The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3126: Magic drug leaked

As night fell, a message made Xiao Yifeng's expression very ugly.

Tiancang Island Cang's house was destroyed, and it was destroyed by Tiandaomen and several other forces.

This news made Xiao Yifeng look very ugly, and returned to Tian Cang Island with Ye Yaxin.

When they came to Cangjia, the entire Tiancang Island had fallen into a sea of ​​fire.

"Sorry, I killed you!"

Xiao Yifeng's eyes flashed a look of guilt at the Cangjia that was burned by the fire.

If it were not for him, perhaps this Cangjia would not have been destroyed.

"Just rest assured, I will send everyone in Skydagger to accompany you!"

Xiao Yifeng said indifferently.

Xiao Yifeng and Ye Yaxin then left.

But they didn't go far, and suddenly a scream sounded in the distance.

"Is Mr. Xiao you?"

Cang Yunyan's voice passed into Xiao Yifeng's ears.

His gaze swept away, and he saw a frightened Cang Yunyan.

"Yunyan, you are not dead!"

Xiao Yifeng and Ye Yaxin came to Cang Yunyan.

"When the people came to Cang's, I was secretly sent by my father, but they were all dead!"

There was a look of pain in Cang Yunyan's eyes.

"It's all my fault, it's all because of me that Cang's family was destroyed!"

Xiao Yifeng sighed.

"I can't blame you. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid that my Cangjia would not have existed!"

Cang Yunyan shook her head, then she took out a box and gave it to Xiao Yifeng.

"what is this?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the box with a curious expression in his eyes and opened it, with a strange piece in it.

"This is what my father gave me, saying that it is a treasure of the Cang family. This is what the mysterious people wanted before."

"It is said that there are one such fragment in the hands of the thirty-six island owners, and they seem to be able to open somewhere when they are brought together."

"I don't know the specifics. My father asked me to keep it with you if I met you."

Cang Yunyan said.

Xiao Yifeng looked at the fragment, and secretly guessed what the fragment was about.

Even the 36 island owners owned one, and that mysterious force still wanted it.

In a mysterious palace in Beihai, the previous batch of black men gathered here again.

"Thanks a lot to that guy this time, to help us destroy the fifteen island owners and the strong men of their family, so that we can successfully get their family's Dragon Palace key fragments.

The sitting black-robed man spat coldly.

"But I don't know where the key fragment of Cang's is? We went to Cang's and looked at it before, there wasn't any!"

Said a man in black.

"Anyway, collect the other key fragments first."

"The key fragment of the Cang family will appear naturally."

The black-robed man spat coldly.


The men in black nodded.

Soon, the day passed.

Dongzhou, Holy Mountain! !! !!

A horrific master of power suddenly burst from the holy mountain.

An air of auspiciousness appeared on the sky.

A figure rushed into the void from the holy mountain, exuding the terrible power of the master, and this man was a wild beast.

Apparently today, the beast broke into the dominion.

At this moment, the blood of the mad **** in the beast is also constantly being excited.

Makes the momentum on him very terrifying, completely comparable to the power that dominates the top five powers.

Boom boom! !! !!

Soon a light of law descended on the sky, rushing into the body of the beast, making its breath more and more terrifying.

In an instant, the light of the Nine Laws rushed into the body of the mad beast. Obviously, this mad beast also inspired the light of the Nine Laws, and made countless strong men in Dongzhou startled again.

Since the beginning of the world, many people in the ancient world have broken through the dominance.

But at the very least, it inspired the light of the Seven Principles. I did not expect that today there will be a super genius who inspired the light of the Nine Principles.

boom! !! !!

With all the light of the Nine Laws rushing into the beast's body, a terrible momentum broke out on him.

The realm of strength rushed directly to the five major masters, exuding a very terrifying violent atmosphere.

It's terrible, it feels like a violent beast, and it makes people startled inside.

Then the wild beasts returned to the holy mountain, and Jianyun congratulated them one after another.

Rumble! !! !!

Just then, a huge sea of ​​thunder appeared again above the void, and the title thunderstorm appeared again.

"Someone broke through to the title again?"

Everyone on the holy mountain looked startled.

call out! !! !!

At this moment a cyan light soared into the sky, standing under the thunder sea, the wind was quiet.

Feng Youyou's strength at this time has stepped into the title of domination.

The strength is also improved very quickly, after all, it is the magic medicine of heaven and earth, and the speed of cultivation is amazing.

Soon a thunderbolt landed towards the wind, and the latter constantly urged the strength of the whole body to resist.

It's just that Feng Youyou is the medicine of heaven and earth, not the human body.

In the face of this thunderbolt, it is not as easy as human race to resist.

Under the bombardment of the thunderstorm, Feng Youyou restored the essence of the magic medicine, shining bright blue light.

Rumble! !!

Under some bombardment, the thunderstorm was also over.

However, a strong atmosphere of heaven and earth magic medicine spread rapidly, sweeping the entire Dongzhou.

For a time, the strong men of the major forces in Dongzhou sensed the existence of this heaven and earth magic medicine, and their eyes were full of shock.

"Not good. Youyou is the heaven and earth magic medicine. The atmosphere of heaven and earth magic medicine is released now, it must have shocked the powerful men in Dongzhou."

The Lanyi people's expression sank and said solemnly.

"What happened then?"

Drunk Jiao Niang's eyes have a puzzled look ~ ~ The heaven and earth medicine is a good resource for the warrior to enhance his strength, especially Youyou, who has given birth to the wisdom and strength, has achieved Heaven and earth magic medicine dominated by the title. "

"Once people are refined, their strength will certainly skyrocket and reach a very high level."

"The title dominates refining and entering the half-step round of repatriation without any problems, so it will definitely attract a lot of strong players to compete!"

The Lanyi person said solemnly.

"Who dares to come, who will die!"

Tiansha hummed coldly.

"Now the beast god, Xiao Si, Wuliang, Tong Yan, they are all rehabilitated in retreat because of the previous battle with the two mysterious strongmen."

"Now the strongest on our side is Tiansha, your half-rounder."

"If there are a few half-rounders coming back, it will be troublesome!"

Lan Yi said frowned.

Said Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived in less than three minutes.

Every figure appeared on the void where the holy mountain was.

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