiao and Xiao Yaochen to play here.

The appearance of seven or eight stunning beauties has attracted countless attention and attention.

However, because a group of wind alliance martial arts guarded around, no one dared to come up to chat.

Xiao Xiao and Xiao Yaochen are very happy.

After having fun at the playground, their group found another restaurant to prepare for dinner.

At this time another group of people appeared in the restaurant.

Headed by a young man, followed by a group of black bodyguards, all are warriors.

"Master, look at it, so many beautiful women !!!"

At this time a young man next to his classmate pointed at Hongmei and other women.

"Is Master Ben so lucky? As soon as I go out, I meet so many beautiful women !!!"

The young man stared intently at Hongmei and other women.

In particular, the plum-like face and temperament of Hongmei made her swallow continuously.

Then the young man went over.

Immediately the wind alliance martial arts stood in front of them.

"Dare to stop Master Ben, find death !!!"

Seeing the wind alliance martial arts standing in front of him, the young man's face sank and his hands waved.

The group of bodyguards behind him rushed out, one by one, and the two sides fought together.

The young man came to Hongmei and other women and smiled, "Some beauties, I am Tianhai ..."

"You are a big satyr !!!"

Xiao Yaochen hummed at the young man.

"What's the kid talking about?"

The young man scolded immediately.

"You stare at my mother and my aunt, you are a satyr."

"My mother and my aunt are only allowed to see me and my dad !!!"

Xiao Yaochen hummed at the young man with his little finger.

"Little shit, shut up !!!"

The young man looked at Xiao Yaochen coldly.

"Do you dare to murder me?"

Xiao Yaochen was immediately dissatisfied.

"You idiot, he's fierce at you, you hit him !!!"

At this time, Xiao Xiao on the side stretched out his small hand and patted Xiao Yaochen's head, making a baby-like sound.


Xiao Yaochen nodded and looked at the young man and said:

"My sister told me to beat you, so I want to hit you !!!"

After Xiao Yaochen finished speaking, he waved his fist and hit the young man.

The young man didn't even care, a pair of eyes kept staring at the women.

The women looked calm and didn't say a word.

boom! !! !!

Just then, a dull voice sounded.

The young man flew straight out, smashed a hole in a wall of this restaurant, and flew outside.

And this young man was naturally blown away by Xiao Yaochen.

At this moment, the young man's followers and bodyguards were shocked and agitated.

"How did he fly out?"

At this point Xiao Yaochen felt his head puzzled, this was his first shot.

"Fool, you're using too much power !!!"

Xiao Xiao beaked his mouth, eating fries, and said like a big sister.

"Xiao Xiao, Yaochen is your brother, how can you speak like that?"

At this time Lu Xueqing patted Xiao Xiao's hand.

"Mum, my brother is too stupid, can I change another brother !!!"

Xiao Xiao pursed his mouth and said, looking up.

The girls were amused by Xiao Xiao.

They then returned to Xiao's Villa after dinner.

As for the young man punched by Xiao Yaochen, they didn't care.

At Xiao's Villa, the girls came back with two children.

"Magnolia, Magnolia them?"

At this moment Hong Mei looked at Mo Shumei in the villa and asked.

"They said there was something at home, so they went home for a trip !!!"

Huh! !! !!

At this time, two men in red appeared abruptly, which aroused the vigilance of the village.

"Who are you?"

Hongmei looked at the two men in red and sank.

At this moment the two men in red throbbed with their hands.

Then they glanced directly at Tang Shengyi.

"You are descended from Tangmen?"

One of the two men looked at Tang Shengyi and said directly.

"Who are you? How do you know Tang Men?"

Tang Shengyi watched the two men bring up the Tang gate ~ ~, his expression changed, and he groaned.

"We are the people of the ancient Tang gate. You are the descendant of my Tang gate."

"Now we are taking the elders to take you back to Tangmen and awaken the power of bloodline !!!"

The other of them looked at Tang Shengyi and said directly.

"You are from Tangmen? Ancient Tangmen? What do you mean?"

Tang Shengyi looked at the two men with an aggressive look.

"The Tangmen you were in was a legacy of Tangmen in ancient times."

"Now the ancient Tangmen has been born, so please come back with us to awaken the blood power !!!"

The two men said sourly.

"What nonsense are you talking about, the Saint Cloth will not go back with you !!!"

Hongmei sighed loudly.

"Please don't force us to do it !!!"

The two men looked at each other with a horrific atmosphere.

The strength of both of them has reached the triple dominance, and the strength seems very scary.

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