The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2913: Vanishing Cangzong

"Do you want to take the Holy Mountain for yourself?"

The Lanyi people looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

"That place is good. Naturally, it can't be wasted. So many people around me now can't stay in this gate."

"It is still necessary to have a base, and the holy mountain is good, but the houses there have been destroyed, so it needs to be rebuilt!"

Xiao Yifeng said.

"You're right, rest assured, leave it to me, I'll arrange it!"

The Rany nodded.

"By the way, I might go to Xiyu next!"

Xiao Yifeng said.

"Western Region?"

The Ryan looked for a moment.

"Well, my brother may be in danger in the Western Region, I need to go there!"

Xiao Yifeng said directly.

But Xiao Yifeng had to do one more thing before going to the Western Regions, and that was to destroy the Cangzong.

He has been staying with this sect for too long, and Qian Duoduo and Yan Bin's hatred has come to the newspaper. This mentality must be understood.

Dian Cangzong is located on a mountain with abundant aura in Dongzhou.

In this hall of Cangzongzongmen, Cangtianhai and Cangshan sit here.

"Father, how can I feel uneasy, as if something big is going to happen!"

Cang Tianhai said with a heavy look on Cangshan's face, and frowned.

"Always come, don't think so much!"

Cangshan said solemnly.

"This temple was destroyed. I wonder who did it?"

Cang Tianhai frowned and said that before the sacred mountain, so much movement, naturally shocked these ancient gates.

They all went to check it later, only to find that the temple had been destroyed.

This news also shocked the ancient gates, and at the same time they felt a sense of uneasiness in their hearts.

Rumble! !! !!

At this moment, a roar of noise suddenly sounded outside the main hall, which alarmed the entire Cangzong people.

Immediately the look of the Cangtianhai and Cangshan changed.

"what happened?"

The sky of Cangtian Sea sank.

"Not good, lord, a group of people are coming outside and are breaking the battle!"

At this point, a disciple of Cangzong came in and looked anxiously at Cang Tianhai.

"Breaking the line? Is it the person from Shenjian Mountain? Or the kid?"

Cang Tianhai's eyes were frozen.

"Let's go!"

Cangshan looked very indifferent, walking towards the outside.

At this moment outside of this Cangzong, Xiao Yifeng took Tiansha, Tianlong and others appeared here, and attacked at this point of Cangzong's Huzong.

A terrible roar sounded, and a horrendous energy exploded in this array.

Rumble! !! !!

Even though this Cangzong array is very powerful, but Xiao Yifeng and so many experts on their side shot together, no matter how strong the array can not withstand their bombardment.

In less than ten seconds, Dian Cangzong's guardian formation was strongly destroyed, and the entire appearance of Dian Cangzong was also exposed to Xiao Yifeng and others.

At this moment, the disciples and strong men of Chuangzong were shocked. They all gathered together, and saw Xiao Yifeng and others with a solemn and solemn look.

"Xiao Yifeng, it's you, you're not dead!"

At this time, Cang Tianhai walked out of the hall and saw Xiao Yifeng, suddenly shocked, he thought that the boy had died in the hands of the temple.

"How could the horrid temple kill me?"

Xiao Yi spit coldly.

"Does the temple destruction have anything to do with you!"

Then Cangshan looked at Xiao Yifeng and said helplessly.

"He is going to kill me, and I am going to destroy him!"

Xiao Yi wind coldly.

"What? You destroyed the temple?"

Hearing Xiao Yifeng's words, Cang Tianhai's pupils shrank, panic-stricken.

The rest of Cangzong's strong ones all had big eyes and shocked expressions.

Apparently they were shocked by the news.

The sacred temple, which is even more powerful than the ancient gate, was destroyed by this son.

The news killed them like a bomb.


Cangshan heard Xiao Yifeng's answer, and his expression sank, a look he had already guessed.

"Now that you know that the temple was destroyed by me, you should know how you can end Cangzong today!"

Xiao Yifeng watched Cangshan and others vomit coldly.

The strong men of Cangzong, including Cang Tianhai, were all sinking in their hearts for a while, and there was a sense of despair at the end of the world.

This Xiao Yifeng could even destroy the temple, so even if they were noble, they could not be Xiao Yifeng's opponent.

Before Cang Tianhai also felt that with the strength and background of Cangzong, he was not afraid of this Xiao Yifeng.

But he did not expect that the strength of the other party has reached this point.

"I'm willing to pay back all of this if I die, can you just let Cangzong go!"

At this time, Cangshan came to Xiao Yifeng and said in a deep voice.


"Old Sovereign!"

Hearing Cangshan's words, the appearance of the Cangtianhai and Dian Cangzong were all changed, one after another.

"You are a high-flying festival. For this, Cangzong can sacrifice everything. Unfortunately, your children and grandchildren are not as smart as you."

"Since some things have been done, you have to pay the price. Your son killed my brother. I have already vowed to use the entire Cangzong to pay it back!"

Xiao Yifeng said indifferently.

"Today Cangzong must perish!"

"My brother's blood debt must be paid for in blood!"

Xiao Yifeng shouted word by word, a terror-like killer erupted on his body, sweeping the entire point of Cangzong.

All of a sudden, Cangzong's disciples shivered, under this terrible killing.

They couldn't even mention the desire to fight one by one, and looked at Xiao Yifeng with a look of fear in their eyes.

For a time this Cang Tianhai and others were all gloomy and ugly.

"Damn guy, even if I die, I won't make you feel better!"

At this moment, Cang Tianhai roared ~ ~ and rushed towards Xiao Yifeng, and a terrible energy burst out from him.

Rumble! !! !!

This Cang Tianhai, like Yan Bin, chose to explode to hurt Xiao Yifeng.

A horrendous energy swept across all directions, and the entire void was destroyed.


Seeing Cang Tianhai's self-explosion, Cangshan's face changed and he could not help crying.

But Xiao Yifeng was not afraid. The body of the golden armored beast blocked in front of him, helping him to resist all the self-explosive energy of the Cangtianhai, but he was not harmed in any way.

"Kill, not one!"

Xiao Yi spit coldly.


Tiansha and others yelled in unison, one by one, the killing intention of the sky broke out.

A wave of horrific breaths swept away, repressing towards the whole point of Cangzong.


At this point, a figure rushed out of the Cangzong, exuding the power beyond the title.

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