The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2988: Break through the Temple of the Dead

"Who is Xue Yao?"

Xiao Yifeng was puzzled.

"I'll know everything after you restore your memory in the future, and it's no use telling you now."

"But I hope you will not disappoint Xue Yao again and save her. I am leaving. I hope we will have a chance to meet again in the future."

The woman said, with a wave of her hand, the space boat appeared in front of him.

Then she twitched the mystery with both hands, and the space boat instantly became large, becoming a ship several meters long and several meters high, just like a spaceship.

The eyes of the emperor's palace glanced deeply at Xiao Yifeng and went directly into the space boat.

"Remember my name, my name is Ruoxi!"

At this time, the name of the emperor's palace master came out from the space boat.

Hum! !! !!

There was a buzzing sound from this space boat, which shone with light, and the slap disappeared directly in front of it, without a trace, apparently leaving the ancient world.

Watching the other party leave, Xiao Yifeng's eyes flickered and he muttered to himself: "Ruo Xi, Xue Yao."

"Xiao Xingxing, do you know this Ruoxi and Xue Yao?"

Xiao Yifeng asked to Xiao Xingxing.

"Master, my strength has not been fully recovered, so I am not sure about some things in the previous life. I can only know after the master recovers your memory."

Little Star said.

"The origins of this woman are not simple. There are imperial pulses in her body!"

Xiaohuanghuang said suddenly.

"What is imperial vein?"

Xiao Yifeng was puzzled.

"The imperial vein is the martial arts supremacy of the ancestors, and then some of the descendants will inherit his blood veins. This is called the imperial vein."

"Everyone who owns the imperial pulse has an incalculable future. Once the imperial pulse is opened, it will soar into the sky and become the top arrogant in the sky!"

Little wasteland explained.

Xiao Yifeng's eyes flashed with brilliance, and he left with Tiansha and others.

As for him, Ruo Xi and Xue Yao, they can only be known after his memory is restored.

He also asked about Tiansha and Wuliang, neither of whom knew much about it.

When Xiao Yifeng left the territory of the angel tribe, they were in a palace in the main city of the angel tribe.

The patriarch of the angel tribe sat here in front of her, hovering in front of her a pair of wings called angel wings, and at this moment she was refining and refining the angel wings.

In another part of the main city, the angelic man who was previously attached to Adolf was also practicing.

On the wings behind it are flashing black light, and the whole body is haunted by a wicked atmosphere, giving a very evil feeling.

One day passed, Xiao Yifeng and others left the territory of the Angel tribe.

This trip to the Angel Tribe did not disappoint him. Not only did he get the Spirit of the Angel, but he also found a new Combatant, but also left more mysteries, such as Na Ruoxi and Xue Yao.

However, when Xiao Yifeng returned to Yaoshan, his expression was not very good.

This minor repair and the Thunder Beast were both seriously injured.

It was only a question that I learned yesterday that Chi Yu refined and broke down the god-like panacea, and broke through to Jiuzhong, the master, and became the master of the title.

As a result, he did not expect that the strong man at the Temple of the Dead came and directly injured Chi Yu and Xiao Xiu, and then the other side forcibly took Chi Yu, saying that it was Xiao Yifeng who went to the Temple of the Dead to save people.

"Holy shrine, **** it!"

Xiao Yifeng heard the news, his face was cold, his eyes were flashing with cold cold mang, his voice was sulking coldly, his eyes were flashing with shame, and his body was full of murderous intention.

Xiao Yifeng then took Tiansha and went directly to the Temple of the Dead, ready to completely destroy it.

The woman who dared to touch him had to be ready for death.

"People from the Temple of the Dead get out of me!"

When Xiao Yifeng arrived at the Temple of the Dead, they uttered a thunderous sound.

The terrible killing intention swept directly towards the entire corpse of the corpse, leaving the disciples of the entire corpse of the corpse to be inexplicable, and there was a feeling that death was coming.

Xiao Yifeng and his party appeared in the temple of the corpse, and one by one their eyes flashed with cold mangs, their bodies were releasing a terrible breath.

At this time, the Lord of the Dead Temple Hall and a group of elders of the Dead Temple Hall all appeared here, all eyes were on Xiao Yifeng.

"It seems that you really care about the Holy Mother of Yaoshan, but you are here!"

The Lord of the Dead Temple looked at Xiao Yifeng with a sneer.

"I didn't intend to do anything to your Temple of the Dead, but since you are going to die for yourself, it is no wonder that I will not have the word" The Temple of the Dead "in the Western Region after today!

Xiao Yifeng watched the Lord of the Dead Corps Hall yell coldly, his eyes flashed with cold and bitter killing intention.

"Want to destroy the Temple of My God, I'm afraid you don't have this ability yet!"

The main body of this corpse temple shouted coldly, waving his hand.

Immediately, the five elders above the five lords who dominated the corpse of the gods rushed out and stood directly in the four directions of the corpse of the gods.

"The Imperial Corps, Kai!"

The Lord of the Temple of the Dead Corpse drank a drink, and waved a light with both hands, and the light from the five elders of the Temple of the Dead Corpse shone in honor.

With a sudden bang, a powerful formation was activated, trapping several people in Xiao Yifeng, forming a terrible coercion and suppressing the strength of Xiao Yifeng and others.

"The strong ancient array method should surpass level nine!"

Infinitely said.

Ten roars were heard in this formation.

Then ten whole-body golden-colored figures appeared in front of Xiao Yifeng and others, all filled with a terrifying breath, his eyes glowed with bloodthirsty light, and there was no breath of life.


Xiao Yifeng frowned slightly at these ten golden yellow colors ~ ~ with no life breath.

It was recognized at a glance that this should be a corpse, but this corpse was more powerful than the ten corpses that I saw in Rot Mountain last time.

The breath that emanates from him can be judged to be at least comparable to the powerful strength of the title dominating level.

And in this formation, their strength is blessed and more powerful.

Obviously, this formation method is arranged for these ten corpses.

"Boy, let you taste the power of the top ten corpses of my corpse!"

The lord of the corpse palace said with a cold expression on his face, his eyes glowed with coldness.

Boom boom! !! !!

Suddenly the ten imperial corpses were full of violent forces, and they attacked directly towards Xiao Yifeng and others.

The four of them killed and fought against the emperor's corpse. The ten emperors' corpses were very powerful both in combat and in the corpse's own defense.

Under the blessing of this array of laws, all are comparable to the title master who has realized the Eightfold Rule.

In this formation, in the face of such an attack, even the strong in the half-step reincarnation realm may not be able to withstand it, and this temple of the corpse is indeed not simple.

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