The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3117: Step into Huazong

The Vice Sovereign of the Flower Sect did not leave any shot at his shot, and went all out.

"I come!"

Xiao Yifeng was about to make a move, and Ye Yaxin blocked him again.

"Anyone who wants to hurt my husband can only-die!"

Ye Yaxin looked coldly at the Huazong Deputy Sovereign and spat coldly.

Suddenly, a terrible killing intention erupted from Ye Yaxin's body.

boom! !! !!

A horrific power broke out from Ye Yaxin, she waved with one hand.

An invisible force instantly destroyed the four fire attacks of Huazong's Deputy Sovereign.

Seeing this, the Deputy Sovereign of the Flower Sect was startled, and then she waved her hands again.

A force of terror erupted, and all the forces that dominated the territory broke out.


Ye Yaxin's eyes flashed a savage killing, and she sighed coldly.

Immediately, Ye Yaxin twirled her hands with Yin Jue, surging with the holy moonlight.

At this moment, the bright moon in the night sky is extremely bright.

Ye Yaxin was shrouded in invisible rays of moon, making it look sacred and inviolable.

Soon Ye Yaxin attacked the Vice Sovereign of the Flower Sect with one palm.

A white mysterious seal seemed extremely dazzling in the dark night, like a round of bright moon suppressing towards the Vice Sovereign of the Flower Sect.

The horror released from it shocked the people around.

The Vice Sovereign of the Flower Sect saw his Xuanyin attack and his face changed even more.

There was a deep sense of crisis in my heart, and there was a feeling that he was about to step into death hell.

This vassal deputy was too late to think of anything else, and then turned to run away.

Ye Yaxin's power is completely beyond her imagination, and she can only escape from here now.

boom! !! !!

But as soon as the Vice Sovereign of the Flower Sect ran out, the bright moon-like mystery fell on him.

A roar rang, and the Vice Sovereign of the Flower Sect was completely consumed by the energy of this month.

The entire human body, including the spirits, was destroyed on the spot.

The dead can't die any more, without any ability to resist.

In this way, the deputy lord of Huazong, one of the six major gates of Beihai, was instantly killed by nothing.

This scene shocked everyone on the scene, including the remaining disciples of Huazong and the Prince Yi.

Their eyes were wide, with an incredible look on their faces.

The prince Yi shuddered, feeling a sense of fear.

He did not expect that the young beauty would be so horrible in her strength, and she would kill the Vice Sovereign of Huazong in one move.


Destroy the Vice Sovereign of the Flower Sect, Ye Yaxin regained her strength, hummed indifferently, and stood beside Xiao Yifeng.

At this moment Xiao Yifeng came to Wang Ziyi's side, his eyes flashing coldly and looking at the other side.

"You ... what are you doing?"

Wang Ziyi watched Xiao Yifeng standing in front of himself, his eyes full of fear, his heart trembled.

"I gave you a chance before, but didn't kill you, but in the end you chose to die for yourself and find someone else to deal with me. It seems that I am too kind-hearted!

Xiao Yifeng's eyes flashed a cold, murderous vomit.

"I tell you, I am the second master of Tiandaomen, you ... if you dare to treat me, God ..."

Wang Ziyi watched Xiao Yifeng threaten with nervousness.

But before he finished speaking, Xiao Yifeng grabbed his throat with one hand, and the thunder in his body broke out.

The guy was split into scum in an instant.

Xiaoyifeng, one of the six major gates in Beihai, was destroyed by Xiao Yifeng.

Everyone around him saw this with a shocking look in his eyes looking at Xiao Yifeng and Ye Yaxin.

These two guys, one killed the Vice Sovereign of the Flower Clan, and one killed the Second Master of the Tiandaomen.

This one offends two of the six top ancestors in Beihai, which is really bold and not afraid of death.

However, Xiao Yifeng and Ye Yaxin did not care at all.

They left the place with stunned Cangyun Yantang, leaving the stunned crowd.

Xiao Yifeng did not leave Wanhua Island immediately, but continued to play here.

As if nothing had happened just now, they were having fun.

"I'll go first for convenience!"

Ten minutes later, Cang Yunyan watched Xiao Yifeng and Ye Yaxin talking and left the place first.

Ye Yaxin snuggled into Xiao Yifeng's arms and said gently:

"Tonight is the happiest night except the night I gave myself to you. Thank you for staying with me!"

"You are my wife. I do n’t accompany you. I was incapable of letting you be taken away by others and lost my memory. So you suffered so much."

"It won't happen again in the future, and I won't let anyone take you away from me unless I die!"

Xiao Yifeng took hold of Ye Yaxin and said firmly.

At this time, Ye Yaxin blocked Xiao Yifeng's lips with one hand and said, "If you don't say that, I won't let you die, if you really encounter danger in the future."

"I would rather die for you than you die for me, you have many people to take care of besides me."

"Hongmei, Yaochen, they are still waiting for you, so you can't die for me alone, then I will be very guilty!"

"Relax, I just said that, but the people who really let me die in this world are afraid they haven't been born yet!"

Xiao Yifeng smiled slightly.

"Yes, why hasn't Yunyan come back yet?"

Suddenly Ye Yaxin said.

Just then, a woman came here, watching Xiao Yifeng and Ye Yaxin said:

"The lord asked me to tell you that if you want to save your friends, go to Huazong with me."

"Otherwise the woman will be a corpse tomorrow!"

For a moment ~ ~ Xiao Yifeng and Ye Yaxin's faces were sinking.

Xiao Yifeng appeared instantly in front of the woman, holding her neck coldly with one hand:

"What have you done to Yunyan?"

"She is in our Huazong now, and if she wants to save someone, follow me to Huazong!"

The female disciple was pale and said weakly.

"lead the way!"

Xiao Yi chilled and let go of the female student of Huazong.

Xiao Yifeng and Ye Yaxin followed the Huazong female disciple to Huazong in the center of Wanhua Island.

The entire Huazong is full of beautiful female disciples, which is just a man's paradise.

And they are all very charming and sexy. They did n’t know they thought they had come to that place.

Soon the female disciple of Huazong took Xiao Yifeng and Ye Yaxin to the outside of a palace.

"The one you want is inside!"

The female disciple said, and immediately left here.

Xiao Yifeng pushed the door directly and walked in, Ye Yaxin followed.

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