The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2644: 10,000 lives

"Your father and others were wounded in the war and disappeared for a while, then returned to the family and said that he fell in love with a woman outside and wanted to marry her as a wife."

"At that time, the last patriarch, that is, your grandfather, naturally resolutely disagreed. At that time, your father was the first day after the patriarch's punishment day, and was identified as the next patriarch's heir. Naturally, his wife could not be outside world A woman. "

"But at the time your father was very determined and had a big fight with the previous patriarch, because this incident led to the death of the previous patriarch who practiced his skills and died. After the death of the previous patriarch."

"Your father went straight into the five most dangerous forbidden places in the ancient world because of his guilt."

"He hasn't heard from him since then. Based on the fierce dangers of these five restricted areas, your father should have been ..."

Criminal Yixu said, the last few words were not spoken, the meaning is obvious.

This Ouyang Shaohan's father should have died long ago.

When Ouyang Shaohan heard the news that he was dead, his body shivered, and her eyes were in pain.


Ouyang Shaohan muttered to himself, looking lonely.

At the same time, among the Xuanyuan tribe, one of the eight ancient ethnic groups.

In a room, when Xuanyuan Hong learned the news of Xiao Yifeng's death, the whole person became very angry.

"How the **** can you die?"

"You will die in my hands, even if you die!"

"I will kill you myself!"

Xuanyuan Hong said in a frantic expression.

Killing Xiao Yifeng has long been a demon obsession in his heart, and it is also his greatest motivation for continuous cultivation.

He always thought about killing Xiao Yifeng himself.

Now that the other person died suddenly, he suddenly lost his life goal.


At this time, the sound of the ten-clawed dragon entered Xuanyuan Hong's mind, calming him down.

"It's not necessarily that boy is dead. Even if he dies, you must work hard to cultivate and enter the realm of **** and reincarnation as soon as possible."

"At that time, you may still hope to resurrect your parents and people!"

Ten Claw Dragon said violently.

"What? Resurrect my parents and people?"

Xuanyuan Hong looked startled, an incredible look flashed in his eyes.

How can a person be resurrected?

"Of course, your current strength is still very low. There are some things and secrets that you don't know yet. It will not be impossible for you to resurrect the dead after you grow up into a true martial arts power.

"It just requires that you have tremendous strength, millions of times stronger than your current strength."

The ten-clawed dragon shouted in a deep voice.


Xuanyuan Hong calmed down and nodded.

"Cultivate well and strive for the early reincarnation, and then you will be able to exert the true power of Xuanyuan Sword."

The Ten Claws Dragon said lightly.

In the western region of the ancient realm, the Buddhist traditions of the Buddhism are in the secret realm.

At this time, the seven precepts were still sitting there, and the Buddha's sacred form, which had been gathered around him, had changed from twenty to thirty-five.

Thirty-five golden glittering Buddha statues permeating the Buddhas of the heavens appear behind the Seven Commandments.

The light of the Buddha shone, and the mighty majesty of the Buddha, set off the seven precepts like a **** Buddha, suppresses the heavens, and orders Wanfo.

These thirty-five Buddha statues represent that the seven precepts have accepted the thirty-five Buddha ancestors' traditions. This number is enough to seduce the entire Buddhism.

This is a number that has not been reached in the entire history of Buddhism. It is definitely a miracle.

In another place, this Shi Tianxing also condensed thirteen Buddha statues all over his body. Obviously, he also got thirteen Buddha traditions, which can be regarded as an extremely powerful existence.

But compared with the 35 Buddha traditions of the Seven Commandments, it is completely the existence of **** ash.

In a mysterious place in the Western Region, there is a vast and majestic palace filled with supreme power. A plaque is hung above the palace, which reads two large golden characters—the imperial palace.

Obviously this is the palace of one of the ancient ancestral gates in the Western Region, and the ancient ancestral gate hidden behind the Fanyin Kingdom.

In this palace, a group of palace emperors are discussing.

In front of this group of people there was a golden light, and there was a figure standing in the light. It was the Lord of the Palace, but no one could see its shape and appearance.

"Master, this Brahma Sect is going to start against the Buddhist Sect, should we also act?"

One of the palace strongmen asked the Lord of the palace.

"No, all you have to do is pay close attention to the angels. According to the calculation of the date, this angel city will be opened soon. Then the angel city will be our most critical existence!"

This was shrouded in cold tone by the lord of the imperial palace.

"Understand, we will be ready, just wait for this angel city to open!"

The group of palace strongmen bowed and said, and then they all came out, leaving only the Lord of the palace to stay here.

"Lord of the stars, if you are still alive, will you go to this city of angels?"


The Emperor of the Palace made a voice to himself, not knowing what was being said.

The tide rises and falls, and the setting sun rises.

Soon a brand new day began.

In the Fire Wolf Hall of Red Flame City, Xiao Yifeng sat here and ate with Xiao Jie and Luo Lie. Now Luo Lie also lives here temporarily.

At that moment, the fierce tremor came quickly, stood in front of Xiao Yifeng and bowed, "The host just got a message."

"what news?"

Xiao Yifeng said lightly.

"This blood-refining hall is prepared to enhance his strength with the death of a city of 10,000 people."

Lie Zhentian said ~ ~ The life of a city of 10,000 people to enhance strength? "

Xiao Yifeng looked for a moment.

"Yes, this blood-cultivating master Qiu Qianblade practiced a kind of demon power, which can refine the blood of the world to enhance his own power. This time he is going to sacrifice the lives of 10,000 people in a city to help He improves his strength. "

"At that time, his strength is likely to step into the **** of Yae, and he will definitely take action on the remaining six sessions."

"The closest we have to the Wolfwolf Church and their Bloodlust Church, must have been the first to be attacked by the other."

Said the violent earthquake one by one.

"Sacrifice the lives of thousands of people in a city to improve strength, which is really enough for animals and beasts!"

Xiao Yifeng looked icily.

Rao is him, and when he heard the news, he felt very angry and shameless about the blood-making master.

After all, it is possible to improve strength, but sacrificing tens of thousands of innocent lives on the entire city to improve strength is simply inferior.

"Take us there, I'd like to see the power of this blood-making master!"

Xiao Yi drank coldly.

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