The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2684: Wind Spirit

There is a valley in a mountain a hundred miles away from Red Flame City.

Xiao Yifeng and they evacuated here. There is a natural matrix barrier outside this valley that can shield spiritual inquiry, but it is an excellent hiding place.

Xiao Yifeng also arranged a nine-level formation here again, completely covering up the valley.

"What happened?"

Luo Lie asked Xiao Yifeng at this moment, he still doesn't know what happened.

Xiao Yifeng simply told things to Luo Lie and Lie Zhentian and Xiao Jie.

They were naturally shocked, and then their faces became extremely dignified.

"In this way, I'm afraid we really become the target of public criticism, and become the object of the entire Shura Purgatory to be killed.

Lie Zhentian said solemnly.

"Are you afraid?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Lie Zhentian and smiled slightly.

"The host is not afraid, I am afraid of anything, but this time even the hermit family is dispatched, it is really troublesome!"

Lie Zhentian said directly.

"Is this hermit family great?"

Xiao Yifeng asked.

Lie Zhentian directly introduced these seven hermit families.

Xiao Yifeng only came to understand at this time. The Hermit family really didn't look simple. Even King Shura had nothing to do with them.

"What are you going to do next? Continued staying here is not a long-term plan. Even this hermit family has shot, they are bound to seize this heaven and earth magic medicine."

"At that time, the strength of the major powers of the entire Shura Purgatory will be discovered here, and it will only be a dead end to face them with our strength!"

Luo Lie looked at Xiao Yifeng and said in a deep voice.

"Leave me to them!"

Feng Youyou said directly.

"No, hand you over, then your only result is to be refined into a cultivation resource by them!"

Xiao Yifeng said.

"I was an elixir. By chance, I was born as a magic drug. After all, I am not a human, even if I am refined into a cultivation resource, it is normal."

Feng Youyou continued to speak.

"Well, don't tell me, I won't give you up. You almost died to save me before. How could I give you up for myself!"

Xiao Yifeng said deeply.

"You send a few people out to inquire about the situation!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Lie Zhentian and said, the latter nodded.

In an instant, night fell.

Somewhere in this valley, Feng Youyou and Xiao Yifeng stayed here.

"You refine me!"

Feng Youyou looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

"What nonsense? How could I do this!"

Xiao Yifeng immediately changed his face and shouted.

"With my energy, if you refine me, you will definitely have a leap in strength, and by then those people know that without the existence of heaven and earth magic medicine, it should not be going to do to you."

Feng Youyou said.

"Impossible, I won't do this, you don't have to talk nonsense anymore, take a good rest, I swear, as long as I'm here, I won't let you have anything."

Xiao Yifeng promised word by word.

Feng Youyou heard Xiao Yifeng's words, and looked at him with a strange look in his eyes.

Feng Youyou waved his hand, and something similar to masonry appeared in his hand, exuding a strong wind force, which contained a very pure and surging force.

"this is?"

Seeing this, Xiao Yifeng's eyes flashed a strange color.

At the same time, he felt that his avatar shuddered a little, and he was very interested in this thing.

"This is the wind spirit species, which is condensed from my essence and essence. It gathers the most powerful power of the heaven and earth magic medicine, and at the same time contains the powerful law of wind."

"Don't you have a clone that is the power of cultivating the wind? Take it to take it, which can improve your strength. At the same time, you have the opportunity to understand the rules of the wind and control the power of the wind more perfectly."

Fengyou said quietly.

"This ... this thing should be very helpful to you, keep it for yourself, don't give it to me!"

Xiao Yifeng said quickly while watching Feng Youyou.

"Take it, I have improved my strength now, and the level of myocardial medicine has also improved. This thing does not have much effect on me. If you do not accept it, I will go to those people."

Feng Youyou said directly.

"Okay, thank you!"

Xiao Yifeng nodded, took over the Fengling, and then he directly summoned the clone to swallow the Fengling, and then began to refine directly.

In a flash, a new day came.

On this day, tens of thousands of people gathered in the valley, and everyone was meditating.

And after one night of refining and absorbing, this wind avatar has refined all the energy and wind power of this wind spirit species.

At this moment, a thick light cyan light shrouded around the avatar of the wind, and it was the force of the wind that was spinning and brought a strong wind of Ling Ling.

The wind was terrible and terrible, forming a powerful defense wall, tearing the void apart.

As if anything touched the defensive wall formed by the force of the wind, it would be torn apart.


Xiao Yifeng waved a megalith, which collided with the strong wind defense wall composed of the force of the wind around the clone of this wind.

Suddenly, the boulder was forcibly broken up into pieces and splashed away, and there was not even a second. How horrible the defensive wall formed by the force of the wind was.

I am afraid that even the strongest in the eighth place of life or death may not be able to break through this defensive wall.

Today, after the wind avatar refines and absorbs this wind spirit, its strength has been directly upgraded to the ninefold of life and death.

Three realms have been promoted in succession, and they are still three realms in life and death ~ ~ It can be seen that the power of this Fengling species is indeed born of the essence of this Fengyou you.

At the same time, the avatar of the wind began to comprehend the rules of the wind with the help of the wind spirit.

The whole person has a deeper understanding of the power of the wind, and the defensive wall composed of the power of the wind was born from the power of the wind.

boom! !! !!

A horrible breath erupted on the avatar of the wind. A terrible hurricane storm erupted, and the surrounding empty air flow was directly crushed, and the space was completely collapsed.

This power is completely comparable to the five or six heavy combat power of life and death, and far surpasses the ordinary super powers of life and death.

Immediately after this wind's avatar opened his eyes and waved his palm, a blue-black whirlwind appeared in his palm.

This blue-black whirlwind is the result of Xiao Yifeng's combination of the power of wind and the power of poison he cultivated.

Now with the continuous improvement of the strength of the wind avatar, it has also allowed him to practice the poison classics to a higher level.

As for the practice of the Poison Classics, it has reached a whole new level. The power of the poison he has cultivated now is so powerful that he can easily kill the strong in the same realm.

Now he combines the power of wind and the power of poison to form this whirlwind, the power is even greater.

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