"Divine corpses are corpses that have been specially treated after the death of some powerful warriors, so that their strengths have been preserved, and they are called **** corpses."

"God corpses can be made into scary corpses, and at the same time they can be eaten by people to enhance their strength, or used as alchemy medicine, etc., in short, there are many functions."

"And this corpse is also extremely rare. It is very difficult to produce. I did not expect that there is a corpse here."

"And looking at this **** corpse, his strength during his lifetime must be very strong, but he is a super strong above the reincarnation, and his strength is well preserved!"

Priscilla looked at the corpse one by one.

"There is such a thing!"

Xiao Yifeng seemed shocked inside.

Unexpectedly, there was such an object as a corpse of God, and he stared at the corpse with a different color flashing in his eyes.

"Fortunately, no one in the Temple of the Dead has the ability to make this corpse into a corpse. Otherwise, with the strength of this corpse, we all have to die!"

Yu Qi said again, and it also made Tiansha feel a little bit fortunate.

"Then if I made this corpse into a corpse, wouldn't I have a super thug who transcended reincarnation!"

Xiao Yifeng's eyes flashed brilliantly, and he could not help saying.

"Theoretically, but it is not so easy to make a corpse of a god!"

He Qi said.

"I believe there is nothing I can't do!"

Xiao Yifeng said confidently, apparently he intends to directly make this **** corpse into a blood pupa.

At that time, a blood puppet made from the body of the **** followed him.

Even if the reincarnation powerhouse appears, he doesn't have to be afraid, it seems that he really had a great luck this time.

Xiao Yifeng then included the corpse with the coffin into the storage ring, and planned to find an opportunity to study how to make it into a blood clam in the future.

Soon, the whole body of the corpse of the gods, including all the disciples of the corpses of the gods, was buried in a sea of ​​fire.

Leaving the Temple of the Dead, Xiao Yifeng and others returned to Yaoshan.

In the blink of an eye, Xiao Yifeng came to the room of Our Lady of Yaoshan.

"How did you come?"

Chi Yu watched Xiao Yifeng's arrival, and frowned slightly.

"Drink with me!"

Xiao Yifeng said holding the jug and glass.

"How are you going to the Angels this time? Did you get what you wanted?"

Chi Yu said watching Xiao Yifeng.

"Of course, I'm going to go, there must be no problem!"

Xiao Yifeng said with a smile, and poured a glass of wine directly to Chi Yu.

The two drank in the room.

After half a ring, all the bottles of wine were consumed, and Chi Yu's face began to turn red, with a touch of redness, which was tempting.

Looking at the seductive face of Chi Yu, Xiao Yifeng couldn't bear it. He stepped forward and kissed his lips, and Chi Yu did not refuse.

Soon the two hugged together, and the last two lay on the bed. The drunken two were also free of any restraints and let go of everything directly. . Fused together.

At the same time, the Western Region, Yaochi Holy Land.

"Is this the Yaochi Holy Land?"

At this moment a young and beautiful woman looked at this holy place and murmured to herself that she was Chi Yao who left Yaoshan.

"Yes, this is Yaochi Holy Land, one of the Five Holy Lands of the Ancient World!"

A Virgin on Yaoshan said directly.

After the last lady left Yaoshan, she wanted to return to Yaochi Holy Land directly, but she met Chi Yao halfway.

I heard that the elder of Yaoshan said that Chi Yao was the strongest existence of the younger generation of Yao Shan. In addition, its name is similar to that of Yaochi Holy Land, so she brought this Chi Yao directly to Yaochi Holy Land.

Chi Yao also felt very curious about the Yaochi Holy Land, and she was also called by a saint mother on Yaoshan, so she came to the Yaochi Holy Land.

"Chi Yao, you are the strongest talent of the young generation in Yaoshan. You will only delay your talents in Yaoshan. This time when I come to Yaochi Holy Land, I will let you directly enter the inner door and become a disciple of Yaochi Holy Land. your."

"With your current strength, I believe it won't be long before you can step into the realm of **** and become a true generation of powerful people!"

This lady of Yaoshan said with confidence at Chi Yao.

"Thank you, Master, but my mother ..."

Chi Yao said.

"Chu Yu, don't mention it again, she is not your biological mother, and she has made such a big mistake that she is not worthy to be your mother again, and you will stay in Yaochi Holy Land in the future!"

The previous Virgin said directly.

Later, this Chi Yao followed the previous Holy Mother into the Holy Land of Yao Chi and began her new life.

After arranging Chi Yao, a lady on this Yao mountain came to a hall in this holy place, which is the room where the Lord of Yao Chi holy place lived.

"Holy Lord!"

The last Lady of Yaoshan called to the inner room of the palace.

"what's up?"

A low, hoarse voice came from the inner room.

Then a lady on Yaoshan told Xiao Yifeng's story.

"Oh, there's this thing, I know, you need to find out who he is!"

This low hoarse voice came out again.

"Understand, sir, I brought a disciple named Yao Yao from Yaoshan. She is very talented, and now she has the strength of life and death. I want her to join the inner door directly and become a holy place. Close your disciples and train them! "

The previous Virgin continued.

"Chi Yao, Yao Chi ... interesting, well, just do as you say!"

The Lord said directly.

"Thank you, Lord!"

This last Virgin left the palace after finishing speaking ~ www.ltnovel.com ~, and in a certain place in the Western Regions, a strong murderous spirit permeated here, this aggressive murderous person has a feeling of choking.

Rumble! !! !!

A fierce roar rang through the world, apparently an extremely fierce battle was taking place here.

The terrible power permeated, and the battle ended with a sky-high killing intention.

The side of this battle was the Seven Kills. Now the Seven Kills are all about killing the sky, and the eyes are full of blood.

The whole person is like the **** of killing who came out of hell, and his strength is a terrible breakthrough to the duality of the dominating realm.

It was less than a month before he broke through to dominate the realm, and he broke through from the dominated realm to the dominated realm, but how powerful his talent is.

The opponent of the Seven Kills is a middle-aged man in his forties, who is equally filled with terrible killing intentions, holding a blood-colored sword, and his strength has reached the eighth level of his dominance.

He is exactly the killer of the Seven Great Evil Buddhas, but now he is half-knelt on the ground, his mouth is stained with blood, his face pale, obviously he lost in the battle with the Seven Kills just now.

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