The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3147: Ancient Canglong

The sudden reaction of this fragmented key now must be related to the starfall.

"Tian Tu, Yun Yan, Xin Er, you three stay here and don't leave, Magic Girl follow me!"

Xiao Yifeng said.

Mo Ji followed Xiao Yifeng chasing out the flying key.

As for Tian Tu, Cang Yunyan and Bai Xiner, they stay here.

Somewhere in the North Sea, a group of people stood in the void at this moment.

It is headed by the star meteor, and behind it is a group of powerful men who dominate the realm.

There are also a number of powerful half-step returners.

Thirty pieces of shard keys were suspended in front of the stars.

It was the fragmented key in the hands of the remaining 35 island owners.

call out! !! !!

Just then, a shard of key suddenly burst out in the distant void.

Immediately afterwards, the thirty-six pieces of the shard key came together, reconstituted a key, and shot a light directly toward the sea.

Rumble! !! !!

There was a burst of thunder from the calm sea.

Soon a huge sea vortex emerged. This vortex went straight to the sea floor, like an underground passage.

"Dragon Palace Channel, finally appeared!"

Star meteor's eyes flashed with excitement, staring at this huge undersea channel.


Just then, a cold and murderous grumpy suddenly sounded.

Xiao Yifeng came here with the two magic girls.

Seeing Xiao Yifeng, the star meteor flickered and rushed directly into the undersea channel.

At this time, the group of stars met directly in front of Xiao Yifeng.

"Maggie resolved him!"

Xiao Yi wind coldly.

Immediately a flash of icy look flashed through the eyes of the magic girl, and the body blasted away towards the group of people.

Rumble! !! !!

Suddenly a series of horrible roaring explosions sounded, and endless energy shattered the void.

Xiao Yifeng rushed towards the undersea channel that was closing, and rushed into it before it was about to close and disappear.

As soon as Xiao Yifeng entered the channel, he felt a strong phagocytosis sucking him down.

Soon Xiao Yifeng went deep into the ocean floor and came to a mysterious space on the ocean floor.

"Dragon Palace !!!"

Xiao Yifeng then looked intently and saw a huge undersea palace.

Above the submarine palace are two large characters hanging from a dragon palace.

"Is there a dragon palace here?"

Xiao Yifeng's eyes flashed a shocked look.

"Boy, this place may be a place where the ancestors of the Dragons lived in seclusion!"

Long Gan said sharply.

"Where the forefathers of the Dragons lived in seclusion!"

Xiao Yifeng's eyes flickered, and then his eyes saw that the gate of the dragon palace was opened.

Apparently that starburst has broken into it.

Xiao Yifeng didn't have much time to think, the whole person rushed towards this dragon palace.

When he saw the star fall this time, he naturally wanted to take revenge.

Yaxin died because of the other party, and although she can be resurrected, this revenge must be revenge.

When I came to the Dragon Palace, the palace was very prosperous, and the palace was full of various treasures.

There are all kinds of rare and rare exotic flowers and fruits that can never be encountered for thousands of years, and various kinds of elixir and elixir that can be refined into elixir and enhance human strength.

There are various materials for refining, in short, this dragon palace is like a treasure house.

But the most important thing is a kilometer-long dragon body in this dragon palace.

This dragon has a length of 1,000 kilometers and is covered in gray. It is covered with thick scales. The body is very large and winding in this palace.

There are a pair of sharp dragon horns on it, like a huge mountain, full of deterrence.

At this time, the dragon's eyes were closed tightly, and there was no vitality, but it still exuded a surging dragon power.

As if still alive, it brought a very terrible sense of oppression.

It makes people have a feeling of facing the heaven and earth gods, which is very scary.

"It turned out to be Canglong !!!"

At this moment, both World of Warcraft and Long Gan exclaimed.

"What is a Canglong, is it a great dragon?"

Xiao Yifeng curious.

"The Canglong belongs to the same dragon family, and belongs to the ancient giant dragon. Its combat effectiveness is very strong. Its position in the ancient dragon family is not inferior to the existence of the dragon god, the dragon.

"But in ancient times, Canglong was very scarce. I did not expect that there is a Canglong here, but this Canglong seems to be young, but he died!"

Said World of Warcraft.

"This is still called a minor?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the thousand-meter-long Canglong, his mouth jerking.

"True adult Canglongs are tens of thousands of feet long. A random blow can destroy a world, and its power is comparable to that of the emperor!"

Devouring World of Warcraft vomited.

"Haha, Canglong's essence and blood finally let me get it !!!"

At this time, a figure rushed out from the body of that Canglong Panyu, looking at a ball of blood-red essence blood in his hand, his eyes filled with an extremely excited look.

And this figure is star meteor, and the blood in front of him is the blood left by this ancient Canglong.

In this group of blood, a very surging and terrifying atmosphere was released, containing extremely terrible energy.

After all, it is the essence and blood of ancient dragons, and the power is naturally unimaginable.

"Boy, that's the blood of Canglong, baby's very, you must get it!"

Devouring World of Warcraft said suddenly.

Xiao Yifeng's eyes flickered with the splendid blood staring at Xing meteorite.

"The Lord of the Starry Sky !!!"

At this moment, the starry stare stared at Xiao Yifeng, his eyes flashed with coldness.

"Starfall, you must die today !!!"

Xiao Yifeng watched Xingmen yell coldly, and a horrific killing broke out.

"Well, Lord of the Stars, you didn't kill me back then, now you haven't even reached the Dominion, it's just a waste. Your confidence can kill me!" {

Star meteor flashed a look of disdain in Xiao Yifeng's eyes.

Sealing Spirit! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng directly urged this trick ~ ~ The power in the body began to skyrocket.

His realm all the way from the life and death of the sixfold shock to the mastery of the sixfold, the whole person's breath soared hundreds of times.

boom! !! !!

Immediately after the starry sky chart emerged from Xiao Yifeng, a mysterious breath was exuded.

"The destruction of the stars !!!"

Xiao Yi drank a storm, and the seven souls in his head began to shine brightly.

Seven stars emerged from the starry sky behind him.

As soon as these seven stars came out, the seven stars above the North Sea sky suddenly appeared.

Under the control of Xiao Yifeng, the seven stars in the void flashed directly into this Beihai Dragon Palace.

Seven stars above the sky plus seven stars in the sky map.

A total of fourteen bright stars shot out towards the starburst.

"Off !!!"

Xiao Yifeng drank again, pinching his hands.

The fourteen stars exploded directly in front of the star.

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