The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3173: 3 halls

Meng Xuanlang briefly said that his father Meng Bin's face immediately changed and looked at Meng Xuanlang:

"Hey, you're so confused, even if the kid is gone, he still has a group of people who can kill the half step repatriation."

"If the women who knew Xiao Yifeng died here, they would never give up."

"What then?"

Meng Xuanlang frowned.

"Go back with me right away. I immediately ask the elder to start the teleportation formation and teleport you directly out of the ancient world!"

Meng Bin looked at Meng Xuanlang and said that the father and son disappeared here.

At the same time as Yuan Yimo's death, Xiao Yifeng's heart shuddered, and he trembled suddenly.

Xiao Yifeng's eyes swept directly towards the holy city.

The whole person showed the fastest speed towards the holy city.

He had an intuition that something very close to him had happened in the holy city.

Within a minute, Xiao Yifeng appeared in the holy city.

When he looked away, Yuan Momo, who had died lying on the ground, was instantly found.

boom! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng's mind exploded immediately.

His eyes were flawed, his blood was red, and his heart was sorrowful.

"Dan Mo !!!"

Xiao Yifeng made a painful roar, and his voice spread throughout the holy city.

A monstrous killing power spread directly to the entire holy city.

Instantly Xiao Yifeng appeared in front of Yuan Yimo, holding him up.

At the same time, the endless operation was running into its body, but it was useless.

All of Yuan Minmo's heart veins were shattered and he was dead, and the spirits began to dissipate.

"No, Momo, you can't die !!!"

Xiao Yifeng called directly.

"Xiaofeng, take good care of yourself, I'm gone, and someone else will accompany you in the future!"

At this moment, a spirit of Mo Mo appeared in the void.

Watching Xiao Yifeng said with nostalgia, then the spirit also dissipated.

"No, Momo, I won't let you die !!!"

Xiao Yifeng's eyes narrowed, and his expression was distorted.

"Boy, hurry up to collect her remnant, maybe there is hope for resurrection in the future!"

At this time, Devouring World of Warcraft said suddenly.

Xiao Yifeng immediately launched the secret method and began to collect the spirit of Yuan Jianmo.

"One missing soul!"

Xiao Yifeng frowned and said sharply.

"This remnant is estimated to have entered the Three Realms of Hell."

Eaten World of Warcraft Shen channel.

"What then?"

Xiao Yifeng's expression sank, his expression looked extremely ugly.

"I can only wait for your strength to rise in the future, and then find a way to find your woman's soul in the Three Realms of Hell."

"There should be a chance to revive it, but your woman's body must be frozen by the secret method."

"It needs to be kept intact so that it can be resurrected later!"

Said World of Warcraft.

"Put it into the Sky Tower, I can keep it intact!"

Xiaohuanghuang then said.


Xiao Yifeng nodded and summoned the barren sky tower directly.

Then, Yuan Yuanmo's body was put into the barren sky tower, and at the same time his remaining soul was saved.

"Who killed Mo Mo in the end?"

Xiao Yifeng's eyes flashed with cold cold mang, his eyes flashed with cold chill.

He must find out the guy who killed Mo Mo, and then smash it into pieces.

"Master Xiao, it is the young master who killed your wife!"

At this time, a soldier next to him looked at Xiao Yifeng and could not help but said.

"Master Tianmeng!"

"Meng Xuanlang!"

Xiao Yifeng's pupils were frozen, and a icy cold mang flashed in his eyes.

"Thank you, this holy order elixir is for you!"

When Xiao Yifeng waved his hand, a holy order elixir was given to the warrior.

Then the figure disappeared here, Han Qianluo, Mo Ji and Long Gan both followed Xiao Yifeng and left.

At this time, the people around him looked at the martial artist with envy, with regret in their hearts.

They should have said it earlier, otherwise they would get a holy order.

Holy city, heavenly alliance.

boom! !! !!

A horrible sky mine split directly into this sky alliance.

On the spot, most of the building of Tianmeng was split into a pile of ruins, and a large number of strong disciples of Tianmeng died directly under this sky mine.

"Meng Xuanlang, get out of me!"

Xiao Yifeng appeared in this Tianmeng, his eyes were flashing with the cold cold mang, and he released a monstrous murderous shout.

Soon the figures of Meng Bin and the several elders of Tianmeng appeared here.

When they saw Xiao Yifeng, their faces changed.

Meng Bin's expression seemed extremely ugly, but his eyes flashed a look of fortunateness.

I did not expect that Xiao Yifeng was alive.

Fortunately, he has sent Meng Xuanlang away from the ancient world.

"Give up Meng Xuanlang, I will leave you all dead!"

Xiao Yifeng's eyes flickered with cold chills and looked at Meng Bin drinking.

"Xuan Lang, he is no longer in the ancient world, even if you want to get revenge on him!"

Meng Bin stared at Meng Xuanlang.

"No longer the ancient world?"

Xiao Yifeng frowned, and scanned the entire Tianmeng through the perspective.

Indeed, no trace of Meng Xuanlang was found.

But he did find a broken teleportation array.

"Did this guy be teleported out of the ancient world?"

Xiao Yifeng's eyes flickered, and he looked at Meng Bin coldly: "Say, where did he go?"

"He has left the ancient realm and has gone to God's Realm, and you will never see him in a lifetime."


"Or when you see him again, the person who died is you!"

Meng Bin looked at Xiao Yi and said coldly.

Huh! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng stepped out and appeared in front of Meng Bin.

One palm pressed directly on his head, forcibly searching for the soul.

Soon this Meng Bin's memory of the soul was taken up by Xiao Yifeng.

This Meng Bin died completely.

"Three halls of worship !!!"

Xiao Yifeng's eyes flashed, and he spat coldly.

From the memory of Meng Bin, Xiao Yifeng knew that the Meng family was the descendant of the deity of the Three Halls of God in the realm ~ ~, and this Meng Xuanlang had left the ancient realm and went to the land of God to find the Three Halls of God and join them.

"Little wasteland, do you know the three halls?"

Xiao Yifeng inquired directly into the Yuantian Tower.

"Three palaces, as if I heard it a little, is a middle gate in the realm of God."

"The founders are heaven, earth, and human, and they are called three."

"All three of them are god-level strong!"

Xiaohuanghuang said.

"Three halls of worship, I will go to the three halls of the future to kill Meng Xuanlang myself!"

Xiao Yifeng pointed out that the sky made a vow of sobbing blood, and his eyes were flashing with unwavering firmness.

The body even released a monstrous killing intention, and the rest of the Tianmeng who was suppressed by the horrible power vomited blood.

"All fight, none stay!"

Xiao Yifeng glanced at the people of Tianmeng and spit coldly.

Immediately the three of them immediately acted to destroy all the entire Celestial Alliance.

Then Xiao Yifeng returned to the holy mountain and entered the room without seeing anyone.

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