The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3124: See also Bai Xiner

The person appearing this time is one of the Six Great Doors of Beihai.

It is headed by the deputy head of Tiandaomen and an ancestor returning from the country in half a step.

They came here one time to catch the killers against the Thirteen Sea clan.

There is revenge for their second young prince.

Wang Ziyi, the son of the master of the Tiandaomen, was killed today.

They must report this hatred, otherwise the majesty of the sky knife door.

"Who are you?"

Xiao Yifeng looked coldly at this group of people.

"It's you who killed my second master of Tiandaomen, it's not that brave enough to dare to attack my young master of Tiandaomen!"

The pair of doorkeepers looked at Xiao Yi with a cold drink.

"It turned out to be Tiandaomen. Are you afraid of death?"

Xiao Yifeng sneered.

"Boy, although the hand you just made is really shocking."

"But there is an old ancestor who is returning to the country halfway around me. The only person who died today can only be you!"

On this day, the deputy gatekeeper looked at Xiao Yifeng coldly.

"You have too much nonsense!"

Xiao Yi chuckled coldly, waving with one hand, Tian Lei hacked directly at the other side.

Seeing the sky thunder slashing, the deputy gatekeeper of the Tiandaomen, who only controlled Yage, changed his face and called out:

"Old ancestors save me!"

Immediately, the half-step returning ancestor attacked the sky mine.

boom! !! !!

Tian Lei collided with the palm of this half-step repatriation ancestor.

Immediately, his entire arm was annihilated, and the ancestor of Tiandaomen showed a terrified look in his eyes, and then he retreated.

And this day Thunder also completely killed the deputy master of the sky knife door.

In the next second, the ancestor of Tiandaomen, who had lost half of his arms with one arm, quickly disappeared here.

Later Xiao Yifeng and Ye Yaxin also left Cangjia.

Staying in Cangjia can only bring endless trouble to Cangjia.

Soon the news that the fifteen island owners took hundreds of strong men to Cang's house and were all killed was spread in Beihai.

The major forces in the North Sea were shocked.

They have started to issue notices to Xiao Yifeng and Ye Yaxin.

Not paying attention to these Xiao Yifeng and Ye Yaxin, they came to another island.

Went here for a while, then found an inn and walked in to prepare something to eat.

Soon Xiao Yifeng and Ye Yaxin ate.

After a while, a man was wearing a white palace dress with white hair bands on his hair, and his face was exquisite and beautiful.

The noble and holy woman came in and sat down aside.

With the appearance of this woman, it also attracted the attention of many people throughout the inn.

"Isn't that Bai Xiner, the maid of Cihang Jingzhai?"

"I heard that she has broken through to the realm of domination, but she is a true goddess!"

"So beautiful !!!"

At this moment, many people in the inn looked at the woman, and the woman was naturally Bai Xiner.


Xiao Yifeng heard their argument, and also looked away at the woman in white.

When he saw the other party was Bai Xin'er, he looked startled.

He didn't expect to see Bai Xiner here again.

At the beginning of the battle for the Dragon List, the other party knelt on the ground and begged his master in order to prevent his master from hurting him.

And promised his master would never see Xiao Yifeng again.

That scene reappeared in Xiao Yifeng's mind.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yifeng's heart seemed a little complicated.

"Isn't that woman the Miss Bai Family in Suhang?"

At this time, Ye Yaxin also recognized Bai Xiner. At the time, Bai Xiner also went to work for the Ye Group for a while.


Xiao Yifeng nodded.

"She even came here, and she became the master of the realm. It's incredible!"

Ye Yaxin looked surprised.

Then a man and a woman came in again.

These two people are just the sun and moon sect who have just broken through and dominated the Son and Saint.

As soon as the sun and moon sect came in, he saw Bai Xiner sitting on the side.

Immediately, his eyes shot a look of excitement and walked over.

"Miss Xiner, you're eating here too, what a coincidence!"

The Son came to Bai Xiner and said.

"It's a coincidence!"

Bai Xin'er looked at the saint and said lightly.

"Since it's such a coincidence, let's eat together. I'll treat this meal!"

The saint sat directly beside Bai Xin'er and smiled.

It can be seen from his eyes that he clearly has an idea for Bai Xiner.

Seeing this scene, the sage of the Sun and Moon Sect looked a little gloomy.

Gaze looked at Bai Xiner's eyes with a look of jealousy.

"No thanks!"

Bai Xin'er looked at the sun and moon sage and said.

"Well, what's so great, everyone has broken through the dominion."

"Don't look down on others, who do you think you are?"

At that moment, the maiden of the Sun and Moon Sect looked at Bai Xin'er, and her eyes were full of jealousy.

"I didn't look down on you, please don't get me wrong!"

Bai Xin'er looked at the woman and said calmly.

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Then the saint looked at the maiden and said.

"This look gives you a high profile. What's so great about you, isn't it for men?"

At this moment, the maiden of the Sun Moon Sect looked at Bai Xin'er hummingly, her eyes full of jealousy.

Seeing her beloved teacher talking for Bai Xin'er, the woman's heart was full of jealousy and perseverance.

Hearing the woman's dirty words, Bai Xin'er's eyes flashed a look of discomfort.

Snapped! !! !!

At this moment, a powerful force swept through and hit the face of the Sun and Moon Sect.

His face was red and swollen on the spot.

"Who? How dare you hit me?"

On this day, the sacred lady of the Yuezong shouted angrily ~ ~ and looked around.

The eyes of Bai Xin'er and the Son also looked around.

"Can't speak, you should slap!"

The cold voice sounded suddenly, Xiao Yifeng glanced at the sun and moon sage.

Obviously it was just that he couldn't keep shooting.

"Old man, who are you? How dare you hit my sister?"

On this day, the Son of the Moon and the Moon watched Xiao Yi Feng coldly drink.

And Bai Xin'er watched Xiao Yifeng's pupils shrink, his body trembled, her eyes with an incredible look.

Although Xiao Yifeng is now very different from before.

But Bai Xiner recognized Xiao Yifeng at a glance.

When she saw Xiao Yifeng's appearance at this time, her eyes were full of shock.

"Asshole boy, how dare you hit me, I want to kill you!"

At this moment, the maiden of the Sun and Moon Sect stared at Xiao Yifeng and hummed coldly.

A cold mang flashed in his hand, and an artifact sword appeared in his hand, attacking Xiao Yifeng.

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