The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3129: The birth of the heavenly sacred place

"Regardless of his wind, this time they killed four of my Celestials and almost killed me, they **** it!"

The young man sighed coldly, his eyes were flashing with cold coldness, his face was very haggard.

"Don't be impulsive. Since the other party can destroy the temple and know the existence of our heavenly tribe, it is definitely not simple. It should also be some super power in ancient times. Investigate clearly before talking!

Said the clan chief.

"The four elders, I will leave it to you to investigate and find out which power they are?"

The clan patriarch looked at an elder below and said.

"Yes, Patriarch!"

One of the elders nodded.

"Tianhao, go back and improve your strength!"

"If you want revenge, go on your own!"

The clan chief looked at the young man and said.

"I see, father!"

The young man nodded.

"The patriarch previously said that Xiao Yifeng had exhausted his vitality and died. The seven stars just above the void were dim. Would you say that Xiao Yifeng would be ..."

At this moment, the elder of the clan of heaven looked at the clan of the clan of heaven and said.

"You mean he is the Lord of the stars?"

The chief of the Tian clan stared a little, and sank.

"It is possible that there is only that person in the world who can destroy the temple!"

"After all, the Lord of the Temple is someone who is not even sure of the old patriarch!"

The elder of the clan said this day.

"It was said that he was dead. I have never believed it. It seems that he did not die!"

"But this time the Lord of the Ancient World can only belong to our Celestial Clan."

"Only one of the Xingchen Temple and the Celestial Clan exists in the ancient world!"

The clan of the clan of the clan of heaven clan shot a faint savage, vomiting with a somber complexion, a mysterious breath surging all over.

The void around it instantly freezes, exuding the power to deter the world.

Nanhuang, one of the five sacred places in Tianhuang sacred place.

"Holy Lord, this is what I have investigated so far about the major areas of the ancient world, and now both the Heavenly Holy Land and the Promise Holy Land have recovered."

"They had previously sent someone to deal with Dongzhou's No. 1 dragon leader, Xiao Yifeng, but they were all killed by the other party, but it is said that this Xiao Yifeng had died out of vitality!"

In the presence of the Lord of the Holy Land, a man said kneeling here.

"Since he is dead, there is no need for Fengmeng to exist. For example, today's land changes, and martial arts comes."

"It's also time for me to return to the world from the heavenly sacred land, so let's start with Fengmeng!"

The Lord of the Holy Land said indifferently this day.

"Yes, Lord!"

The man nodded respectfully.

And in Bingzong, a crystal-clear palace.

Xue Wuji was lying on the bed with her strength bound, and Shangguan Waner was sitting beside him.

One hand slid gently on Xue Wuji's face.

"My queen of snow and ice, I didn't expect that you ended up in my hands. This time I want to see who else can help you. You can't beat me after all!"

Shangguan Wan'er looked at Xue Wuji with a sneer.

"Hum, sooner or later I will kill you!"

Xue Wuji stared coldly at Shangguan Wan'er.

"That day won't exist. Although you are strong, but you have nothing to fight with me, aren't you pretentious?"

"This time I will take good care of you and make you become the slave woman of the suzerain and make all your pride disappear."

Shangguan Wan'er chuckled Xue Wuji's jaw sternly, his eyes shone with cold coldness.

In the nine-day saints, a roar rang out suddenly.

The aura of auspiciousness rose into the sky in the void, and the rays of law came down.

A figure rose to the sky, exuding the power of the master, it was Xuan Zangruo.

Obviously, this Xuan Zang Ruo also broke into the dominion while taking advantage of the heaven and earth.

Soon the light of the Eight Laws entered Xuan Zangruo's body, letting him exude a terrifying momentum.

One strength has directly stepped into the triple dominance.

"Yes, it drew the light of the Eight Principles. It is indeed the strongest existence of the Jiutian Saints other than Xuan Nu. You did not let your mother down!

At this time Xuan Ruo came to Xuan Zhuang Ruo and said with a smile.

"Only eight rules of light, I thought there would be ten rules of light?"

If Xuan Zong's brow frowned, she looked a little displeased.

"The light of the Eight Laws is already very strong, and the super powers of ancient times have only inspired the light of the Eight Laws. This world is really too many evildoers."

"Therefore, there will be nine or even ten rules of light. There is absolutely no problem in stepping into quasi-reincarnation with your talent!"

Xuan Ruo Shen said.

"No matter what, I will definitely surpass Xuan Nu, I am the strongest of the saints in the next nine days. Unfortunately, that kid is dead."

"Otherwise I will let him know what a real genius is, and dare to look down on me before!"

Xuan Zang hummed coldly, his eyes flashing with brilliance.

Qinglong City, among the Qing family.

The Qing ancestor Qing Xuan sat here, and both the Bai ancestor and the Xuan family ancestor stood in front of him.

"Do you want to start playing Fairy Suzaku again?"

Bai Mo's ancestor Bai Mo frowned at Qing Xuan.

"Yes, now the Lord of the Starry is dead, this is the best time for us to shoot!"

Qing Xuan sank.

"Do you believe the Lord of the Stars died so easily?"

Bai Mo said.

"Even if he wasn't dead, he will definitely have an accident. At this time, he will have the opportunity to win the Suzaku Fairy and open the land of the four elephants!

"And I tell you, I just want you to obey, not to make you question, don't forget, you are now only one of me!"

Qing Xuan watched Bai Mo and Xuan's ancestor Xuan coldly.

On the island of Beihai, Xiao Yifeng, Ye Yaxin and Cang Yunyan stood here, watching the sparkling sea.

"Mr. Xiao, are you going to participate in the selection of the heirs to the Beihai Temple tomorrow?"

Cang Yunyan looked at Xiao Yifeng in shock at this moment ~ ~ Yes! "

Xiao Yifeng nodded.

"But this selection only allows the younger generation of Beihai under 30 years old to participate, Mr. Xiao ..."

Cang Yunyan looked at Xiao Yifeng with hesitation.

"His face is because of his loss of vitality. In fact, his true age is only twenty!"

Ye Yaxin opened her mouth, and Cang Yunyan was shocked.

"But now other forces are tracing the two of you and want to catch you and hand them over to the Thirteen Sea Clan. At this time, it is very dangerous to appear!"

Cang Yunyan frowned.

"It's okay, soldiers come to cover the water and cover the soil !!"

Xiao Yifeng smiled slightly.

At the same time, Beihai is one of the four major families in Beihai.

In the depths of the Qing people, there is a towering tree. At this moment, the towering tree begins to shine green.

It exudes a vibrant breath and contains a very surging vitality.

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