The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3119: Sky Thunder Chops

"Xiao Xingxing, you are too cruel. Such a big beauty is turned into a pig by you!"

Xiao Yifeng said unfortunately.

Not to mention the perverted hobby of the Flower Sovereign, she is still a very attractive big beauty.

It was a pity to be labeled like this.

"Did you fancy her?"

Ye Yaxin gave Xiao Yifeng an unhappy look.

"how could be!"

"I wouldn't fancy this woman, otherwise she might want to rob you of me!"

Xiao Yifeng smiled slightly.

Xiao Yifeng then took back the little stars and the ancient seal of the starry sky, and took Cang Yunyan and Ye Yaxin towards the outside.

But Xiao Yifeng they just came out of this palace.

I saw two women appearing here.

Both of them are superpowers in the half-step rebirth, apparently the hidden superpowers of Huazong.

"It's not so easy to get out of Huazong, get me them!"

At this moment, the Sovereign of the Flower Sect came out with a pig's head and angrily shouted.

The two strong men in Huazong's half-round return attacked directly towards Xiao Yifeng and Ye Yaxin.

boom! !! !!

Now that she walked out of the palace, Ye Yaxin's suppressed power also recovered.

A horror of power comparable to that of a quasi-reincarnation power broke out on her, bursting out in one hand.

On the spot, these two strong men who returned to Huazong for half a step were sent to Hongfei.

The two men were constantly spitting blood on the ground.

"Let's go !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said, the three left the flower sway with a big swing.

Seeing this, the remaining Huazong strongmen were totally afraid to stop them.

In the eyes of the Flower Sovereign, there was a look of coldness and unwillingness.

"Be careful, I must make you look good !!!"

The Sovereign of the Flower Sovereign shouted.

After leaving Huazong, Xiao Yifeng and the three were also leaving Wanhua Island and returning to Tiancang Island.

However, not long after they left Wanhua Island, they saw two young men standing here fighting on the sea under the dark night.

They each held an artifact sword, and the fighting was comparable.

Rolling over the calm sea, the strength of both of them reached the level of life and death.

The combat effectiveness is also very powerful.

"Who are these two guys? They went to the sea to fight in the evening!"

Xiao Yifeng looked surprised at the two men.

"Two of them are the young masters of the four major families of the Beihai family, one is the Jiang young master Jiang Feng and the other is the Wang young master Wang Hai.

Bang Bang! !! !!

After a fierce battle, the two men's bodies were back and forth.

"Jiang Feng, your ability to improve is fast enough!"

"Well, Wang Hai is not bad at improving your strength!"

The two were separated and looked at each other coldly.

"It seems it's not so easy for the two of us to try to separate out who is more afraid!"

"Then stay on the magic island and compete again, this time I will make the order for the heir to the Beihai Temple!"

"Then try it out, who is the heir is not necessarily yet!"

The two youths confronted each other with a look of indifference.

"None of you can be the heir to the Beihai Temple!"

Just then a cold voice sounded.

Another young man in black came in the air.

The young man in black stood coldly in front of Jiang Feng and Wang Hai.

"Li Tian, ​​why are you here?"

The Jiang Feng and Wang Hai looked at the young man in black in cold.

This young man in black is Li Tian, ​​one of the four major families in Beihai.

At this moment Li Tian's eyes flashed a cold look at Wang Hai and Jiang Feng.

A terrible killing broke out across the two men.

"I appear here to send you to hell."

"Let's go to **** and compete for the position of the heir to the Beihai Temple!"

Li Tian looked at them coldly.

Huh! !!

Huh! !!

With Li Tian's voice fell.

There appeared to be two strong men who dominated the realm on this sea, and their gas engines locked Wang Hai and Jiang Feng.

Seeing this, the faces of the two young and old were all sinking, and there was a look of dignity and anger in his eyes, looking at Li Tian.

"Li Tian, ​​are you crazy, do you dare to kill the two of us, aren't you afraid of the anger of the Jiang and Wang ethnic groups?"

Jiang Feng watched Li Tian drink coldly.

"Well, as long as the two of you are dead, who knows that it's all me, anyone who wants to compete with me for the position of heir to the Beihai Temple must die."

"I can only blame the two of you for being stupid, and even running here alone to compare and give me a wonderful opportunity!"

Li Tian looked at the two men and hummed coldly, exuding a cold evil spirit.

"Master, there seems to be magic in this guy!"

Watching this scene from a distance, the sound of the little stars in Xiao Yifeng's body suddenly sounded.

"Magic? Is he a demons?"

Xiao Yifeng looked startled, staring at Li Tian.

"I don't know. The magic energy on him is very weak. What magic skills may have been cultivated!"

Little Star said.

"The two of you will go to **** together tonight, and you will not feel lonely on Huangquan Road!"

Li Tian looked at the two men with a cold smile and waved.

The two powerful men who dominate the realm are going to kill Jiang Feng and Wang Hai.

Jiang Feng and Wang Hai have a look of despair in their eyes. Although they are both strong and powerful in the realm of life and death, they can fight against the powerful two and three.

But these two are the five strongest men who dominate the realm. They are not at all able to deal with them. They only have to wait for death.


Just then a cold voice sounded.

Xiao Yifeng's three figures appeared here.

Seeing the sudden appearance of three figures, Li Tian's gaze was fixed.

Jiang Feng and Wang Hai both looked at Xiao Yifeng.

"who are you?"

Li Tian looked at the three of Xiao Yifeng coldly.

"Passing by, want to fight against each other!"

Xiao Yifeng hugged with both hands ~ ~ looked at Li Tian with a playful look.

"Old guy, I think you are looking for death!"

Li Tian's eyes flashed a fierce look at Xiao Yifeng.

"Kill them three first!"

Li Tian coldly sang, and the two powerful men who dominated the realm turned and attacked Xiao Yifeng.

boom! boom! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng waved his hand, Tian Lei burst out.

There were two thunders in the void, and then this day thunder turned into two thunder and lightning that fell from the sky and fell on the two powerful men who dominated the fivefold.

On the spot, the two of them were smashed by the split spirit, and there was no dead body.

Seeing this scene, Li Tian, ​​Wang Hai, and Jiang Feng all had their eyes widened, and their faces shook an incredible look.

Obviously, they didn't expect that this man would wave two hands to kill the two strongest men who dominated the realm.

Huh! !! !!

Li Tian's face was frozen, and he disappeared here without a word.

Obviously Li Tian knew Xiao Yifeng's terror, so he fled directly.

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