The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3113: Tiancang Island

In the face of this situation, the entire cargo ship was frightened except Xiao Yifeng.

"Let me do it this time!"

Ye Yaxin suddenly said.

"Be careful!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Ye Yaxin and reminded.

"These people can't hurt me!"

Ye Yaxin smiled slightly, and walked away, standing on top of the void, staring indifferently at these sea sharks.

Ye Yaxin twitched Yin Jue with her hands, surging with the power of the holy moon.

A horrific power broke out from Ye Yaxin, covering the whole sea shark people.

Immediately, their faces changed greatly and they felt tremendous pressure.

The sea shark patriarch was shocked, and he did not expect that this human woman would be so powerful.

"A thousand months to cut !!!"

Ye Yaxin drank indifferently, waving her hands violently.

A light of the moon erupted on his body, and the light of this moon turned into a bright moon in the void.

As if countless bright moons hang in the void, spit out with Ye Yaxin's words.

Suddenly the bright moon turned into a meniscus-shaped blade and blasted away towards this group of sea sharks.

Rumble! !! !!

There was a series of deafening roars in the void of the sea.

The endless moon blade fell on these sea sharks, destroying all their bodies.

With this blow, Ye Yaxin burst into full force.

Today, after several integrations with Xiao Yifeng, Ye Yaxin's strength has also improved a lot.

It can almost be regarded as entering the quasi-return.

With all her strengths, she could not resist these hundreds of sea sharks, and they were all killed instantly.

Including the sea shark patriarch with the title to dominate.

Facing Ye Yaxin's horrific blow, she fell without resisting for half a minute.

One minute later, the energy aftermath of Ye Yaxin's outburst was completely dissipated.

The shattered void began to heal, and the sea was flushed.

They were all red with the blood of these hundreds of sea sharks.

Hundreds of sea sharks, including the chief, were sent directly to **** by Ye Yaxin.

Seeing this scene, Ye Yaxin looked very indifferent, and returned to Xiao Yifeng and said, "How?"

"Nice, great!"

Xiao Yifeng scratched Ye Yaxin's nose and said with a smile.

A day later, Xiao Yifeng finally stepped into the North Sea and boarded an island.

At the same time, the Beihai Thirteen Sea clan was shaken by the news that hundreds of sea sharks, including the patriarch and patriarch, had all fallen.

These thirteen sea clan are all extremely angry.

They have stood in Beihai for so many years and have never been so provocative.

Today, even the patriarchs have been killed, which has completely offended the Shisanhai clan.

They sent a large number of people in search of the whereabouts of the killer.

Tiancang Island, one of the many islands in the North Sea.

It is also the first island in the North Sea that Xiao Yifeng and Ye Yaxin boarded.

This North Sea island is like a city elsewhere in the ancient world.

It's just that it's bigger than cities in other parts of the ancient world.

"The scenery here is so beautiful!"

Ye Yaxin sighed while watching the scenery on the island.

"When we return to Earth, we will buy an island, and our family will live on it!"

Xiao Yifeng smiled slightly.

Bang Bang! !! !!

At this moment a fierce battle sounded in a distant wood.

Xiao Yifeng and Ye Yaxin walked over.

At this moment in the woods on this island, a group of men are holding swords and are fighting fiercely with several people.

Behind these people stood a bi-decade-old woman.

The woman was very handsome, holding a green sword, her face was dignified and angry.

Puff puff! !! !!

Soon a few people in front of the woman who were protecting her were killed by the other party.

The men surrounded the woman directly.

"Who the **** are you and why do you help my uncle do wrong?"

The woman stared at the crowd with an angry look.

"take away!"

A man headed by this group of people coldly waved his hand and immediately caught the woman.


At this moment a grumbling came out.

I saw Ye Yaxin and Xiao Yifeng came over, it was Ye Yaxin who spoke just now.

"Who are you?"

The cold eyes of these men looked at Xiao Yifeng.

"Don't you feel so ashamed that so many of you bully a woman?"

Ye Yaxin looked at the group of people coyly.


The headed man drank indifferently and waved his hand.

The others waved their weapons and rushed towards Ye Yaxin and Xiao Yifeng.


Xiao Yi sighed coldly, waved with one hand, and the power of several thunder burst out.

All the guys in this group were split in no time.

The besieged woman was startled, looking at Xiao Yifeng and Ye Yaxin with a look of horror.

"It's okay, don't worry, we won't hurt you!"

Ye Yaxin came to the woman with a smile and said.

"thank you all!"

The woman looked at Ye Yaxin and Xiao Yifeng and said.

"What's your name?"

Ye Yaxin asked when looking at the woman.

"My name is Cang Yunyan!"

The woman said.

"Why are they dealing with you?"

Xiao Yifeng asked.

"My father is the owner of the island of Tiancang Island. As a result, my uncle today gave a mysterious medicine to the strong family members, which caused my father's strength to diminish."

"Then a group of mysterious people came to my Cang family and seriously wounded my father and the elders."

"I fortunately escaped under the protection of several strong family members, and then they were hunted down by them."

Cang Yunyan said, looking at Xiao Yifeng violently, "Heroes, please save my father?"

Cang Yunyan said while kneeling down at Xiao Yifeng ~ ~ Get up, what are you doing? "

Xiao Yifeng quickly lifted up Cang Yunyan.

"Husband, should you help her?"

Ye Yaxin looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

"It's okay anyway, just go and see!"

Xiao Yifeng said.

There is a huge manor-like presence in the center of Cangdao this day.

This is where the head of Cangjia, the master of Tiancang Island, is located.

At this moment in the courtyard of Cangjia, a group of people were stained with blood, kneeling on the ground in a weak breath.

It is the Cang family owner who leads the Cang Mo Island.

Behind this Cang Mo are Cang's parents and several ancestor-level characters.

Next is a part of the Cang family, of course, half of them are safe and sidelined.

And they are all people who trusted in Cang Mo's second brother Cang Qian.

At this time, a group of men in black and holding weapons stood in front of Cang Mo and others.

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