The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2930: Terrible Poisonous Body

Today, Yan Ruyu ’s strength has been boosted by the full training and cultivation of the Flower God Temple, and the inheritance of the Flower God has also been promoted in a flying way. Her strength has already entered the sixfold of life and death.

At this moment, Yan Ruyu waved his hands, and innumerable flower petals flew up in this courtyard.

All flew towards Yan Ruyu, shrouded in it, forming a flower ball.

A woman in a palace dress with embroidered petals came slowly, looking like she was in her thirties, her hair was raised high, exuding a noble and dignified temperament, and she was exuding a sense of beauty Dare not to profane.

At this time, the flower ball dispersed, Yan Ruyu looked at the woman, and quickly got up and shouted respectfully:

"Master, why are you here?"

"I'm here to tell you that the Supreme List will open two months later. Be prepared for this time. This time, your goal is to be in the top three of the Supreme List!"

The woman in the palace costume looked at Yan Ruyu and said.

"Please rest assured, I will not humiliate the Flower God Temple, let alone the Flower God!"

Yan Ruyu said confidently.

"I believe you!"

The woman in the palace costume ordered a little, and she was the master of the Flower God Palace, a martial art giant who had practiced for more than 100,000 years.

"Mother, you are all here, Yuyu!"

Then a young man came here.

The man was dressed in colorful clothes, his face was as white as that of a woman, and his long hair was draped, giving a feminine and feminine feel.

A completely feminine face and outfit, if it hadn't had a throat, really could not see that it was a man.

"Xiaoshui, you come to see Ruyu again!"

The owner of the Flower Temple looked at the man's petite look in the eyes of the man. The other party was his son, the young owner of the Flower Temple.

"Yeah, I didn't expect you to be here, my mother!"

The man spoke, and his voice was a little feminine.

"Master Hua, I have to practice, so I won't be with you!"

Yan Ruyu looked at the man and said directly.

"Ru Yu, what's so good about practicing every day, I'll take you out to play!"

The man looked at Yan Ruyu and said.

"Okay, Xiaoshui. Immediately when the Supreme List opens, don't disturb this practice like jade, let's go!"

The master of the flower temple said, he walked out, and the flower little water could only walk out with a pity.

Out of the courtyard where Yan Ruyu is located, the Lord of the Flower Temple stopped and looked at his son and said:

"Do you like Ruyu?"

"Of course, when I first saw Ru Yu, I liked her. Mother, just like Jade is also our flower temple."

"It would be better to match it to me as a wife, it would be two kills!"

The flower Xiaoshui looked at her mother and said.

"Ru Yu's identity is not simple, and I can't agree to it at will, but you should cultivate well until the day when the Supreme List opens."

"When you win a good ranking, and then confess to Ruyu in public, I believe she will be moved, and I will hold a wedding for the two of you."

Said the flower temple chief Shen Sheng.

"Thank you mother!"

Hua Xiaoshui looked very excited.

"After all, Ruyu has inherited the flower god, and the future is limitless. He may become the second flower **** if you can be with her."

"It will be of great help to you and to master the flower temple in the future."

"Besides being like jade, I won't let her be with outsiders. Naturally it is best to be with you!"

The Lord of the Flower Temple said quietly.

"Mother, you are right, I will work hard to cultivate. When the Supreme List, I will let everyone know that Yan Ruyu is my woman, and those arrogant sons of other forces will be enviously dead!"

There was a firm light in the eyes of Hua Xiaoshui.

Thinking of the jealous and envious eyes of those handsome men who saw him with such a peerless beauty, a smug smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

In the holy city, Tian Di thought about their courtyard.

This small thought of poisonous body began to attack for the third time, and Tianma quickly went to look for Xiao Yifeng.

As a result, it was learned that Xiao Yifeng had gone to the Western Regions. Tian Tian had no choice but to suppress the poisonous body of this little thought by himself.

However, the poisonous body of Xiaosi erupted very fiercely this time, and the terrible poison gas spread from his room, quickly covering the entire courtyard.

The flowers and trees in this courtyard withered and died instantly when they encountered the poisonous gas. As for the two disciples on this day, they couldn't resist the poisonous gas and were invaded by the poisonous gas.

The two of them did not have time to scream, and they immediately withered quickly, and soon the two turned into a black water sadly.

As for the uncle, he could not care about the lives of the two of them. At this moment, he was suppressing the poisonous body of Xiao Si with a solemn look.

The entire courtyard is now shrouded in a layer of black poisonous gas, which has a rhythm of spreading out.

"Tianji, depending on your ability, you cannot suppress the outbreak of poisonous body. If you do not want to make this holy city a dead city, let me obediently bring this poisonous body back to the poisonous palace!"

Just then, a cold voice suddenly sounded in the poisonous courtyard.

The figure of the poisonous palace strongman who had previously tried to **** Xiaosi appeared here.

Next to him are two old men, both of whom have the title to dominate the level of strength. Obviously, they are also powerful men who cannot be hidden in the poison palace.

In order to get the poisoned body, the poison palace also hesitated to bring out the real town palace card, just to get the poisoned body.

"Even if I die, I won't let you take away Xiao Si!"

Teana's eyes glanced at the three of them ~ ~ and sighed coldly.

At this moment, the poisonous gas erupting from the body of this little thought intruded into the body of Teana, and Teana's brow frowned immediately.

He quickly urged the remaining power in his body to constantly stop the poisonous gas from invading, but it was useless at all.

After all, there was not much power left in his body, and he couldn't resist the poisonous gas invasion.

Soon the complexion started to glow purple and frown.


The ancestors of this poisonous palace shouted violently, and the three of them rushed out.

The ancestor of the poison palace attacked towards Tianyu when he shot, while the other two rushed towards the poisonous body.

They are all from the poisonous palace. They practice poisonous power and they are powerful, but they are not afraid of this poisonous gas invasion.

When they came to Xiaosi, they hugged them and left quickly.


Tian Tian shouted violently, and was about to chase it. At this time, the palm of the poisonous ancestor's palm had already attacked.

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