The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3176: Step into 4 Elephants

Now Xiao Yifeng is followed by two nine-pronged golden dragons, which can be said to be very good.

The entire ancient world could not find a second person treated like Xiao Yifeng.

"How are you? Are you feeling better?"

At this time, the drunk Jiao Niang, Ye Ziyan's daughters came to Xiao Yifeng and said.

"Don't worry, I'm not that vulnerable!"

Xiao Yifeng said faintly, his eyes were shining brightly, and he vomited:

"It won't be long before I let Yaxin and An Mo live."

"How could my Xiao Yifeng woman die, even if she died, I would let them all come alive!"

"My Xiao Yifeng's woman wouldn't even accept Hell King!"

Xiao Yifeng's eyes were flooded with a supreme light, exuding a mighty king.

He is the star of the starry sky, the woman of the starry sky emperor.

Who dares to accept in this world?

At the same time that the dragon broke through and became a nine-pronged golden dragon.

In the Zhu Family of the Zhuque City, the Qing ancestor Qing Xuan, the Bai family ancestor Bai Mo and the Xuan family ancestor Xuan Jian again appeared here.

They then performed their secrets here and arranged a terrible array of formations.

Rumble! !! !!

Suddenly this formation covered the whole Suzaku city.

All the people in Suzaku City and the people in the Zhu family were trembling at the moment, with an inexplicable feeling of palpitations and fear.

All of their eyes swept towards the void, and they saw the three Qingxuan.

"You three old guys dared to come, Qing Xuan, you really don't give up!"

At this time Suzaku Xianfei stepped out of the air, standing in front of the three of them were shining cold cold mans eyes.

"Fairy Suzaku, if you don't obediently cooperate with us today to open up the secret place of the land of the four elephants."

"Then I can guarantee that the entire Suzaku City will become a dead city, and all the people in Suzaku City will have to die!"

Qing Xuan's eyes flashed with the cold cold mang looking at Suzaku Xianfei.

"In order to enter the land of the four elephants, you are really persistent!"

Princess Suzaku looked at Qing Xuan coldly and vomited.

"It's up to you how you choose!"

Qing Xuan looked at Suzaku Xianfei coldly, while he waved his hands.

Under this murderous horrific killings broke out.

All the people in Suzaku were trembling and pale.

There was a feeling of going to death hell.

Suzaku Xianfei's face changed continuously, and her eyes stared at this Qingxuan with a flash of light, and she finally voiced.

"Okay, I can cooperate with you to open up the inheritance of the Four Elephants!"

Suzaku Fairy said directly.

"This is the smartest choice, and it opens the door to the inheritance of the Four Elephants."

"Being inherited by the Four Elephants, it's not just me who will benefit, you will all benefit!"

Qing Xuan's eyes flickered with brilliant vomiting.

They stood directly in the four directions of the void, their hands twitching Yin Jue, and something in their mouths.

Suddenly, all four of them blasted out a seal, and then shot a light from each of them.

The four different colors of light, blue, red, white, and brown, soar into the sky, intertwined directly in the air.

There was a deafening roar, and the whole void was roaring.

Then these four intertwined rays distorted the void, showing a huge vortex of space.

This scene was seen by the strong men in Dongzhou, including Xiao Yifeng who was in the holy mountain.

"That's where Suzaku is, right?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the huge space vortex, and said fiercely.

"What happened to Suzaku City?"

Long Gan said directly.


Xiao Yifeng's eyes narrowed and he rushed towards Suzaku City.

Longgan, Tianlong and Moji followed, while others stayed in the holy mountain.

"The land of the Four Elephants has finally opened!"

At this moment in Suzaku City, Qing Xuan stared at the space vortex, his eyes flashed with a very excited look.

Qing Xuan's body then rushed into the space vortex.

Bai Mo and Xuan Jian glanced into the vortex one after another.

Princess Suzaku's eyes flickered and rushed into the vortex.

"Fairy Princess!"

Xiao Yifeng just came here.

Seeing Suzaku Xianfei entering the vortex, Xiao Yifeng's expression changed immediately.

Xiao Yifeng rushed towards the space vortex.

Magic Ji, Tianlong and Longgan naturally all rushed into this space vortex.

Stepping into this space vortex, a mysterious space emerges.

At this moment in this space, Qing Xuan, Bai Mo, Xuan Jian, and Suzaku Xianfei appear here.

Gaze gazed at the four huge statues in front of him.

The four huge statues are the statues of the four great beasts, namely, the blue dragon, white tiger, Suzaku, and basalt.

It is immensely magnificent and exudes immense power.

"Finally see the statues of the four great beasts. If I get the inheritance of the blue dragon beasts, I will definitely break through the reincarnation!"

Qing Xuan's eyes flashed with the stare of the four great beasts, and his eyes were full of excitement.

Bai Mo and Xuan Jian both looked at the images of the four great beasts, and faintly produced a look of expectation.

"Well, your two tasks have been completed and you can rest in peace!"

At this moment, there was a touch of Hanmang in Qingxuan's eyes looking at Baimo and Xuanjian.


Hearing Qing Xuan's words, the two's faces changed and they were about to speak.

As a result, Qing Xuan appeared in front of them in an instant, and a terrible gas machine directly covered them.

Horrible coercion oppressed both of them.

boom! boom!

Qing Xuan's hands turned into two dragon claws and banged on Bai Mo and Xuan Jian's body.

The two of them were completely destroyed on the spot.

This Bai Mo and Xuan Jian did not respond at all.

He was directly killed by this Qingxuan unloading and killing the donkey.

Seeing this scene, Suzaku Xianfei's face changed, her gaze was fixed, and a shocked look flashed in her eyes as she looked at Qing Xuan.

"Have you broken through to quasi-return?"

Suzaku Xianfei looked at Qing Xuan with a shocked look and said ~ ~ Apparently, the momentum that Qing Xuan just broke out now represents that he has entered the quasi-return.

Otherwise, it is impossible to kill Bai Mo and Xuan Jian who are also half step repatriation with a single stroke.

"Yes, you are the next **** man!"

There was a flash of cold mang in Qingxuan's eyes, watching Suzaku Xianfei.

The terrible early power of quasi-reincarnation broke out on his body.

"Want to kill my woman, do you want to ask my opinion?"

A cold voice sounded suddenly.

Xiao Yifeng's figure suddenly appeared here.

Seeing Xiao Yifeng appear, Suzaku Xianfei looked pleased.

Especially when he saw his vitality restored, there was a look of excitement in Suzaku Xianfei's eyes.

As for this Qing Xuan, there was a shocked look in Xiao Yifeng's gaze.

"You are still alive?"

Qing Xuan looked at Xiao Yifeng and said in a loud voice.

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