The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2916: Step into the Western Regions

Watching the ancestors fleeing, all the people in Cangzong were completely desperate, one by one, ashamed, without any blood.

"This guy runs fast enough!"

Xiao Yi wind coldly.

"Do you want to chase?"

Tianlong looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

"Forget it, solve it later!"

Xiao Yifeng shook his head.

Next, it is natural that Cangzong has entered the extinction countdown.

But Xiao Yifeng wasn't really that cruel.

He discarded all the disciples below the Cangzong Nene border, as for the others, he killed all without leaving.

Blood stained the whole Cangzong, and the air was full of strong **** smell.

When Xiao Yifeng left, the people of the Yinmen appeared strangely here, collecting many Yins in this Cangzong.

"Master, this son is really terrible. The two superpowers, the temple and Dian Cangzong, have been destroyed one after another. This strength is getting more and more terrifying!"

A disciple of the ghost gate looked at one of the ghost gate masters and said.

"The stronger he is, the better, so we can collect more ghosts."

"By the time of the resurrection of the Phantom King, these people will only be able to die if they are strong."

"At that time, who would dare not follow our gates of the ancient world, there will only be a dead end!"

The Yinmen strong man hummed coldly, and a cold smile was drawn in the corner of his mouth.

Soon the news of Cangzong's demise came to the ears of other ancient Zongmen.

Even the first-class Zongmen in Dongzhou received news of the death of Cangzong, and they were shocked.

They all seemed shocked by this, and apparently did not expect that this Cangzong would be destroyed.

Then they got the news that it was Xiao Yifeng who destroyed Cangzong.

At one time, the faces of several other ancient ancestral gates in Dongzhou were all changed.

As for the people of Dongzhou's first-class ancestral gates, they were very shocked and panicked.

Now that Xiao Yifeng even destroyed the ancient Zongmen Cangzong, it is not a matter of minutes to deal with them.

The Dongzong strongmen at the top of the pyramid started to feel uneasy and uneasy.

All this is because of one person-Xiao Yifeng.

No one has ever been able to make Dongzhou, the most powerful Zongmen, fearful, but Xiao Yifeng has achieved this step.

The strong men of the ancestral gates such as Jianzong, Fengleidian, and Xuanwuzong are like ants on a hot pot.

And Xiao Yifeng naturally did not know his appearance, which caused such great pressure on these schools.

After he destroyed Cangzong, he took people directly to the Western Region.

Xiao Yifeng went to the Western Regions with Prison Qi, Tiansha, Xiao Xiu Xiu, Tian Long, Thunder God Beast.

As for the beast **** still sitting in the town's spiritual gate, the gold armor beast was because of the injury, and Xiao Yifeng did not let him follow it, and went back to heal the wound.

Xiao Yifeng and others rushed to the Western Region as quickly as possible.

After spending more than half a day, they also crossed Dongzhou and stepped into the western boundary.

Soon a huge mountain appeared to Xiao Yifeng and others, like a weak river.

This huge mountain range also separates the western region and the eastern continent. The entire mountain range cannot be seen at a glance.

Xiao Yifeng then flew towards this mountain.

But it was not long before they stepped into the mountain.

I saw a dazzling golden light rising from the distance, and then a divine power spread.

"A baby is born!"

Xiao Yifeng saw this scene, his gaze was fixed, and a faint flash of light flashed in his eyes.

A few of them rushed towards the light.

At the same time, a group of strong men emerged from this mountain towards the place where the golden light appeared.

Obviously, I feel that this light is the birth of the treasure.

Soon Xiao Yifeng and others saw what this baby emitting golden light and divine power was.

A golden round bead suspended in a valley in this mountain, exuding a sacred power, like a Buddha coming to the world, radiating a sacred Buddha.

This bead contains a tremendous amount of energy, giving people a strong oppression.

"Buddha relic!"

Tiansha looked at the bead and said.

"Buddha relic?"

Xiao Yifeng looked for a moment.

"Master, Buddha and Taoism will be called the Buddha when they practice to the title and dominate the level, and this Buddha will condense the essence of his strength into reliquary when he sits down.

"This Buddha relic is a treasure to the warrior, and can absorb the energy of refining, especially for those who practice Buddhism, it is the most precious treasure."

Tiansha looked at Xiao Yifeng and explained.

"So it is!"

Xiao Yifeng nodded and became interested in this Buddha relic.

At this time a large group of warriors had poured in here.

Looking at the Buddha's relics one by one, the greedy and excited look flashed.

Immediately, someone could not help but rushed towards this Buddha relic, trying to seize it.

"Who dares to move this Buddha relic, I want him to die without a corpse!"

Just then, a cold and overbearing drinking sounded.

A group of people came out of the air, headed by a young man with a handsome face, wearing a beautiful robe, exuding the momentum of life and death.

He is followed by several strong men, including two strong men who dominate the realm, with a full aura.

The warriors who had just taken the shot to seize the Buddha's relics saw this group of people appear, their faces changed, they stopped, and their eyes were full of dread. Obviously, the identity of this group of people was not simple.

"It's from the Wu family. It seems that this Buddha relic has no hope!"

The group of martial arts present saw the group talking about ~ ~ with a look of regret in their eyes.

"Brother Wu is really here!"

Then another young voice sounded, and another group came here.

Headed by a young man, there is also a cold light in his eyes, a smile on the corner of his mouth, and a group of strong men behind him.

"Brother Sun, you are not too slow!"

The young man who appeared before looked at the later man and said lightly, his eyes flashed with light.

"The people of the Sun family have also come. There are two people from the five great families of the Western Regions. It seems that the bead relic can only belong to one of the two."

Others in the valley were talking.

Both gave up the idea of ​​competing for this Buddhist relic, obviously the background of these two groups is very strong.

However, Xiao Yifeng inquired before knowing that the two groups were the sons of Wu and Sun in the five great families of the Western Regions.

The five great families in the Western Regions have a great reputation, their fame and deterrence are not worse than those of the Buddhism, and they are all overlords.

The strong family is like a cloud, and very few people dare to offend them in this western region.

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