The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2950: Beyond Reincarnation

At this moment, the old monk's face was pale, his body was severely wounded, the corners of his mouth were still dripping blood, his face was horrified, and the incredible look looked at the Seven Kills.

Apparently under the horrific ninety-nine **** killing Buddha attacks of the Seven Kills, Rao is the strength of a half-step rebirth.

Even the Brahma ancestors, who belonged to the best in the half-step cycle of reincarnation, were hit hard.

If he were an ordinary half-step reincarnation powerhouse, I am afraid he would be dead at this moment.

Fortunately, he has also realized for many years in the half-step reincarnation situation, and his strength has been infinitely close to the strong in the quasi-reincarnation situation.

That's why they can't die under the horrible blow from the other side.

But even if he didn't die, he was badly wounded, and one arm and one leg was gone.

"You ... are truly peerless monsters!"

The old monk said with a heavy look at Qisha.


Seven killing eyes looked at the old monk with infinite murderousness, and screamed again.

The Seven Kills came to this old monk in an instant, holding his opponent's body directly with his hands like a claw.

Hey! !! !!

The sound of a torn flesh sounded.

The Brahma ancestor in this half-step cycle of reincarnation was torn apart by the blood of the Seven Kills to become two halves before he could react.

Blood mixed with organs spattered out, scarlet blood stained the whole body and the entire face of the Seven Kills, making it look even more terrifying.

The spirit of this old monk escaped, and he looked at the Seven Kills with great fear, and was about to escape.


Seven Kills had a powerful killing in his eyes, watching that spirit drank again, and blasted out with one hand.

A blood-colored light blasted out and fell on top of this spirit, and shattered it on the spot.

In this way, a superpower in a state of half-step reincarnation fell directly into the hands of a power who had just been promoted to dominate the realm.

If this news spreads, I am afraid that all warriors in the ancient world will be stunned off their jaws. This is really incredible.

Even in ancient times, the feat of dominating a realm with a half-step reincarnation with the power to dominate the realm has never occurred.

Today, the seven kills have achieved this step. It is indeed the inferior talent who has received the light of the nine rules.

The disciples of the entire Brahma Sect were stunned, with an incredible look on their faces.

Huh! !! !!

At this time, the seven kills were a spurt of blood, no strength at all, and the body fell towards the ground.

Xiao Yifeng rushed forward, catching the seven kills, watching his breath dying, his look changed.

"How did you kill the Seven?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Qisha and said quickly.

"Boss, the Brahma Sect is entrusted to you, and I may not be able to destroy them myself!"

Seven Kills looked at Xiao Yifeng and said softly.

"Rest assured, I will destroy them all, and you can be fine!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the Seven Kills and said, running the endless technique directly, pressing one hand on the chest of the Seven Kills.

A burst of green energy poured into the body of these seven killers, which is the energy of endless art.

This endless technique can heal any injury!

These seven kills caused such a terrible blow because they forced the secret method.

As a result, his strength and life were greatly consumed, and he went directly to the point where he was exhausted.

However, under the energy treatment of this endless technique, his life was preserved, which shows that this endless technique is powerful.

"Kill, destroy Brahma, one will not stay!"

Xiao Yifeng, while treating the Seven Kills, directly gave orders to Tiansha and others.

Immediately, Tiansha, Tianlong, and Xiaoxiuxiu, thunderous monsters erupted on each one of them, rushing towards this Brahma.

"Call on the spirit of our ancestors with our spirit of blood and spirit, and save the Buddha!"

At this time, the Brahmin Sovereign and a group of powerful men above the life and death spit out a fine blood, shouted in unison, and twitched a secret method with both hands.

The countless essences gathered in the air, shining golden light.

Then the blood rushed directly into the hall in the middle of Brahma Sect.

There is a golden glittering Buddha image in this hall. Although it is just a Buddha image, it gives a sense of supreme oppression.

At this moment, the blood poured into the statue of Buddha, and the golden statue of Buddha on the spot seemed to be activated, exuding a golden light, and the eyes of the statue seemed to contain a supreme Buddha path.

With a bang, a golden light shot out of this Buddha image and rushed out of the hall.

In this Brahma Sect, a figure of a monk wearing a golden urn sitting on a lotus throne is placed.

This monk, wearing a golden urn, was sitting on the throne of lotus. Behind him was a golden buddha wheel, shining brightly.

All this set off the monk like the monk who got Tao, like the Buddha of Journey to the West.

Exuding supreme might, even Xiao Yifeng felt an invisible sense of oppression.

"Meet the ancestors!"

At this moment, the Lord of the Brahma Sect, the strong men of the Brahma Sect, and the disciples are all kneeling on the ground, bowing in front of the monk.

"Ancestry of Brahma!"

Xiao Yifeng's eyes were frozen, and a strange color flashed in his eyes.

"Master, this is a strong man who goes beyond reincarnation!"

Little Star said.

"What? The strong man beyond the reincarnation!"

Xiao Yifeng looked startled, he was the first time to see a strong man beyond the reincarnation.

"But this is just a spirit idea that he stays here. The strength is almost half-reincarnation to quasi-reincarnation, better than that old monk!"

Little Star said.

"This Brahma ancestor has surpassed the reincarnation, doesn't it mean that there is no strong man in the reincarnation in the ancient world?"

Xiao Yifeng said helplessly.

"The ancient world does not, it does not mean that other worlds do not. He should now be in the Buddha world!"

Xiaohuanghuang said.

"Buddha ~ ~ is it another world?"

Xiao Yifeng asked.

"Yes, the Buddhist world is a world cultivated by Buddhists and Taoists. It is also a very powerful world in the starry sky world, and it is not worse than the eight realms of the **** realm!"

Little wasteland vomited.

"The Shura Realm, the Buddhist Realm, the Divine Realm, the Eight Realms, how many worlds does this starry sky have?"

Xiao Yifeng was a little confused at this time.

"I'll know when you go beyond reincarnation!"

Xiaohuanghuang said mysteriously.

"Who are you? You actually committed me Brahma!"

The ancestor of the Brahma Sect looked at Tiansha and others in a deep voice, with a solemn appearance of the Buddha.

Like the gods and goddesses, exuding a terrifying atmosphere.

"Well, it is your Brahma that is extinguished!"

Tiansha faced the Brahma ancestor and drank without fear.


This ancestor of the Brahma Sect sighed coldly, waved it with one hand, and flipped it directly.

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