The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2985: Advent City

"Second elder, get up!"

The angel tribal chief looked at the old man and said.

The other is the second elder of the angel tribe and the only elder standing on the side of the angel tribe.

"Patriarch, the three elders ..."

The second elder watched what the patriarch was about to say and was stopped by the other party.

"More on that later, you have someone arrange the residence of these VIPs!"

The patriarch of the angel clan pointed at several people of Xiao Yifeng.

The two elders glanced at Xiao Yifeng and others, a strange color flashed in their eyes, and then nodded.

When a middle-aged man next to the old man noticed Xiao Yifeng's eyes, his face changed, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Xiao Yifeng and others were then taken to a huge luxurious palace to rest.

"Master, we killed so many people of the angel tribe. But the tribe chief said that day and brought us here, for fear there is a problem!"

Tiansha looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

"No hurry beforehand. Now that you are here, stay and wait for the City of Angels to appear, and then say it!"

Xiao Yifeng said lightly.

"Yes, it's safe to go wherever you are!"

This immensely waving the fan in his hand, said softly.

In the main hall of the angel tribe, the chief of the angel tribe sits here, the second elder and the middle-aged man just now stand here.

"Patriarch, elder elder, it is too much for you to take advantage of you while you are weak!"

The two elders said angrily.

"I already knew his ambitions, don't be angry!"

Said the clan patriarch.

"Patriarch, those people should be the murderers who slaughtered many of our angels before. Why do you want it?"

The two elders looked at this angel tribe somewhat puzzled.

"They saved my life anyway, and that's it!"

Angel tribe clan Shen.

"Patriarch, the young man headed by that group of people is the guy who originally destroyed the primitive forces we arranged to find in the primitive world."

"This time they will come here suddenly, most likely for the upcoming Angel City!"

At this time, the middle-aged man began to speak, and he was the angelic strongman who had attached to Adolf and fought against Xiao Yifeng.

"I see, you go down first!"

The angel tribe chief said with a flash of light.

In an instant, night fell.

Xiao Yifeng stood in this palace and looked up at the stars.

"Mother, rest assured, I will definitely enter the city of angels to get the spirit of angels to save you, and father, I will find you!"

"Our family will be reunited!"

Xiao Yifeng clenched his fists, his eyes flashing with a firm look.

At the same time, some magical place outside the territory.

Demon respect building who was recovering strength suddenly trembled.

The consciousness of Xiao Chen, who had been completely suppressed by him, rebounded again, and a powerful idea was generated.

"Damn, don't give up!"

Chonglou shouted coldly.

"It seems that your only obsession is your son. When my strength is completely restored, and once again comes to the ancient world, I will kill your son and completely break your obsession!"

There was a flash of cold mans in the eyes of the demon respect building, and he chuckled coldly, and the endless magic of his eyebrows burst out.

The whole body was filled with magic, and the terrible power swept the world.

His strength now completely surpasses the realm of half-step reincarnation.

In a flash, a new day came.

On this day, there was a roar of angelic territories.

In the sky above the main city of Angel City, suddenly a very dazzling divine light.

With the advent of this divine light, the void was directly distorted and a huge vortex appeared.

A burst of thunderous sounds rang out in the void, and the dazzling light fell, appearing extremely dazzling.

A sacred power swept across the territory of the angel tribe.

At this moment, all the people of the angel clan are stunned in their hearts. There is an inexplicable surrender, all kneeling down to this god, praying with pious faces.

After ten minutes or so, wait until this divine light disappears.

A huge city is suspended above the void, like a city in the sky, and looks very spectacular, like a miracle.

The city is white in color, and the white clouds linger around in the city, giving it a sacred feeling.

Obviously, this city is the city of angels with the spirit of angels.

"The City of Angels is born!"

In this main city of the angel tribe, everyone who looked at the city in the void was extremely inspiring, and Xiao Yifeng was awake from cultivation.

Xiao Yifeng glanced through his eyes and found that the city in the void looked very excited.

"The City of Angels is finally born!"

Xiao Yifeng said with brilliant flicker in his eyes.


Xiao Yifeng said that he would leave here to go to the city of angels.

boom! !! !!

At this moment, Xiao Yifeng suddenly burst out a holy light in their palace.

These lights directly enveloped the entire palace, forming a terrible mask covering the palace completely.

Huh! !! !!

Seeing this scene, Xiao Yifeng's face changed, and he smashed it out fiercely with a punch against the mask, but it was completely useless, but Xiao Yifeng was backed up by the shock.

"No need to worry, this is the angelic enchantment unique to my angel tribe. Even the strong reincarnation can't break it. You can't break it!"

At that time, the head of the clan appeared outside the palace and looked at Xiao Yifeng.

"What are you doing?"

Xiao Yifeng watched the woman drink coldly.

"I guess you came for the city of angels. This city of angels is the most important existence of my angel family. Naturally, outsiders are not allowed to contaminate it, so stay here!"

The angel clan looked at Xiao Yifeng and said ~ ~ turned and left.

"I didn't expect it to be a trick, this woman has so many routines!"

Xiao Yifeng sighed.

"I don't believe this broken enchantment can't be broken!"

Tiansha and Tianlong both gave a cold drink, and all shot to attack this enchantment, but they couldn't shake it at all.

And Hei Qi shot just to shake this enchantment, obviously it is not easy to break it.

"Let me do it!"

Then infinitely spoke.

"Can you?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Wuliang and said that the power of this enchantment is very strong, and even he has no confidence to break it. The main reason is that his strength is not enough, otherwise there is no problem if it breaks.

"Relax, master!"

He smiled immeasurably, sitting directly on the ground, waving his hands.

One black, one white, and two rays burst out from him, and began to break the enchantment.


After dozens of minutes, this enchantment was covered with black and white light.

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