The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3407: Scary avatar

The power of this spirit of calamity is more terrifying than the power of condemnation to break through the pseudo-return.

After all, it is the thunder force of spiritual awakening, which is very scary.

However, each of these eight avatars was circulated by the eight emperors of the flood era, and they possessed eight spirit beads.

Although this robbery is powerful, it cannot hurt them.

On the contrary, this scourge power has become their raw material for tempering the body and improving their strength.

The power of this spirit of calamity is more terrifying than the power of condemnation to break through the pseudo-return.

After all, it is the thunder force of spiritual awakening, which is very scary.

However, each of these eight avatars has been inherited by the eight emperors of the flood era and has eight spirit beads.

Although this robbery is powerful, it cannot hurt them.

On the contrary, this scourge power has become their raw material for tempering the body and improving their strength.

In the end, the eight avatars survived the robberies.

And their physiques have completely turned into spirits.

This spiritual power is also fully awakened.

All eight of them were full of mysterious power.

As for their strength, it is even more terrifying, exuding a supreme power.

Even Xiao Yifeng is not quite sure how far their strength has reached.

There are major restrictions in this world, so Xiao Yifeng cannot determine their true strength.

And their realm is still pseudo-reincarnation.

Obviously this prohibition of the ancient world will not be broken.

They couldn't really break through the reincarnation.

Then the eight major avatars returned to Xiao Yifeng.

Now eight of them have become a true top powerhouse.

Any one of them eight, has the strength to sweep the ancient world.

Not to mention eight people plus Xiao Yifeng.

Xiao Yifeng did not expect that his eight avatars would grow to such a degree.

These eight avatars are definitely his super hole cards.

I am afraid that eight such avatars cannot be found in this world.

These eight avatars were inherited by the eight emperors in the flood and drought era.

In the future, they will step into the realm of the emperor.

The thought of fighting against others in the future, there were eight helpers in the realm of the emperor.

This feeling is extremely cool to think about.

And once these eight avatars step into the emperor.

Xiao Yifeng can also merge and control their power.

By then, Xiao Yifeng's own strength was also more terrifying.

Then Xiao Yifeng thought, the eight avatars entered Xiao Yifeng's body.

Xiao Yifeng waved his hands and had all the power of these eight avatars.

With the power of these eight avatars into his body.

Xiao Yifeng felt that the power in his body was as endless as the mighty ocean.

Not even he knows how powerful he is now! !! !!

In short, for now, pseudo-reincarnation is a wave-killing existence for Xiao Yifeng.

"This harvest is really not small !!!"

Xiao Yifeng regained his strength and lamented.

He thought he would die a lifetime if he stepped into Senro's forbidden area.

The result was a blessing, and a big harvest came directly.

This time entering Sen Luo's forbidden area, he not only successfully stepped into the dominion, awakened all the memories of previous lives, but also controlled the power of Xinghe.

At the same time, he also got such a congenital treasure and Sen Luo Vientiane and Sen Luo Vientiane Boxing.

And most importantly, he unlocked the secrets of the eight spirit beads.

His eight great avatars were inherited by eight mysterious emperors, and they even possessed spirits.

In short, this time entering the forbidden area of ​​Sen Luo, Xiao Yifeng can be described as a huge gain.

This harvest made Xiao Yifeng can't help but want to step into the other four forbidden places in the ancient world to see if he can continue to have the same harvest.

Xiao Yifeng then glanced at the Luo You and the ten Sen Luo beasts.

At this moment they all kneeled on the ground, bowed their heads, and shivered.

"Let's all get up !!!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at them and said directly.

To be honest, Xiao Yifeng had to thank Luo You.

If he hadn't come to this forest monument with Xiao Yifeng, these gains from Xiao Yifeng would not exist.

"the host!!!"

At this moment, Luo You and the ten Senluo beasts all stood up, shouting in awe at Xiao Yifeng.

"Don't you scare you?"

Xiao Yifeng smiled slightly.


Luo You shook her head, then looked at Xiao Yifeng and said:

"Master, are you the first star power in the ancient times?"

"Do you know the Star Emperor?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Luo You and smiled slightly.

"Of course, I am afraid that no one knows the Star Emperor."

"Countless warriors even regard the Starry Emperor as their idol and surpassing goal !!!"

Luo You said in a deep voice.

"Yes, I am indeed the Emperor of the Starry Sky !!!"

Xiao Yifeng nodded.

"Meet the Emperor of the Starry Sky !!!"

Hearing Xiao Yifeng's words, both Luo You and the ten Sen Luo animals had a shocking look in their eyes, and their hearts trembled.

Then they directly lowered their heads and shouted to Xiao Yifeng with great respect.

"Well, now you are all my people, so don't be so polite !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said.

"It seems my choice is right. You will be saved by my father when you have the Star Emperor !!!"

Luo You said excitedly.

"Well, let's stop talking about this, you first help me find someone."

"I chased someone here before, should you be able to find each other?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Luo You and said that the person he said was naturally a star.

Although he entered Sen Luo's forbidden area this time, he obtained great gains.

But he didn't forget his purpose of entering Sen Luo's forbidden area, that is, to kill the stars.

"I can find anyone in this Senro forbidden area !!!"

Luo You said confidently, and immediately Luo You took Xiao Yifeng to look for the starfall.

Somewhere in this Senro forbidden area, a figure sits here, just starfall.

In front of Xingtian, there is a pagoda suspended, which is the weapon of Houtianling treasure in his hands ~ ~ At this moment, the starfall seems to be receiving a heritage in the Houlingling baby tower.

The breath released from him was terrifying, exuding a terrible power.

Obviously, its strength has been inherited.

Then a footstep sounded.

Luo You came here with Xiao Yifeng, followed by the ten Sen Luo beasts.

"Starfall !!!"

Xiao Yifeng stared at the starfall, his eyes condensed, and a icy cold mang flashed in his eyes, drinking coldly.

Huh! !! !!

Hearing Xiao Yifeng's voice, the stars' eyes opened, and there was a flash of coldness in their eyes.

His gaze stared at Xiao Yifeng's cold road:

"I didn't expect you to die?"

"Hum, you are not dead, how could I die !!!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the cold path that Xing met with disdain.

"You didn't die. It seems that God wants me to kill you."

Xing Ji looked at Xiao Yifeng and shouted coldly.

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