The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3142: Star Emperor Empress 1

Xiao Yifeng quickly caught it. The two white rays were two milky white crescent stones.


Looking at the spar during these two months, Xiao Yifeng's eyes flashed a look of wonder.

Just then, one of the crescent stones shot a light directly into Xiao Yifeng's body.

Suddenly a huge amount of information exploded in Xiao Yifeng's mind.

As soon as he closed his eyes, he began to digest the information.

When Xiao Yifeng opened his eyes again, his eyes were full of shock.

Obviously, this information is very shocking for Xiao Yifeng.

At the same time, he also knew the true identity of Luna and Ye Yaxin.

The two of them turned out to be just a soul reincarnation of one person.

This man is the Emperor Xuanyue, the wife of Emperor Xiao Yifeng's first starry sky.

Emperor Xuanyue-

In ancient times, the top female emperor was in control of the moon of heaven and earth!

The First Empress of the Starry Sky! !!

The only lady of the great star!

Or the head of the top ten female emperors in the ancient universe!

The first beauty in the sky!

In ancient times, with the reincarnation of the Starry Emperor Wheel.

The Empress Xuanyue also fell for some reasons.

The soul becomes nine and is divided into nine souls, each reborn.

The moon **** in ancient times was born and reborn as a soul body of the female Emperor Xuanyue.

Ye Yaxin of this life is also a soul body of the Empress Xuanyue.

In other words, they are one-ninth of the female Emperor Xuanyue.

The remaining seven souls of the Emperor Xuanyue were naturally reborn.

As for what they are now, what the reincarnation has become, no one knows.

Xiao Yifeng didn't know, this is the only information in this message.

There is also the desire to resurrect Xuanyue.

It is necessary to gather her nine souls in order to have the hope of reviving her.

As for the two crescent crystals in Xiao Yifeng's hands, they are the soul of Ye Yaxin and Luna.

At that time, Ye Yaxin accepted the inheritance of the Moon God, and the soul of the latter also entered Ye Yaxin's body and coexisted with it.

Now their two souls have been transformed into two months of spar.

And wanting to revive the Emperor Xuanyue can only be found by the reincarnation of her seven remaining souls.

But now it seems that the remaining seven souls reincarnated are obviously not on Earth and the ancient world.

But in other worlds, otherwise Xiao Yifeng can feel it.

Carefully put away the spar for two months, Xiao Yifeng's eyes were full of complex look.

He didn't expect that these things were so complicated.

Luna and Ye Yaxin are both just one of the nine souls of his first wife.

At this moment Xiao Yifeng's mood seems extremely complicated.

"Contains the light of the moon. Was that the legendary Empress Moon?"

Tian Hai Youruo said with a surprised look in her eyes.


Xiao Yifeng shook his head.

"The Emperor Xuanyue, the admiration of countless female warriors, is the first beauty in the sky."

"The head of the top ten female emperors in the sky, but unfortunately I did not have the opportunity to meet such super characters.

Tianhai Youru sighed, a pity of disappointment flashed in her eyes.

"Maybe I'll have a chance to see you later!"

Xiao Yifeng said, then came to Cang Yunyan: "Are you all right?"

"It's okay. It's all me. Miss Ye Ye ..."

Cang Yunyan said with a sad look in her eyes.

"It has nothing to do with you, you don't have to think so much!"

Xiao Yifeng said.

Rumble! !! !!

Just then, there was a thunderous sound in the distance.

Then the green rays of light burst into the sky.

A strong breath of life spread towards the entire North Sea.

"So strong life!"

Xiao Yifeng looked startled.

"This should be a spiritual tree opened!"

"I didn't expect this world to contain a spirit tree!"

Tian Hai Youruo said.

"Boy, hurry up, this spirit tree should help you regain your vitality!"

At this time, the sound of Sky Warcraft sounded suddenly.

Xiao Yifeng immediately fixed his gaze, and took the magical Ji Tiantu to rush to the Qing tribe where the spiritual tree is located.

At this time, in this Qing ethnic group, a large defensive array has been opened.

But it is still difficult to conceal the breath of life released by the opening of the wooden spirit tree this day.

In the depths of this Qing people, at this time, the Muling Tree has been completely opened, with branches and leaves scattered, exuding a strong breath of life.

At this moment all the strong people who dominate the Qing ethnic group are gathered here.

Among them, there are three half-step repatriates.

Their eyes were all staring at the wooden spirit tree this day, their eyes flashed with excitement.

They are all the power of cultivating wood. With the help of the wooden tree in this day, their strength must be greatly improved. Naturally, they are extremely happy and excited.

Rumble! !! !!

Just then, a large array of young people were attacked.

The powerful people of this Qing ethnic group were shocked, and a shocked look flashed in their eyes.

Soon this large array was destroyed, and Xiao Yifeng and his party first appeared in this youth.

At this moment, Xiao Yifeng was staring at the sky tree, his eyes flashing with excitement.

The rich breath of life energy poured into his body, so that the vitality originally consumed in his body began to slowly recover.

It can be seen that this spiritual tree really helped him to restore vitality.

"Who are you? How dare you break into my youth!"

The three strong men of the Qing ethnic group returning to the country watched Xiao Yi chillyly.

The horror of the body that sent out a half-step return was suppressed towards Xiao Yifeng and others.

"I want this spirit tree, you can go!"

Xiao Yifeng said indifferently.

"Arrogant boy, die!"

At this moment, the Qing clan chief looked at Xiao Yifeng and disdain.

Waving his hand is a power dominated by a title that directly attacks Xiao Yifeng ~ ~ Boom! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng blasted out with a thunder, and directly destroyed the opponent's attack.

At the same time, this terrible sky mine was attacking towards this Qing patriarch.

Seeing this, the three ancestors of the Qing nationality who were returning to the country in half a step were shocked and shot.

The three teamed up to block this thunderbolt, but they were all backed by the shock.

The Qing patriarch was still directly sent to Zhenfei, spitting blood in his mouth.

"This kid has Sky Thunder, let's go together!"

The three ancestors of the Qing nationality glanced at each other and decided to shoot at Xiao Yifeng together.

Just when Xiao Yifeng was about to urge the five major weapons to fight with them.

Tianhai Youru suddenly looked at the three of them and said:

"You give up this spirit tree, and I can give you some other compensation!"

"Where's Huangmao girl? Nosy, if you're nosy, let's die together!"

One of the three ancestors of the Qing ethnic group looked at Tianhai Youru with a disdainful hum, a cold look on his face.

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