The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2651: Power of avatar

"Your boy has severely wounded my son, and he should be guilty of death!"

The owner of Chi Jintang looked coldly at Xiao Xiaofeng.

"Really, I want to try what it's like to die. Can you let me experience it?"

‘Xiao Yifeng’ looked coldly at the Chijintang master.

"Since you want to die, I will fulfill you!"

The Chijintangtang master shouted in a deep voice, waving his hands, and the seven forces of terror dominated the territory.

The terrible power of the Golden Rule fell between heaven and earth, and the entire sky was filled with a terrifying coercion.

This mighty weight is very heavy, there is a sense of metal oppression, and it also contains sharp killing gas.

As if heaven and earth were to be destroyed in an instant.

But this 'Xiao Yifeng' expression looked very calm, his face was indifferent, without any fear at all.


This 'Xiao Yifeng' waved his hand, and the gold gun burst out, floating directly above the void, glowing with light.

Then this 'Xiao Yifeng' waved and made a sucking motion towards that Xuan Jinshan.

Boom boom! !! !!

In a blink of an eye, there was a roar of noise from this mysterious mountain, and then an incredible scene appeared.

I saw a large amount of golden light coming out of this mysterious mountain, and all these golden light converged towards 'Xiao Yifeng'.

As the golden light continued to appear in Xuan Jinshan, the original golden yellow color of Xuan Jinshan faded rapidly, as if it had faded.

And all this is because the power of gold in Xuan Jinshan has been absorbed by this 'Xiao Yifeng'.

Seeing this scene, no matter it was the strong earthquake or Chijintangtang, there was a look of dullness and shock in his eyes.

The golden light of the sky emerged from this mysterious mountain, and the power of gold in this mysterious mountain was completely absorbed by 'Xiao Yifeng'.

Then with the wave of this 'Xiao Yifeng', all the power of the gold in the mysterious mountains of Xuan Jinshan that he had absorbed poured into this golden gun.

No one knows how much gold power is in the entire Xuanjin Mountain, and it is impossible to imagine.

Now that all these forces have entered this golden gun, we can see how terrifying power is contained in this golden gun.

There were roars, dazzling, dazzling golden rays bursting out of this golden gun.

A mighty might of the heavens and heavens was released from this golden gun, and the power of this Chijintangtang master to control the realm was suppressed.

"Golden Gun!"


‘Xiao Yifeng’ slammed a cold drink and waved his hands, and the gold gun burst out towards the Chijintangtang master.

Rumble ...

The next second, a series of earth-shattering roars sounded.

The golden gun is like a sharp arrow that breaks through the waves, breaking all obstacles, and blasting towards this Chijintangtang master.

Chijintangtang watched the golden gun blast, and the power of all the laws broke out to resist.

However, all the golden guns were strongly broken and opened. The golden guns had a sharp and sharp atmosphere, and irresistibly penetrated the body of the Chijintangtang master.

The Chijintangtang stared with wide eyes and looked down at the huge hole in his chest.

With a dull look, he looked at Xiao Yifeng, revealing an incredible look.


The next second, the body of this Chijintangtang master burst into countless golden rays.

The whole body shattered instantly and turned into nothingness.

As for its spirit, it also bloomed countless golden lights and was completely destroyed.

The dignified dominion of the seven strongest men fell directly into the hands of 'Xiao Yifeng'.

And these are already the two strongest masters that Xiao Yifeng killed in one day.

One to kill, one to kill.

At this time, Golden Gun returned to ‘Xiao Yifeng’ ’s body, his body trembled, he coughed suddenly, his complexion turned pale, his breath suddenly seemed extremely weak, and he fell towards the ground.

"the host!"

Seeing this, Lie Zhen shouted violently, and rushed forward, catching this ‘Xiao Yifeng’.

The move just now is a secret technique learned by Xiao Yifeng from the inheritance of the golden gun, which can forcibly control the power of gold between heaven and earth and then cooperate with the golden gun to kill the enemy.

However, once this trick is performed, there will be a period of weakness for several days and no power can be used.

However, the power of this strike was very powerful, and the Golden Gun dominated is indeed a rare superpower in the ancient world after the end of the ancient times.

And not all the power of this hit was consumed, of which there is still a lot of gold power in this mysterious mountain in this golden gun.

After all, the power of gold in the entire mountain of Xuanjin Mountain was absorbed by him.

The entire mountain has now become an ordinary mountain, which shows how much gold power Xiao Yifeng has just absorbed.


Just then, a figure burst out from this mysterious mountain again, it is Xiao Yifeng's body.

At this moment Xiao Yifeng's body was permeated with a layer of golden light, and his body was permeated with a terrible and powerful breath.


Seeing another master appeared, the severely shocked look of the tremor was stagnant, and he did not respond for a long time.

At this moment, Xiao Yifeng appeared, suspended directly in the void, feeling the change of his own strength.

Now Xiao Yifeng has fully refined the black gold pulp into his physical body, causing his physical body to transform again, reaching an extremely scary level.

Rumble! !! !!

At this moment, a thunderous sound came out of the void, and then a huge thundercloud suddenly appeared here.

"Is there a thunderstorm?"

Looking at this thunder, Xiao Yifeng's eyes flashed with surprise.

This is the first time he encountered thunderstorm after entering the realm of life and death, generally except Nirvana.

In other realms, thunderstorms will not be born ~ ~ I did not expect that Xiao Yifeng ’s physical strength today has actually led to thunderstorms, but it was somewhat unexpected.

boom! !! !!

Just then, a thick thunderbolt fiercely chopped down towards Xiao Yifeng.

That might be more horrifying than the thunderous thunder of Nirvana.

This first thunderbolt has the power to destroy the dominant power.

Xiao Yifeng didn't dodge, letting the thunder force rush into his body.

At this time, Xiao Jifeng ’s Jiu Xing Ba Jue suddenly started to work, and then began to absorb the thunder force.


Seeing Jiu Xing Ba Jue's self-running, Xiao Yifeng's eyes flashed with astonishment.

Soon all these horrific thunderstorms descended on Xiao Yifeng, as if to completely destroy it and kill it.

The terrible breath made the terrifying Zhentian feel a breath of palpitations, which is enough to prove the horror of this thunderstorm.

However, the force of this thunderbolt blasted down, but still did not kill Xiao Yifeng.

He completely resisted the power of this thunder and calamity, and then was refined by the Jiuxing Overlord Technique, and finally merged into his physical body.

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