The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2668: Superb Holy Fruit

"Boy, aren't you tough? Are you tough now?"

The Luo Jiaqiang, who was in a state of life and death, slammed on Luo Lie's body and sneered, breaking his ribs several times, spitting blood in his mouth, his face pale.

"If you want to kill, you don't need to make so much nonsense. Your ungrateful fellows really cost my father to cultivate you that year."

Luo Lie stared at the group of people with cracked eyes.

This group of people was originally cultivated by his father, but now ...

"Well, my Master Luo Lie, don't you understand the principle of the emperor and the emperor?"

"Now the Luo family is no longer your father's Luo family, and your father is already in hell. Do you think we will kill your father?"

The strong man in life and death squatted down, fanned Luo Luolie's mouth and sneered.

"You ungrateful traitor! Damn it!"

Just then, a cold drink sounded suddenly.

Immediately after this group of Luo family strong men glanced, they saw a young man coming coldly, Xiao Yifeng.

"It's you!"

Seeing Xiao Yifeng, the eyes of the powerful Luo family shrank.

That Luo Lie saw Xiao Yifeng appear, his eyes also showed a touch of expression.

"Boy, you came out so quickly, it seems that we are looking for you!"

The talking Luo Jiaqiang looked at Xiao Yifeng coldly.

"Looks like you guys plan to do it to me? Who gives you this courage?"

There was a look of disdain in Xiao Yifeng's eyes, looking at these people.

"Huh, boy, this is in Tianluo Mountain. You can't exert your power to dominate the territory, and we don't have to be afraid of you!"

The strong Luo family hummed.

"Is it? I can't exert my power to dominate the realm, so don't you worry about me?"

Xiao Yifeng sneered, his body flashed, and he instantly appeared in front of one of the strongest Luo family in life and death.

One hand waved like lightning, clasping the opponent's neck, and Chiyan Skyfire burst out, instantly turning the other person into ashes, including the soul and soul.

Seeing Xiao Yifeng's hand, the faces of these people all changed, and their bodies could not help but take a few steps back.

"Taking Rage Dan!"

The strong Luo family yelled.

The remaining Luo Jiaqiang took one elixir one after another, and then all the strength in their bodies became violent, reaching the pinnacle of life and death.

With seven or eight combat powers, each one looks like a wild beast with frantic eyes, exuding a terrible breath.

This violent Dan was exactly what Luo Yongcheng had prepared for them before, and was used here to deal with Xiao Yifeng.

With their strength and the power of Rage Dan, as long as Xiao Yifeng can not exert the power to dominate the realm, he will undoubtedly die, but this Luo Yongcheng too underestimated Xiao Yifeng's true strength.

When all these people rushed towards Xiao Yifeng, he directly killed them with their physical bodies.

Their threat is not as good as those of the Skeleton Bloodbringer and the Nether Hall.

Xiao Yifeng is naturally easier to deal with this group of people than the two teams.

Even if they took this violent Dan, but they are still not an enemy of Xiao Yifeng.

A few minutes later, he was all settled by him.

The flesh was destroyed one by one, and then all the souls were swallowed up by Soul Devourer.

"how about it?"

Xiao Yifeng came to Luo Lie and took out a medicine to heal him.

"It's okay, thank you. You saved me again. I don't know how many times you saved me."

Luo Lie looked at Xiao Yifeng and said weakly.

"Since we know each other and we are friends, we don't need to say such kind words. I treat my enemies with no mercy, and I will do my best to help my friends."

Xiao Yifeng said with a smile.

Later, Luo Lie started to heal his wounds. With the help of various elixir provided by Xiao Yifeng, his injury recovered quickly.

When Luo Lie's injury was almost recovered, they continued to search for blood crystals in Luoshan this day.

The Luoshan Mountains are extremely huge this day. Even if Xiao Yifeng, they have only traveled less than a third of the way.

On the way, they also encountered many people, of course, those people fled when they saw Xiao Yifeng.

When Xiao Yifeng and they came outside a mountain stream, a **** light suddenly released from the mountain stream, and a strong energy breath spread.

Xiao Yifeng glanced through his eyes, and soon found that a spirit fruit was born in this mountain stream.

No, it should be the birth of the Holy Fruit. This spiritual fruit emits a **** vision and releases a strong energy breath. It is obviously the birth of the Holy Fruit of Heaven and Earth.

At this moment there are still two teams of horses standing beside this Holy Fruit. They are the two other families outside the Luo family, Lu family and Fan family in Shura City.

At this moment their eyes were gazing with madness and greed.

"Blood spirit fruit, this is the best holy fruit. If you take the five levels of the Dominant Realm, it will be enough to break through the six levels of the Dominant Realm. I did not expect to encounter such high-quality holy fruit here."

A strong man of this Lu family said that he looked shocked and excited at this Holy Fruit.

call out!

Just then, a strong man from the Fan family rushed out and was about to seize this superb holy fruit.

"You look for death!"

Seeing this Fan's shot, the people in Lu's face changed, and they slammed violently.

All the Lu family rushed over, and the rest of the Fan family came forward to resist.

The two families fought directly for this superb holy fruit.

This superb sacred fruit is extremely precious ~ ~ They will not let it go, so it is necessary to divide between them.

"It turned out to be the best holy fruit. I have only heard of it and I have never seen it before. If I can take this holy fruit, I may break through life and death."

Luolie looked at the blood spirit fruit, and there was a look of envy in his eyes.

At this point Xiao Yifeng swaggered over and walked over.

Watching the emergence of Xiao Yifeng, the two strong men who were fighting all stopped at once, their eyes turned towards Xiao Yifeng.

When they looked at Xiao Yifeng, their looks changed slightly.

Although they didn't know much about Xiao Yifeng, Xiao Yifeng's performance outside Tianluo Mountain yesterday gave them great shock.

"What are you doing here?"

The Lu Jiaqiang looked at Xiao Yifeng and yelled.

"Of course I came here for this superb holy fruit. Could it be that I came to watch the scenery?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the Lu Jiaqiang with a look of contempt, and said softly.

Huh! !! !!

Immediately, the eyes of the two powerful Lu family and Fan family were condensed, staring at Xiao Yifeng.

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