The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2962: Earth's avatar

"Earth meteorite?"

Xiao Yifeng stared at this stone.

"This earth's meteorite is an extraterrestrial stone, which contains a very powerful essence of earth's energy. It seems that the owner of the Desert City can reach the eighth level of control of the territory thanks to this earth's meteorite.

"This earth's meteorite is a huge treasure for the warriors who cultivate the power of earth, and they can speed up their cultivation indefinitely."

Little stars explained.

"So it is!"

Xiao Yifeng stared at the earth's meteorite, his eyes flashed with light.

Then Xiao Yifeng thought for a while, and he directly made the clone of the soil here.

He is going to refine the unearthed clone and let him stay here to cultivate.

The energy of the earth in this desert is the strongest, and the existence of the meteorite of this earth has great benefits for the cultivation of the avatar of the earth.

After a few hours, Xiao Yifeng also produced a fourth clone through one gasification and three clearings.

This avatar is made from the body of the Lord of the Desert, and the result is a terrifying atmosphere.

One strength stepped directly into the realm of the soul, and then Xiao Yifeng handed over the earth spirit beads to this earth's clone.

Then let the avatar stay here to practice with the earth's meteorite and earth spirit beads, and at the same time let him practice this earth-controlling technique and earth-enhancing technique.

Next Xiao Yifeng arranged a powerful nine-level formation here to protect the security of the avatar of the soil. ,

Then they took Tian Tu and their team to prepare to leave Desert City and return to the Western Region.

While Xiao Yifeng left the desert, he was in the Yaoshan Hall in this western region.

The Lady of Yaoshan looked coldly at the snow in front of her, and there were a lot of elders of Yaoshan standing around her.

"Chi Xue, what are you doing? Actually, in the name of Yaoshan, people from all major forces in the Western Regions came to Yaoshan to meet. What are you trying to do?"

Our Lady of Yaoshan looked at Chi Xue drinking.

"Mother, you will know later. A good show will be staged soon, to ensure that the mother and the elders will be shocked!"

A cold, playful smile was drawn from the corner of Chi Xue's mouth, giving a feeling of bad intentions.

"You ... I've spared you once in Yaoyao's face, I hope you don't challenge my patience any more, otherwise don't blame me for not loving my mother and daughter!"

Our Lady of Yaoshan looked at Chi Xue and voiced.

"Master, don't you hurry up, you will be able to witness this good show later."

Chi Xue smiled slightly.

"The obituary, Master, the five great families of the Western Regions, the Buddhist ancestors, the Temple of the Dead Corpses, and the Palace of the Emperor have gathered on Yaoshan.

Song Qing came in at this moment and looked at the Virgin of Yaoshan and said.

"Let's go, let's witness this good show!"

Chi Xue demon smiled and walked directly outside.

Our Lady of Yaoshan blinked her eyes and went out.

Several elders of the Yaoshan Elders Group followed behind.

In this martial arts training place outside the main hall of Yaoshan, at this moment people of all major forces in the Western Regions have gathered here.

Soon the Lady of Yaoshan and others came out.

"Virgin, is it important for you, Yaoshan, to invite us all this time?"

The Fang family owner of these five great families looked directly at Our Lady of Yaoshan and said directly.

The eyes of the other forces were all looking at this Mother of Yaoshan, waiting for the other party's answer.

It is just that the Virgin of Yaoshan at this time was a helpless expression, totally unaware of what to say.

Just when the atmosphere was awkward, a figure in black came to Yaoshan and stood in front of everyone.


Seeing this figure, Our Lady of Yaoshan's face changed and she called directly.

The other party was her sister Xinlian, the woman who killed Chi Yao and killed the Virgin Mary of Yaoshan.

Seeing Xinlian appear, the corner of Chi Xue's mouth was sneer.

As for the frown of Our Lady of Yaoshan, there was a bad feeling in her heart.

Everyone present at the moment was looking at this heart lotus.

"Everyone, in fact, today is not the invitation of Our Lady of Yaoshan, but I brought you here!"

Xin Lian sneered as she looked at the people in the presence.

"who are you?"

The owner of Fang's family looked at Xin Lian, and the others looked puzzled.

"Let me introduce myself first. My name is Xin Lian. She is the sister of Our Lady of Yaoshan. I gathered you here today to say one thing!"

Xinlian looked at the crowd and said.

"Xin Lian, I haven't settled with you before you took Yaoyao away. You dare to show up here today, come here, take me down!"

Our Lady of Yaoshan spoke directly.

Immediately, this master of Yaoshan was ready to take a shot at Xinlian.

"What? Sister, so anxious to deal with me, are you afraid that I will tell you something you don't want others to know?"

Xinlian sneered as she looked at Our Lady of Yaoshan.

"I do not know what you're talking about?"

Our Lady of Yaoshan shouted in a deep voice.

"Don't know? You and a twenty-something kid went together in a cave two days ago, and spent the night lingering. Have you forgotten this?"

Xinlian looked at the Virgin of Yaoshan and said directly.

What she said was like a blockbuster, and everyone was shocked.

The people including the major forces and the elders of Yaoshan disciples were shocked.

The Chi Yao who had refined the elixir and healed the yin-yin body had just arrived here, and heard the heavy news that Xin Lian said. She looked stunned and looked stunned.

As for the face of Our Lady of Yaoshan changed, her heart sank, watching Xinlian scream violently: "What nonsense?"

"I'm bullshit, my good sister, when did you learn to lie, do you dare to swear to heaven, haven't you spent the night with that kid?"

"And as far as I know, the kid was originally selected by you at the previous Linguo Conference to prepare for your daughter Chi Yao as a husband ~ ~ but I never expected that your mother-in-law and your future daughter, xu It ’s fun to have a dew! "

Xinlian threw another bombshell.

This bombshell directly shocked everyone's look, eyes widened.

Their eyes are invariably looking at the Holy Mother of Yaoshan.

They did not expect that this Lady of Yaoshan would do such a thing.

Not only staying with a boy in his twenties for a night, but also the other party was supposed to be her son-in-law, which is completely chaotic.

Our Lady of Yaoshan represents the face of the whole Yaoshan, although there are already a pair of daughters.

However, in the eyes of outsiders, the Virgin of Yaoshan is still a holy and noble existence.

However, it is shocking that our Lady of Yaoshan actually did such things contrary to moral integrity.

Even the disciples and the elders of Yaoshan looked at the Virgin of Yaoshan with shocking eyes.

There is no way of believing that their Virgin will do such a thing.

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