The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3001: Xiao Yifeng's Hate

"Thank you, master!"

Xiao Xiu Xiu looked at Xiao Yifeng and said directly.

"Let's improve our strength!"

Xiao Yifeng said watching Xiao Xiu Xiu.

"Mr. Xiao!"

At this time Xia Zhenghai's figure appeared at the Spirit Gate.

"President Xia, why are you here?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Xia Zhenghai and said with a smile.

"Before you asked me to investigate the descendants of Queen Dan's descendants, I have already investigated some, and came here to tell you!

Xia Zhenghai said watching Xiao Yifeng.

"Oh, is that how?"

Xiao Yifeng said directly.

In the Dan Tower at the beginning, the Emperor Dan asked him to help find his family's descendants. Later, he entrusted the matter to Xia Zhenghai.

After all, they are alchemy. They should be easier to find. I didn't expect that there was news.

"According to my investigation these days, the Dan Emperor Family has lived in seclusion since the end of the ancient times, and has basically not walked outside. It is difficult to find the Dan Emperor Family."

Xia Zhenghai said.

"That's it!"

Xiao Yifeng has some regrets.

"But I know that the Danish royal family is outside. Through him, you can know where the Danish royal family is."

Xia Zhenghai said lightly.


Xiao Yifeng curious.

"Dan Mo, Danzong Deputy Sovereign!"

"He's from the Dan royal family!"

Xia Zhenghai said.

"Dan Mo, is he really a Dan royal?"

There was a shocked look in Xiao Yifeng's eyes. He had this expectation before, but he did not expect it to be true.

"Yes, it ’s just that few people know about it, and not many people in the ancient world know about the Dan royal family. Only some older alchemists know these things!"

Xia Zhenghai said lightly.

"Okay, thanks a lot!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Xia Zhenghai and thanked him.

"You're welcome, but we Alchemy Association worships the elders, and I should do the same. I have nothing to say in the future!"

Xia Zhenghai said, and immediately left here.

Xiao Yifeng's eyes narrowed slightly, his eyes flashed with light.

"Danzong, it seems like time to go!"

Xiao Yifeng murmured to himself, apparently intending to go to Danzong, one for this Dan Mo and one because of his master.

After his master was taken away by the wind, there was no news.

Now that he has enough strength, he no longer needs to be afraid of wind and boundlessness, and naturally he has to rescue his master.

"Old man, you must be fine!"

Xiao Yifeng secretly blessed, so long passed.

He wasn't sure if the **** Feng Wuyao would attack Xiao Yunzi, so he could only pray in his heart.

Xiao Yifeng then led people to Danzong.

Danzong, the only sect of alchemy in the ancient world, is also a very ancient force.

More than half of Danzong are alchemists. Except for the Alchemy Association, there are the most alchemists in Danzong.

And one third of the ancient medicine in the ancient world came from Danzong, which is enough to prove the impact of Danzong on the ancient world.

Today, Xiao Yifeng is the first time to come to Danzong.

Speaking of which, he is also a member of the Danzong, after all, his master Xiao Yunzi was the former Danzong.

When he came to Danzong, Xiao Yifeng glanced through his eyes, and found no boundless wind, nor did he find his master Xiao Yunzi, but only saw Dan Mo, who was practicing.

"Dan Mo, come out!"

Xiao Yifeng yelled and stunned the entire Danzong.

All Danzong's disciples and strongmen all came outside, and when they saw Xiao Yifeng in the void, the faces of many Danzong people changed, obviously they all knew Xiao Yifeng.

Dan Mo and several figures of Elder Danzong appeared here.

Seeing Xiao Yifeng, Dan Mo's face changed slightly, and a strange look flashed in his eyes.

"Xiao Yifeng, why are you here? We don't seem to provoke you!"

Dan Mo looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

"Where is the wind?"

Xiao Yi shouted coldly.

"My lord is out, what are you doing?"

Dan Mo said directly.

"What about Xiaoyunzi, your former ruler? Where is he now?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Dan Mo and said directly.

"Master Xiaoyunzi? Didn't he die long ago?"

Dan Mo said.

"You better tell me the truth? Otherwise I will kill the entire Danzong today, you should believe that I have this ability!"

Xiao Yifeng sighed coldly, a flash of cold coldness flashed in his eyes, and a monstrous murderousness erupted on his body.

This day, everyone waiting for this day also broke out a horrific killing intention to suppress everyone in this Danzong.

Suddenly, all of these Danzong people's faces changed greatly, their eyes shook with fear.

Namo also had a somber expression on his face, with a frown on his face, and his face looked very ugly.

"Don't say it? It seems you really want me to destroy Danzong."

Xiao Yi drank coldly.

"The former Sovereign ... he is dead!"

Finally Dan Mo began to speak.

What he said was that Xiao Yifeng's face changed greatly, his heart trembled, and he shouted, "What? What did you say?"

"The Lord Xiaoyunzi was dead a few months ago!"

Dan Mo said in a deep voice.

"Who did it? Isn't it infinite?"

Xiao Yifeng's face looked extremely ugly, his eyes filled with thick anger, and he drank coldly.

"Yes, he searched the soul for information from the old lord, and the old lord died!"

Dan Mo said directly.

"The wind is boundless, you **** it !!!"

Xiao Yifeng directly issued an angry roar, his eyes were red, and a monstrous murderous intention erupted on his body, which capsized like the flood of a **** ~ ~ The entire Danzong was shrouded in Xiao Yifeng's terrible murderous intention Below, everyone shivered.

"Old man, I'm sorry for you!"

Xiao Yifeng knelt down and said.

Had it not been for the old man's shot at that time, I am afraid that he would have died when he was a teenager, and it would not be possible to have him now.

Had it not been for the old man to help him rebuild his body, so that he had the qualifications to re-cultivate, he would not be able to live now, and his parents were removed from his heart. Xiao Yunzi was his closest relative.

Now Xiao Yunzi sacrifices himself for his sake, Xiao Yifeng's heart is naturally extremely painful.

"The wind is boundless, I swear by Xiao Yifeng that in this life, I will crush your bones and let you taste endless pain, and life is better than death!"

Xiao Yifeng slammed the sky and made a bloodthirsty vow.

"Tell me, where has he gone?"

Xiao Yifeng stared at Dan Mo with his eyes fixed on his body, terrifying killing.

"I don't know, he just said that he would go to a place to retreat. As for going there, he didn't say!"

Dan Mo said in a deep voice.

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