The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2663: Kill the Beast

"Yes, this was planned by the four masters long ago. Find a ninth level mage who can arrange the ninth level method in the realm of life and death. The formation is waiting for you to hook. "

The Chijintang Life and Death Nine Strongs hummed coldly.

"The ninth-level formation method wants to kill me. You are too naive to think?"

Xiao Yifeng smiled slightly.

"Boy, we know that you are very powerful, but this nine-level formation can kill even the strongest ones who dominate the realm of the seven or eight. Do you think you can resist it?"

One of the nine strongest in the life and death scene of the Blood-Lining Hall looked at Xiao Yifeng and hummed coldly.

The people in these four halls looked at Xiao Yifeng with a confident look on their faces, and apparently all expected Xiao Yifeng to be dead this time.

"Maybe you figured out other methods that could deal with me, but you chose the matrix method!"

Xiao Yifeng watched the group vomit and shook his head.


Xiao Yi sighed with a storm, and a terror burst into his body.

Playing a mysterious Indian secret with both hands, he blasted directly towards this nine-level formation.

Rumble! !! !!

The harsh roar exploded directly.

Then this powerful nine-level formation method was directly broken, and Xiao Yifeng's strength was cracked.

He has now reached the level of the ninth-level array mage, and his understanding and control of the array method has already surpassed most of the ninth-level array mage.

A ninth-level formation method couldn't hold him at all, and he was transformed into nothingness by his breaking technique.

"how is this possible?"

Seeing that Xiao Yifeng was so easy, he broke a nine-level formation that could kill the Supreme Master.

The eyes of the people in these four halls were all staring wide, showing an incredible look at Xiao Yifeng, completely stunned.

"I said it was really naive of you to kill me, but I can't die, it's you!

Xiao Yifeng looked coldly at the people in the four halls and vomited.

The terrible breath permeated them, causing them to tremble, causing a fear in their hearts and escaping.

"What are you afraid of? This is in Tianluo Mountain, and he can only use his strength at birth and death, so many of us don't have to be afraid of him at all, go together and kill them, we will get the reward from the host."

The strong man in Chijintang's life and death watched the others scream. ,

Immediately, this group of talents responded. This is in Tianluo Mountain. Everyone can only explode the strength of birth and death. So many of them do not have to be too afraid of Xiao Yifeng.

"You look really naive, so I'll let you fully understand the reality!"

Xiao Yifeng sneered and shot out.


Huh! !!

Xiao Yifeng came directly to the nine strong men in the life and death of Chijintang who just spoke.

He smashed his head with a punch, blasted his head on the spot, and splattered blood, killing him in seconds.

Next, Xiao Yifeng's figure was constantly moving here, waving his fist.

And the four strong men in life and death are under Xiao Yifeng's fist.

Suddenly, it seemed to be weak like a chick.

There is no ability or opportunity to resist at all.

One by one was killed by Xiao Yifeng directly.

In less than a minute, more than a dozen of the strongest in the seventh stage of life and death to the nineth stage in life and death all fell under Xiao Yifeng's fist.

Only their spirits remained in the void, and they looked at Xiao Yifeng in fear, and then their spirits were about to escape.

Soul Eater!

Xiao Yifeng waved the soul-eating bead and waved his hands. The horrible engulfing power erupted from the soul-eating bead, and all the souls of these people were engulfed into the soul-eating bead.

The light of this soul-stealing bead is even more dazzling, and the mysterious atmosphere contained in it is becoming more and more clear.

This soul-stealing bead is like an egg that only needs to be fed. It will not appear until it is fully fed.

"Huh, naive!"

Withdrawing the Soul Eater, Xiao Yifeng sneered.

Even though there are restrictions in Luoshan this day, it is impossible to exert forces beyond life and death.

But Xiao Yifeng is invincible even in the realm of life and death. The flesh can kill all the strongest in life and death.

It can be said that in this day Luoshan, he is the most powerful being.

For others who enter Tianluo Mountain, his strength is as high as the king.

After killing this group of people, Xiao Yifeng put away the dozen blood crystals and continued to look for blood crystals in Luoshan on this day. Among them, he also encountered people from other sects.

After they saw Xiao Yifeng, they all had fear and vigilance in their eyes, and they all avoided Xiao Yifeng.

Obviously they were all shocked by Xiao Yifeng's performance outside, and they were afraid to be with Xiao Yifeng.

Roar Roar! !! !!

When Xiao Yifeng came to a gorge in Luoshan this day, a roar of beasts burst out suddenly.

Xiao Yifeng then saw a large number of strange beasts in this canyon.

These strange beasts are all blood red, and they look very terrible and exude a terrifying atmosphere.

However, the most important thing is that Xiao Yifeng found many blood crystals in the bodies of these strange beasts, and the energy contained in these blood crystals is greater than those of the outer blood crystals.

One piece of blood crystals in these strange beasts was enough to match the ten pieces of blood crystals he had collected before.

Seeing this, Xiao Yifeng's eyes stared at this group of strange beasts, as if a wolf was staring at a sheep.

At this time, the beasts also stared at Xiao Yifeng, roared, and rushed towards Xiao Yifeng.

Each one emits the terrible strength of life and death ~ ~ Boom!

Xiao Yifeng stepped out, smashed a punch, smashed into one of the strange beasts, and knocked it out on the spot.

But what surprised Xiao Yifeng was that his punch didn't kill the strange beast in seconds, but just knocked it down to the ground, spitting blood in his mouth.

Then the strange beast attacked again towards Xiao Yifeng regardless, and the **** pupil was full of crazy look.


Seeing this, Xiao Yifeng's eyes flashed a strange color.

Xiao Yifeng directly waved the Minghong sword. When the power in the body worked, the Minghong sword broke out a horrible power, and a fierce breath broke out from this Minghong sword.

drink! !! !!

Xiao Yi drank a storm, and urged Minghong to blast out. The terrible power and the power of Minghong finally killed the strange beast.

Then Xiao Yifeng launched a **** killing in this canyon, holding Minghong sword and fighting with the group of strange beasts.

However, this group of strange beasts is really fierce and difficult to entangle. Xiao Yifeng spent a full ten minutes to solve them all, and the whole person also consumed a lot of energy.

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