The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2622: All shaking

The nature in this holy city heard the news of Xiao Yifeng's accident, his face also changed slightly, his look was a bit ugly.

"Grandpa, is this Brother Xiao really something wrong?"

Xiao Si looked at Teana with a sad look in his eyes.

"No, he will be fine!"

Teana comforted.

At this point, when Cang Tianhai came back here, his father Cangshan appeared in front of him, and his frown vomited:

"You killed Xiao Yifeng?"

"Yes, father!"

Cang Tianhai nodded.

When Shanshan's face changed, Shen said, "Did you forget the warning of the mysterious strongman?"

"So what, is it because of him, I have to give up revenge on Xiaoyun? I can't do it!"

Cang Tianhai drank coldly.


Cangshan also sighed when he heard the words of Cang Tianhai.

"I just worry that we ordered Cangzong to provoke a terrible force this time. When you do this, you will bring disaster to Zongmen!"

Cangshan murmured loudly.

"Father, we ordered Cangzong is one of the ancient gates. Even if the entire ancient gates are considered to be among the best in existence, and our strength is strong, even if the power of Jiuzhongtian appears, we don't need to worry."

"No matter how strong the power behind that kid is, is it really possible to destroy my Cangzong?"

"Father, don't worry too much!"

There was a look of disdain in Cang Tianhai's eyes, humming coldly.

"I hope so!"

Cangshan shook his head and sighed.

In the hall of the Excalibur Mountain, the owner of the Excalibur Mountain, Tianyun, stood here, with a frown on his face and a tightly-locked complexion. The first four of the Ten Sword Lords stood in front of him.

"I didn't expect this boy to offend so many forces, and these six major gates were dispatched in order to kill him."

The fourth sword master Shen channeled.

"Mu Xiu will be destroyed by Lin Feng!"

The second sword master said indifferently.

"Sect, he is killed now, are we going to rearrange the people who participated in the battle of Gu Zong?"

The third sword owner looked at Zang Tianyun.

Zang Tianyun was about to speak, and a voice came into his mind.

Suddenly Zang Tianyun said, "Don't worry, he may not be dead!"

"Sovereign, he has fallen into the black hole in space. Is there any hope of survival?"

There was a look of wonder in the eyes of the sword masters.

"I'll know by then!"

Tibetan Tianyun said lightly.

In one of the courtyards of Shenjian Mountain, Jiang Mengyuan came here and told Jian Yun and Luo Qianyu what happened to Xiao Yifeng.

Immediately, the faces of the two men changed, and terrible murder and anger erupted.

"This group of **** guys dare to deal with such a poisonous hand under the small wind, it's a goddamn!"

Luo Qianyu's eyes shouted with anger.

As for Jianyun's body, it was full of horrific killings, and a horrible sword surged into the sky.

The terrible sword atmosphere flooded the entire yard.

Immediately this Jianyun was leaving here and stopped by Jiang Mengyuan.

"what are you doing?"

Jiang Mengyuan looked at Jianyun and said quickly.

"Revenge for the young master!"

Jian Yun sighed coldly.

"In terms of your current strength, how can you avenge your young master, then there are ten famous gates in Dongzhou, even the title master."

"You can't avenge your young master at all. Instead, you only take your own life. It's not worth it!"

Jiang Mengyuan said quickly.

"Anyway, I have to take revenge on the young master. One can kill them one by one, one thousand can kill them!"

Jian Yun's eyes were full of fierce murderous powers, and he shouted coldly, with a horrible sword gas flowing throughout his body.

"Jian Yun, don't be impulsive. Although I know Xiaofeng has an accident, you are very sad, but we haven't got the exact news of Xiaofeng's death now. He is so blessed that he has encountered so many dangers. It's not necessarily all right. "

"Even if he is in trouble, all we have to do is to work hard to improve our strength, wait until we have reached the point of being dominated by the title, and then go and kill all these six gates to avenge Xiaofeng!"

Luo Qianyu looked at Jianyun Shen Sheng and said.

"Yes indeed!"

Jiang Mengyuan also nodded.

"If the young master is really killed by them, my Jianyun will kill them all."

Jian Yun shouted word by word.

And at this Bounty Hunter Alliance headquarters, Xiong Hufa, Zhan Peng, and Li Long all learned about the situation of Xiao Yifeng, and their looks were constantly changing.

"This bastard, I'm going to avenge my master!"

Zhan Peng yelled angrily.

"Don't be impulsive. The young master may not be really dead. We don't panic now. We can't deal with those six gates with our strength. Let's develop the bounty hunter alliance first!"

Xiong Hufa said quickly.

In the Alchemy Association of this holy city, Xia Yurou was trembling with pale face after learning of the news of Xiao Yifeng's accident, with a miserable look in his eyes.

"Grandpa, he ..."

Seeing Xia Zhenghai coming, Xia Yurou hurriedly spoke.

"I know. I didn't expect that this time, a few of them had such a large amount of blood, and even the title master was dispatched!"

Xia Zhenghai frowned and said solemnly.

"Grandpa, is he really dead?"

Xia Yurou looked at Xia Zhenghai and said.


Xia Zhenghai's eyes flickered and he sighed, "Fell into the black hole in space. He is indeed nine dead, and even if he does not die, it is difficult to return."

A touch of sadness flashed in Xia Yurou's eyes, his lips biting.

Tianji Pavilion, Chu Jizi's face sank after learning the news.

"Master of the sky, will you die like this?"

Chu Jizi murmured to himself ~ ~ Apparently, he didn't quite believe that Xiao Yifeng had died.

This kind of thing happened throughout Dongzhou, and all the Zongmen influence families were discussing about Xiao Yifeng.

And this time they also believed that Xiao Yifeng was dead. After all, falling into a black hole in space is basically a dead end.

The ancient world, one of the eight ancient races-Tianji Xuan.

As Xiao Yifeng fell into the black hole in space, a roar rang through the entire heavenly mystery.

Then colorful clouds rose into the sky.

The entire heavenly Xuan tribe is shrouded in this colorful glow.

Above the sky, a ray of divine light rushed directly into the heavenly Xuanzu, and soon a mysterious Tao Yun breath permeated from this heavenly Xuanzu.

All the heavenly Xuan people felt a shock at this moment. There was an inexplicable force that oppressed their whole body.

The five rays of the Five Elements and Five Elements of Jin Mu Shui Huo Tu directly rose into the sky, emitting a terrifying momentum.

"The five elements are successful!"

At that time, in a palace of the Jixuan tribe that day, Qi Zhengyu, the patriarch of the Xuanji xuan, rushed out suddenly, looking at the heaven and earth vision, his expression seemed extremely excited.

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