The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3191: Mysterious beast

"Young Master, now you have successfully shaped the way of fire, and your future growth is limitless."

"By then you will be able to retake the Temple of Fire and take revenge on the Lord of the Temple!"

These people looked at Beacon and said one after another.

"Relax, I will definitely return to the Temple of Fire and take revenge on my father!"

Beacon said firmly.

At the same time, the realm of God, in a certain world of fire temple.

A red-haired man wearing a fiery red robe was practicing while his eyes opened suddenly.

I saw a gorgeous red-red light rising from the sky in the temple of fire.

"The kid turned out to have succeeded in forming the way of fire. It is indeed a rare genius in the Temple of Fire. It seems that we must cut the grass as soon as possible!"

The man muttered to himself, his eyes shining with two extremely dazzling flames of flame.

In another place in the Divine Land, a white-haired old man muttered to himself:

"In a low-level subsidiary world, the Five Elements, Fire and other mysterious and powerful physiques have appeared continuously."

"It seems that there must be something in this world with luck in heaven and earth or the existence of a transcendent figure!"

"I don't know which big man is going to be born!"

The white-haired old man's eyes flashed softly.

In Dragon Valley, Xiao Yifeng stayed in his room and began to look into the dragon and phoenix ball in his body.

Since the bead suddenly entered its body yesterday, nothing has happened.

I don't know why this bead entered his body.

Buzz! !! !!


Just then, Xiao Yifeng's eight big acupoints suddenly made a buzzing sound.

These eight tips once again produced a powerful swallowing power.

Suddenly the dragon and phoenix twirled in Xiao Yifeng's body.

A wave of energy poured out from this dragon and phoenix bead, and madly rushed towards the eight big points in Xiao Yifeng's body.

The energy swallowed up by the Eighth Big Acupuncture Point is again pouring out and hit the impact of the Ninth Big Acupuncture Point.

Seven tenths of Xiao Yifeng's ninth trick has not yet been fully opened.

Now, through the energy of this dragon and phoenix bead, it is possible to get through this seven-tenths.

Huh! !! !!

Immediately after that, the dragon and phoenix beads suddenly shone a golden red bright light, covering Xiao Yifeng's body.

Xiao Yifeng's consciousness once again entered a certain mysterious world.

Boom boom! !! !!

Upon entering this mysterious world, a series of roaring explosions sounded in Xiao Yifeng's ears.

Xiao Yifeng's eyes swept away, his pupils shrunk, and a shocked look flashed in his eyes.

I saw above the void of this mysterious world.

A huge and colorful phoenix and a dragon with ten dragon claws fought together fiercely.

This Phoenix and Shenlong are extremely huge.

The height and length have reached thousands of feet, like a behemoth.

At this time, the two were fighting fiercely, launching an unparalleled battle in the void.

Every blow from them can break the void.

Huge space cracks and black holes appear.

As if the entire world were to be completely destroyed by them.

The strength of these colorful phoenixes and ten-clawed dragons has reached a point where Xiao Yifeng's current strength is simply unthinkable.

Xiao Yifeng felt that a random aftermath of breath they had leaked could wipe him out of this world.

Rumble! !! !!

But just when the fierce battle between Shenlong and Phoenix was fierce.

Above the void, two huge black claws suddenly appeared.

These two black claws are like the Wuzhishan of the Buddha, and they are suppressed down towards the dragon and the phoenix.

The entire void was completely crumbled under these two black claws.

It's like the end of the world.

At this moment, the faces of the ten-clawed dragon and the colorful phoenix are all changing.

They stopped fighting each other, each exerting energy against the two huge black claws.

boom! boom! boom!

boom! boom! boom!

Suddenly, the whole void world roared.

The mountains and rivers are turned upside down, the sun and the moon are turned upside down, and a scene of world destruction is born.

The extremely powerful ten-clawed dragon and colorful phoenix were blown into the ground by these two huge claws, and were directly defeated.

Soon Shenlong and Phoenix rushed out again, blood dripping from the corners of their mouths.

On the ground, there are two huge bottomless pits.

Then in the eyes of Long Feng and Xiao Yifeng, above the sky.

A thing dozens of times larger than the ten-clawed dragon and the colorful phoenix appeared, and the whole body was dark.

As soon as it appeared, the entire sky was blocked, it was a dark day.

It looks like a monster in the movie.

This monster-like behemoth has two huge claws.

A pair of eyes were as big as two football fields, glittering with bloodthirsty cold coldness.

This guy is full of fierce and evil spirit, like a prehistoric beast.

The ten-clawed dragon and the colorful phoenix looked at this huge mysterious beast with a look of shock.

"who are you?"

The ten-clawed dragon looked at the mysterious beast and said.

"You can call me evil!"

The huge beast said with a huge mouth.

A large amount of green juice flows out of his mouth like saliva, which makes people feel a kind of disgusting feeling.


Hearing this title, both the dragon and the phoenix looked surprised.

"As long as the two of you are swallowed, no one in this cosmic sky will be my opponent."

"I will dominate this entire universe, and endless evil will flood the sky and all realms."

This ferocious beast stared at the ten-clawed dragon and the colorful phoenix.

Treat them like prey eyes.

These ten-clawed dragons and colorful phoenixes were the ancestors of the dragon and phoenix in ancient times.

In the ancient times, they were all famous super powers ~ ~ Now they are generally regarded as a prey by a fierce beast, and their eyes are full of strong anger.

Shenlong Wagging Tail!

The ten-clawed dragon shouted loudly.

The indestructible dragon tail smashed directly at the beast.

"Phoenix is ​​really hot!"

The colorful phoenix also yelled, and colorful flames erupted on his body.

As soon as this flame came out, the entire void was distorted.

A kind of destruction was released from this flame, and it can be seen that this flame is extremely simple.

Rumble! !! !!

The colorful phoenix urged the flame and attacked directly toward this huge beast.

At the same time, the dragon's indestructible dragon tail was also hit on this ferocious beast.

With the strength of this ten-clawed dragon, his blow is enough to destroy half of the world.

But when his dragon tail smashed on this fierce beast, the other side did not react at all.

Instead, the ten-clawed dragon was shocked by a terrible invisible force.

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