The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3140: Ye Yaxin's anger

This huge palm was born from the sky.

At this moment Tu Tu's palm wrapped the body of Knife Gate Master in this day, and then he squeezed it.

With a loud bang, the main body of the Tiandaomen Gate, which dominates the strength, is bursting open.

The spirits were destroyed, and they were killed by a slaughter of the heavenly slaughter that dominated the territory.

The bones are gone, the soul is flying! !!

Seeing this scene, all the Beihai strongmen present were shocked and stunned, and did not respond for a long time.

Obviously, they did not expect that the powerful man who dominated the territory would be able to kill the powerful man who was dominated by the title.

This is simply horrible!

"Anyone who wants to hurt the young master must die !!"

Tiantu looked down at everyone present like a giant.

The sound was thunderous, shaking the eardrums of everyone present.

The horror-like spirit made everyone in the room tremble with fear in their eyes.

With a height of seven to eight meters, the giant body-like shape has given everyone present a great sense of deterrence and oppression.

Soon Tian Tu's figure recovered to a height of more than two meters, and he came to Xiao Yifeng in respect of the young master.

"Yes, the strength has improved so suddenly."

Xiao Yifeng looked at Tian Tu and smiled slightly.

"Thanks to Master Shao, otherwise I will not be able to get the complete Witch God heritage, which will inspire the blood of Witch God in my body, and it will be impossible to know some hidden things about Witch tribe!"

Tian Tu said, his expression looked a little solemn.

"Witch secrets? Do you know anything?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Tian Tu wondering.

"The Witch tribe is involved in a big thing, which is also the cause of the extermination. The reasons for this are very complicated!"

"When I sort out these things, tell the young master in detail!"

Tian Tu said looking at Xiao Yifeng.


Xiao Yifeng nodded.

"the host!"

At this moment, the figure of Mo Ji appeared here, shouting at Xiao Yifeng.

"Why is Magi the only one you have? Where is Yaxin?"

Xiao Yifeng said watching Mo Ji.

"Miss Cang Yunyan was forcibly taken away by a group of strong men before, and Miss Yaxin chased out, but she never returned!"

The magic girl said.


Xiao Yifeng's look changed, and his pupils were stern, and there was a dignified look in his eyes.

"Is that the group?"

Xiao Yifeng thought of the group who had to deal with the Cang family to seize the fragmented key.

Only they will go to Cang Yunyan.

And Ye Yaxin chased after not returning for so long, something must have happened.

Xiao Yifeng's expression seemed very ugly. When he opened the perspective, he began to search towards the North Sea.

"Are you looking for a woman with the power of the moon?"

At that time, Hai Youru looked at Xiao Yifeng and said suddenly.

"Yes! You know where she is?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Tian Hai and said rudely.

"Come with me!"

Tianhai Youru nodded, and they left Xiao Yifeng.

And somewhere in Beihai, Ye Yaxin was fighting fiercely with a man in a black robe.

At this moment, the man in the black robe was backed away by Ye Yaxin, although he had the strength in the early stage of quasi-reincarnation.

But in the face of Ye Yaxin's attack with the force of the moon, she couldn't resist it.

On the side there were several men in black holding the Cang Yunyan.

Boom boom! !! !!

Ye Yaxin exhibited the strongest blow, and the light of the moonlight haunted her.

There seemed to be a bright moon emerging from behind, exuding endless might.

The horrible force directly knocked the man in the black robe out, smashed to the ground, and a blood spurted out, which was severely damaged.

Huh! !! !!

At this moment, a man with a handsome and cold face, wearing a blue robe and flowing hair, appeared here.

With his hands behind his back, he exuded an invisible momentum.

"the host!!"

Seeing this man, the badly wounded man in a black robe shouted respectfully.

The men in black were all half kneeling and shouting respectfully at the man.

Obviously this man is the real master behind them.

At this moment the man stared at Ye Yaxin, his eyes were full of love and miss.

"Hundreds of thousands of years, I finally feel your breath again!"

The man looked at Ye Yaxin and muttered to himself, with deep thoughts in his tone.

"who are you?"

Ye Yaxin watched the man frown.

"Although you look a lot like her, you are not a moon **** after all, but this may be the compensation God gave me."

"Made me unable to get Luna, but sent me your alternative to Luna!"

The man looked at Ye Yaxin and said softly, with a complex look in his eyes.

"I don't know what you're talking about? Let go!"

Ye Yaxin looked at the man with a cold drink.

"You are my woman starting today!"

The man looked at Ye Yaxin and said arrogantly and powerfully.

"No way, I already have a husband!"

Ye Yaxin coldly.

"He doesn't deserve you. Only me in this world deserves you!"

The man said with a look of contempt.

"Well, my husband is the star of the starry sky. Can you compare with him?"

Ye Yaxin snorted coldly.

"The Lord of the Starry Sky? Your husband is the Lord of the Starry Sky?"

The man's pupils shrunk and looked at Ye Yaxin with a look of shock.


Ye Yaxin spat indifferently.

For a moment the man's face looked extremely ugly.

"It seems you are really alive, but why, why are you hundreds of thousands of years old, you have to fight with me."

"In the beginning Luna loved you, and now this woman too, why ????"

The man snarled, hissing with an unwilling look in his eyes, exuding a mighty might.

Huh! !! !!

The man looked at Ye Yaxin with the bloodthirsty cold cold mang in his eyes, and vomited coldly:

"I will kill the Lord of the Stars personally in your presence."

"you dare?"

Ye Yaxin watched the man yell.

"Hmm ~ ~ Is there something I dare not do in this world!"

"The Lord of the Stars didn't die in my hands, I will kill him this time!"

The man drank coldly, his eyes shone with cold coldness.

boom! !! !!

Ye Yaxin burst into a towering momentum.

A pair of eyes blinked at the man with cold eyes and spit coldly: "I won't let you hurt him!"

Immediately, Ye Yaxin rushed towards the man, her hands tied.

A terrible attack came towards the man.

boom! !! !!

The man waved his hand and destroyed Ye Yaxin's attack.

"You are not my opponent!"

The man watched Ye Yaxin spit indifferently, and a terror of quasi-repatriation erupted on his body, which shocked Ye Yaxin.

But Ye Yaxin didn't care at all, watching the man said coldly:

"With me, I won't let you hurt him, I want to hurt my man, unless I die !!!"

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