"Five elders, do you want to forcibly seize the title of church?"

The elder shouted in a deep voice, and the terror of his dominance overwhelmed the other.

And these five elders are just the triple strengths that dominate the realm.

"Are you guys from Chijintang here?"

Then the five elders said.

A group of people popped up directly in the headquarters of this wolf church.

This group of people was wearing red gold clothing, their faces were cold, and their bodies exuded extremely sharp momentum.

There are nearly a hundred people, all of them are five or more in existence.

Among them are many nirvana realms, strong men of life and death.

Headed by a strong man who dominates the quadruple realm, exudes a spirit of sharp killing, and walks straight forward.


Looking at this man, the elder of the wolf church and the other elders of the wolf church all changed their faces.

This man is the deputy head of Chijintang, a superpower of Shura Purgatory.

"Did you collude with Chi Jintang?"

The elder's eyes turned to the five elders, his face sank, and he yelled.

"Well, Chi Jintang promised me and made me the owner of the Fire Wolf Church, why can't I cooperate with them."

The five elders said in disdain.

"Today the fire wolf church owner can only be five elders. If he doesn't agree, there is only a dead end!"

The chiming complexion was cold and powerful.

"Is that right? That's not necessarily the case, some strong men in battle are invited!"

At this time the four elders also stood up and said violently.

Immediately another group of people appeared here, one after another, these groups were murderous, filled with terrible killing intentions, their eyes were filled with thick killing intentions, and their faces were sullen, all like killing gods.

A man headed also reached the quadruple of the dominating realm, with a strong sense of killing, as if killed from the blood of the dead mountains.

"Battle Killer Wang Tian in the first battle."

Looking at the man headed by this group of people, the elder fire wolf hall's face sank again, and he vomited coldly.

"I didn't expect those of you to kill the church."

The Chimingtang deputy chief Chiming glanced at the Wang Tianliang humming.

"You can come here, why can't we."

Wang Tian shouted coldly.

"The four elders ..."

The elder's eyes turned to the four elders with an angry expression.

But this is not over.

"I'm going to decide on the position of fire lord today!"

At this moment, Elder Liu, who has the lowest strength of the six elders of the Fire Wolf Church, also spoke, and sneered at the corners of the others and looked at the others.

The five elders looked at each other.

"Blood Knife Hall is here!"

A loud drinking sounded, a group of people wearing robes, holding **** knives, full of blood and evil spirits appeared here.

Headed by an old man with **** hair and a white beard.

His strength has also stepped into the **** of the quadruple, the elder blood shark of the Blood Knife Hall, one of the seven halls.

"Six elders, did you cooperate with Bloodblade Church?"

The elder looked at the six elders with incredible faces.

"Yes, I can't compete with you, but I naturally have to think of other ways to be the same elder."

"Why can't I be the owner of this fire wolf church, but I didn't expect that the four elders and the five elders had the same idea as me, and they all found help."

The six elders shouted coldly.

"Three of the seven churches came to my fire wolf hall today. It's really my honor!"

The elder hummed coldly, and looked at the four or five or six elders and yelled:

"You are bringing the wolf into the room, and the Fire Wolf Church is about to perish in your hands."

"No need to talk nonsense, if you submit to us today, follow the arrangements of the six elders, or you will all die here today!"

The elder blood shark of the Blood Knife Church spoke directly.

"Fire Wolf Church can only surrender to my Battle Kill Church!"

This battle kills the church to occupy Wang Tian to drink first.

"Who said that I am the host of Chijintang today!"

The deputy chief of Chijintang chimed coldly.

For a time, the people in the whole wolf hall looked ugly, and there was a look of slaughter.

The original Fire Wolf Church was the superpower of Shura Purgatory alongside them, but now it has become the object of their wanton slaughter.

This sudden change made the whole fire wolf hall unacceptable.

The elders, the elders, the elders, and the elders looked very gloomy.

"With me today, Fire Wolf Church will not succumb to any of your forces!"

At this moment the elder of the wolf church shouted coldly.


The two elders and three elders responded.

For a time, the whole fire wolf hall was filled with a sword-strength breath, a look of war coming.

"It's so interesting!"

At this moment, Xiao Yifeng, who saw all of this in his eyes, smiled slightly. The people in Qitang saw four of them today.

This situation is very beneficial to him, once they fight, no one cares about him.

At that time, he can quietly find what the fire unicorn senses.

"Is it up to you to be able to stop us?"

Wang Tian of the Battle Killing Hall looked at the elder of the Fire Wolf Hall with a look of disdain.

The elder's eyes flickered.

call out!

Just then, Xiao Yifeng waved his hand.

A terrible finger attacked Wang Tian of this battle-killing hall silently.

At the same time, he hid in the crowd and shouted: "Defend the Fire Wolf Church, kill!"

And this Wang Tian also sensed this terrible finger strength, and shot hard to resist it.

Then he looked at the elder Wolf Hall with an angry look:

"Dare to sneak attack, die!"

As soon as Wang Tian shot, the people in the four halls launched an attack.

So a great battle began.

This elder hasn't responded yet ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Looking at Wang Tiansha, he can only shoot.

The people in the fire wolf hall watched the shots of the three halls, and they also wielded their weapons, and the two sides struck together.

For a time, the whole fire wolf hall headquarters was killing.

The terrible momentum destroyed everything in the entire headquarters.

Five hundred or six hundred warriors fought and fought together. Such a picture was extremely spectacular, and it was also very tragic. Some people were killed.

The entire Fire Wolf headquarters was completely chaotic at this moment.

Xiao Yifeng quietly broke away from this group of people with the fire unicorn and headed towards the inside of the headquarters of the fire wolf hall.

At this moment, they are all forgotten, and they will not pay attention to the existence of Xiao Yifeng at all.

He also came to the headquarters of this fire wolf hall very smoothly.

At this time, basically all the people in this fire wolf hall were fighting in the front hall, so there was no one behind.

Xiao Yifeng came to the inside of this fire wolf hall according to the hint of this fire unicorn.

There is a palace here, and behind this palace is the huge Flame Mountain.

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