The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3180: Dragon patriarch

As for Long Gan, the whole person was suddenly blown out, but fortunately he is strong enough now.

It is the body of the Canglong again, which resists most of this guy's self-explosion.

If this turns into someone else, I'm afraid I'll have to see the King in an instant.

But even so, Long Gan's body turned into a human figure, and he kept back, vomiting blood in his mouth, and coughing.

Although he was not dead, the body was still injured by the quasi-reincarnation energy of this guy.

After all, the self-detonation of quasi-reincarnation is still too scary.

Had it not been for Tianlong and Magic Ji's timely destruction of this explosive energy,

I'm afraid the entire Longgu no longer exists.

As for Long Fei and Long Ao, both were taken out by Zhen Fei.

As all of them were killed. ,

This nine-day prison dragon battle was also self-defeating.

Xiao Yifeng glanced at the father and son of Longfei and Longao, came to them and said:

"I didn't expect you to be here? Are you trying to deal with the Dragons?"

"It has nothing to do with you, and I advise you not to worry about it!"

Long Fei watched Long Ao spit coldly.

"I like to worry about nosy affairs, what can you do, let your father and son run away."

"I'll deal with you today!"

Xiao Yifeng watched the two men coldly, and they would kill them.

"Who dares to touch my children and grandchildren!"

Suddenly, a voice full of terrible coercion sounded suddenly.

A gray-haired man with a cold gown and a cold face.

The old man with a long scar appeared on his face.


See this old man.

There was a surprise in Long Fei's eyes, and he said suddenly.

"Too grandpa!"

Long Ao shouted violently as he watched the old man appear.


At this moment, the four dragon kings were shocked to see the old man with scars on their faces, and their expressions were calm.

"Kill my children, **** it!"

The old man with a scar on his face watched Xiao Yi drink coldly, exuding a towering Long Wei.

The terrible Long Wei cracked down on Xiao Yifeng, and Xiao Yifeng retreated back and forth.

The opponent's Long Wei is very scary. The strength of this guy is at least the late stage of quasi-repatriation, even the peak of quasi-recirculation.

boom! boom!

At this time, Magic Ji and Tianlong have released powerful powers to withstand the pressure of this scar old man.

boom! !! !!

Just then, a terrible energy burst out among the dragons.

A figure rose into the sky, and a supreme dragon power swept the world.

At this moment, all the dragons were involuntarily kneeling on the ground, and they shivered and surrendered.

Even the four dragon kings knelt on the ground.

There is only Longgan Tianlong left. They did not kneel.

This figure rushing out of the dragon race is an old man with a white beard, wearing a white robe.

He exudes a mighty Long Wei, and his strength is unfathomable.

It is the dragon clan dragon in the sky, the dragon's strongest one of the top nine-clawed golden dragons.

"Meet you Patriarch!"

Immediately, the dragon clan looked at the dragon clan with a respectful and respectful cry.

Tianlong watched the dragon flash a cold light in Tian's eyes.

As for the old man with a scar on his face, staring at the dragon in the sky, a monstrous murderous power broke out.

A pair of eyes were filled with terrible killing intentions.

As if there was deep hatred between the two.

"Longqiu did not expect that after so many years, your strength has not fallen, but you have improved so much!"

Dragon looked at the old man and said in the sky.

"You killed my wife and severely wounded my son. How can I not report this hatred?"

"I have traveled throughout the ancient world for thousands of years, and after many ordeals, I have the power to kill you for revenge for my wife and children. Today I want your blood and blood!"

The old man watched the dragon yell coldly in the sky, and his eyes flashed with icy murderous power.

"who is he?"

Xiao Yifeng asked Longgan the identity of the old man.

"He should be the Dragon Dragon King Longqiu who had a personal relationship with a human woman."

"I didn't expect him to be alive and so powerful!"

Long Gan said in a deep voice.


The dragon looked at Longqiu coldly and vomited in the sky, and a icy cold mang flashed in his eyes, which directly turned into the body of the nine-claw golden dragon.

boom! !! !!

In the void, a golden dragon several kilometers long appeared.

The nine huge dragon claws beneath the dragon's body looked dazzling.

The terrible Long Wei continued to be released.

Longqiu also turned into a nine-pronged golden dragon, which also exudes a very terrifying power.

The two fought directly above the sky.

It is extremely fierce to make a deal.

Boom boom! !! !!

Bang Bang! !! !!

The entire sky was exploded by their two nine-pronged golden dragons.

The black hole in space appears, the energy spreads out, and there is a feeling of destroying the world.

The fierce battle of these two nine-clawed golden dragons directly shocked the strong men in Dongzhou.

At this moment, the warrior of Dongzhou looked at the fierce battle between the two nine-pronged golden dragons above the sky, and his eyes were full of shock.

Shenlong Wagging Tail!

Qianlong Shengyuan!

The two nine-pronged golden dragons spurred the Dragon's secret skills and launched a strong attack.

With each strike, they have the terrible power to destroy a city, which makes people frightened.

With the passage of time, the fierce battle between these two nine-clawed golden dragons has also entered a state of fever.

However, this dragon is the dragon patriarch after all, although that dragon hill has also been promoted to a nine-clawed golden dragon.

However, compared with the details, it is still not comparable to Long Zaitian.

Gradually began to fall into the downwind.

"Long Yin breaks the sky!"

Suddenly the dragon drank in the cold, opened his mouth suddenly, and made a terrible sound of dragon groan.

The sound of this dragon yin has a terrible power to shatter the soul.

When the entire dragon clan heard the sound of this dragon groan, they turned their ears to block their ears.

A lot of people's ears were bleeding from shocks ~ ~ Even Xiao Yifeng felt a shock in his soul.

Long Qiu is also a surge of dragon souls.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Long Zaitian yelled again.

"The dragon breaks the world!"

Immediately the dragon appeared in front of Longqiu in Tianshen.

The terrible dragon claws gathered the strength of the whole body and hurled out fiercely towards this dragon hill.

Grab it in his lower abdomen and grab it sharply.

The dragon caught a huge blood hole in the abdomen of Longqiu in the sky.

Almost stopped the other side.

puff! !! !!

Long Qiu's body retreated, and his body turned into a human form.

A spit of blood spewed, his face was pale,

The dragon swept again at the huge dragon tail, and the terrible force tore the space.

Squeezing all the air, the force of terror rushed towards Longqiu.

The face of Longqiu changed, and he waved his hands, his body instantly disappeared in place, and he fled.

Seeing this, the dragon recovered his body in Tian, ​​with a look of indifference in his eyes.

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