The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2639: Cold Front Rage

"Yes, homeowner, but this Red Flame City is the site of the Fire Wolf Church. If that happens ..."

The man in black looked a little hesitant.

"Let Elder Luo You go with you. If this fire wolf church dares to be nosy, then give them a lesson. I'll see if they dare to offend my Luo family."

Luo Yongcheng shouted coldly.


The man in black nodded and left here.


At this moment, a young man with a clear eyebrow and a cold look came in.

This person is Luo Yongcheng's son Luo Hao and Luo Lie's cousin.

"How is Luo Xin now?"

Luo Yongcheng said.

"The **** woman didn't agree with her life before. But I told her we caught her brother. If she didn't want to, she would kill Luo Lie immediately, and she would be honest.

Luo Hao sneered.

"Very well, this girl and Luo Lie's brothers and sisters have a deep relationship, and it is good to threaten her with Luo Lie."

Luo Yongcheng said softly.

"But this girl asked her to meet her brother before leaving, otherwise she would not be the woman of the second master of the Nether Temple even if she died."

Luo Hao sank.

"Rest assured, I have found Luo Lie's trail and sent someone to take him back."

Luo Yongcheng said.

"Really? That's great. After the kid comes back, I have to play around with him so that he has always played for the young master of the Luo family, this time I play to death!"

Luo Hao screamed coldly in his eyes.

"The most important thing now is to cooperate with the Temple of the Nether, and this matter cannot attract the attention of others, especially those of the Temple of Shura, otherwise we will die!"

Luo Yongcheng said solemnly.

Luo Hao also nodded, he also knew the seriousness of the matter.

Once the Xiuluodian knew what they were doing, the entire Luo family was finished.


The ancient world, Jiuzhongtian.

Wu Meng——

"What? That kid was shot into a black hole in space?"

In this hall, Wu Canglong learned the news of Xiao Yifeng's accident.

"That's right, this thing has been boiled down in the ancient world."

This Wumeng member looked at Wu Canglong and said respectfully.

"It's cheaper this kid, even let him die like this!"

Wu Canglong's face was cold, and there was a sharp killer hum in his eyes.

"League, do you want to tell the young master about this?"

The member asked.

"No, first, he kept thinking about revenge, but instead gave him a strong motivation to cultivate."

"Tell him now, but let him lose this motivation, it is not good for his cultivation, don't tell him for now, wait until he breaks through the dominion.

Wu Canglong said in a deep voice.

"Yes, lord!"

Wumeng members nodded.

Nine heavy heavens, Supreme League.

In the courtyard where Leng Feng lived, Leng Feng was sitting on this stone platform to practice, then Su Siyao came here.

Su Siyao didn't bother Leng Feng, but just stood there quietly, stopped to watch Leng Feng practice, with a strong love in his eyes.

When the cold front practice was completed, Su Siyao stepped forward and brought a lunch box.

"This is the pastry I prepared for you today, you try it!"

Su Siyao looked at Leng Feng and said.

"no need!"

Leng Feng said indifferently.

"Just try it. It took me a few hours to make it. Wouldn't you like to try it? If you don't, then I can only throw it away!"

Su Siyao said, he was about to throw some lunch boxes, but was caught by Leng Feng, took it, and a flash of joy flashed in Su Siyao's eyes.

The cold front sat on the stone table next to it, took out the pastry, and tasted it slowly.

"How is it? Is it delicious, is there anything that needs improvement? You tell me, I can improve it!"

Su Siyao stood on this stone table and looked at Leng Feng smilingly.

"No, it's delicious, no need for improvement!"

Leng Feng still looked indifferent, said coldly.

In this regard, Su Siyao didn't care, she looked at Leng Feng and said:

"By the way, a big thing happened in this ancient world. Would you like to listen?"

Leng Feng did not speak, but just sat there eating quietly.

Su Siyao said, "I heard that an extremely powerful genius has appeared in the ancient world, but it is the first genius of the ancient world's ten-year dragon list."

"It is said that he has the ability to kill powerful men in life and death, but he is talented, but he seems to have offended many sectarian forces in the ancient world."

"As a result, the powers even sent several powerful names to dominate him, hit them into a black hole in space, and there was no dead body."

Regarding Su Siyao's words, Leng Feng did not respond, with a look of indifference.

"Yes, that genius seems to be called Xiao ... Xiao Yifeng!"

At this time, Su Siyao's words changed Leng Feng's indifferent face instantly, and the cake in his hand was crushed by it.

The cold front stood up for a moment, with a horrifying murderous body, his eyes staring at Su Siyao, grabbing each other's clothes and yelling.

"What did you say the name of the genius who fell into a black hole in space?"

"Leng Feng you ... what happened to you?"

Su Siyao was stunned by the sudden change of Leng Feng, and did not respond for a long time.

"Come on, tell me, what's his name?"

Leng Feng's eyes were full of fierce murderous gazing at Su Siyao.

"He ... is called Xiao Yifeng!"

Su Siyao was pale and frightened by the appearance of Leng Feng, his voice was trembling.

At this time several figures came in, headed by Yan Zihao who had appeared here before.

Next to him was a young man wearing a black dress ~ ~ with a cold face, like a knife and an axe.

"Leng Feng, what are you doing? Let go of Siyao!"

At this time, Yan Zihao watched Leng Feng grabbing Su Siyao's clothes, his expression sank, and there was a flash of anger in his eyes, and he rushed directly.


Leng Feng watched Yan Zihao rush towards himself, his face was cold, he slammed aloud, and released Su Siyao and blasted out.


A dull sound sounded, and Leng Feng was filled with anger at this moment, and the power of one punch was terrifying.

With a punch on the spot, he swept the Yanhaohao out, and directly smashed a tree in the yard that could only be held by a few people.

The Swallow Hao half-knelt on the ground, exhaling blood.

Seeing this, there was a strange color flashing in the eyes of the young man in black looking at Leng Feng. As for this Su Siyao, he looked at Leng Feng and said, "What's wrong with you?"

"Young Master, Young Master, you will not die, you will not die!"

At this moment Leng Feng muttered to himself, unable to believe that Xiao Yifeng was dead.

The whole person was in a state of anger and madness, and apparently the news of Xiao Yifeng's death hit him hard.

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