The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2905: Beast God's Terrible

The strength of this beast **** completely let them see through.

This makes their fear of the beast **** infinitely higher, and their eyes are full of vigilance against the beast god.

As for Zhao Mengjie's face, a dignified and surprised look appeared on the beast god.

"You guys aren't planning to get off, right?"

The beast **** looked at the group of people and said coldly.

"Take a shot together and take him down, otherwise you won't get the rule inscription!"

Zhao Mengjie looked at the ancestors of the remaining five ancient ancestral gates and yelled.

At the same time, a half-step reincarnation powerhouse who followed her also stood up.

The remaining five big gates and half-step rebirth powerhouses all looked at each other, and then made their own decisions.

Boom boom! !! !!

They exhibited their most terrifying martial arts secrets, and mobilized all the power of the laws they learned.

Five Gu Zongmen half step rebirth powerhouse plus the temple's half step rebirth powerhouse.

A total of six half-step reincarnation powerhouses exerted their full strength and attacked the beast god.

Suddenly, the earth-shaking sound of roar came from Dongzhou.

The whole world is trembling, and the attack of these six major step reincarnation powerhouses broke out enough to destroy several kingdoms and even a piece of space.

The entire space of heaven and earth was completely crushed and collapsed.

Obviously, it is difficult to bear the horror of the six strong and powerful reincarnation states.

Under this terrifying might, several peaks in the entire Excalibur Mountain were crushed and crushed.

All the disciples of Shenjian Mountain were vomited by shock under the mighty attack of the powerful men in the six-and-a-half-step cycle of reincarnation, and they knelt down on the ground.

Everyone, including Tibetan Tianyun, looked extremely dignified, and they worked hard to resist this horrible power.

The beast **** is within the attack range of these six major step reincarnation strong men, but he still looks calm as if nothing had happened, and twitched his hands to seal his secrets.

"Xuanwu shield!"

The beast **** drank softly, and a mask formed by various patterns appeared around him.

This mask protects the beast **** like a shield.

The attacking power of the six major half-step reincarnation powers all fell on this shield mask.

The earth-shattering explosion sounded, the space where the beast **** was was completely devoured by energy, and the huge black hole in space appeared directly.

Everyone present was shaken back by the terrible aftermath of energy.

The six half-step reincarnation powerhouses have even shot to control the spread of this energy aftermath.

Otherwise, not only the people of Shenjian Mountain will be destroyed.

Even the six ancient ancestral gates and temples were unable to escape under this energy aftermath.

At this time, the six half-step reincarnation powerhouses watched the beast gods swallowed up by their energy offensive, and their faces were a joy, and their hearts were slightly relaxed.

They are confident that any strong person will die with the six of them, unless the opponent is a quasi-reincarnation strong.

It's just that it is difficult for such a strong man in the ancient world to find one. How could he be here?

As for Tiansha, there was a look of worry in their eyes, obviously they were all worried about the beast god.

After all, the beast **** belongs to them. They naturally do not want the beast **** to have an accident.

After a full ten minutes, the energy of these six half-step reincarnation powerhouses was completely dissipated.

None of the spaces healed completely, and there were still a lot of space cracks.

In the center of this energy ray, the beast **** still stood there, surrounded by a light shield called basalt shield, without any damage.

Seeing this, the audience was uproar.

The eyes of the people of Shenjian Mountain, the six ancient ancient gates, and the people of the temple were all widened, and they all showed incredible looks.

They did not expect that the beast **** had nothing to do under the full attack of the six-step reincarnation powerhouse.

This is incredible and a miracle!

The five half-step reincarnation powerhouses in Gu Zongmen and the half-step reincarnation powerhouse in the temple directly stared wide.

For more than 100,000 or 200,000 years of practice, they were deeply shocked for the first time.

"Are you a quasi-reincarnation?"

One of the six people couldn't help but look at the beast god.

The other strong men present were staring at the beast god, and were a little nervous and nervous.

If this guy is a quasi-reincarnation powerhouse, then I am afraid that all of them today will not be opponents of each other.

"You don't deserve to know what I am!"

The beast **** said indifferently, the mask around him disappeared.

"Canglong claws!"

The beast **** spat coldly, bending his right hand into a sharp claw to perform a trick.

And if the dragon people are here, they will feel extremely shocked.

Because this trick is a unique skill of their dragons, and only the dragons can practice successfully.

But now the beast **** is the human body but he is showing it.

Boom boom! !! !! !!

As the beast **** displayed the claw of the dragon, the sky shattered again.

A huge claw broke out like a terrible dragon claw to suppress the six strong men in the cycle of reincarnation.

A mysterious force different from the power of law and spiritual power erupted.

Everyone present was trembling inside, with an inexplicable sense of fear.

And the six strong men in the half-reincarnation realm faced the blow from the beast god, but his face changed greatly, and there was a flash of unprecedented fear in his eyes.

They have urged all the power of the half-step reincarnation.

The power of the law they realized was completely exploded.

Sky is falling apart, energy is destroyed! !! !!

This blow is like Mars hitting the earth, and the exploding energy breath makes people feel a sense of suffocation.

The 100-mile-long space completely collapsed and destroyed ~ ~ The peak of the Excalibur Mountain was all turned to ashes.

The entire Excalibur building was destroyed.

The people of the six ancient ancestral gates and the people of the Excalibur Mountain were backed up by the earthquake, and there was a feeling of escaping from death and hell.

Puff puff……

A series of spurts of blood soon sounded.

All the powerful men in the six-and-a-half-step cycle of reincarnation flew out like a disconnected kite.

They were all vomiting blood in their mouths, and their bodies were badly hit and smashed into the collapsed mountain.

In one blow, six strong and powerful reincarnation players are hit hard! !! !!

At this moment, the space is silent, and time seems to stop! !! !!

Everyone's eyes stared round, and their hearts were filled with shock.

At this moment, whether it is the people of the Excalibur Mountain, the people of the six ancient gates, or the people of this temple.

All witnessed the most shocking, most incredible and most incredible scene in their lives.

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