The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2614: 1st formation family

"What do you mean by being here today?"

Wu Chengde looked at this group of people coldly, his eyes flashed with a strange look.

"It's not interesting. It's been so many years. I think the Master Association should also change its master. How can you be the leader of the Master Association?"

The old man looked at Xiao Yifeng and hummed coldly.

"Does your Xinghe family want to go to war with my Array Master Association?"

Wu Chengde's face sank.

"The Array Master Association is not yours!"

The old man disdain.

"President Liu, who are they?"

Xiao Yifeng's eyes flashed a curious inquiry to Liu Sanming.

"Xinghe family? If I remember correctly, they should be the first family of the ancient family of the Xinghe family!"

Liu Sanming said in a deep voice.

"The first formation family in the ancient world, why haven't I heard that there is such a family in the ancient world?"

Xiao Yifeng curious.

"This Xinghe family is inherited from the birth of the ancient times. It is the first family of law families in ancient times. The family has the most ancient nine-level array masters in the ancient world."

"There are even mages who are beyond the ninth-level mages, and they have countless tactics. The Xinghe family is hailed as the safest place in the ancient world."

"Because the entire Xinghe family is protected by the most powerful formation in the ancient world, even the reincarnation might not be able to break the formation of the Xinghe family, which also proves the strength of the Xinghe family."

"It's only since the end of the ancient times that the Xinghe family has gradually disappeared, and then the rise of the Array Master Association has appeared. Now it seems that the Xinghe family has always existed. I did not expect it to appear today!"

Liu Sanming said in a deep voice.

After listening to Liu Sanming's words, Xiao Yifeng stared at the people of the Xinghe family.

"You'd better leave right away. My Association of Masters is not a place where you can be arbitrary!"

Wu Chengde looked at the people of the Xinghe family with a heavy expression.


The old man who dominated the realm of the Xinghe family had a cold drink and stepped out.

The power of dominating the territory was released. On the spot, Wu Chengde was backed up by the earthquake, and blood spewed out.

"Today, the Master Association is under the control of my Xinghe family!"

The strong man who dominated the Yae region sighed coldly, exuding the mighty power to suppress the audience.

All the members of the Rage Master Association headquarters were embarrassed and could not say a word.

"Well, the Mage Association and the Xinghe family do not violate the river, why are you doing this?"

Just then, an imaginary voice sounded suddenly.

An old man walked out slowly from the headquarters of the wizard association.

This is a pale-haired old man, exuding an air of emptiness.

"How old!"

Looking at the old man, Wu Chengde's face changed, and he quickly screamed.

"How old? The former president of the array master!"

Liu Sanming looked startled at the white-haired old man.

"Former President of the Rage Masters Association?"

Xiao Yifeng's eyes glanced at the old man, and through a glance, the other side's strength also reached the dominance of Yae.

"What the hell!"

The Xinghe family's dominated octagonal veteran watched the former president of the wizards association scream.

Apparently they knew each other.

"Xing Mo, are you trying to represent the Xinghe family this time to fight against our mages association?"

He Zaitian looked at the other person and said softly.

"My Xinghe family is the first formation of the ancient world. If it wasn't for my Xinghe family to be silent, how could it be your rise to form the Masters Association."

"Now that my Xinghe family is back again, your mages association will either dissolve in place or be controlled by my Xinghe family!"

The old man named Xingmo chuckled coldly.

"I'm sorry, I won't agree to either of these conditions. Although the Xinghe family is strong, my mages association is not at your disposal."

He Zaitian said, a wave of his hand, turned into a mysterious seal, waved to the sky.

Boom boom! !! !!

Suddenly there was a roar in the headquarters of the Masters Association.

Then the mage association headquarters burst out with eight rays of light.

An overwhelming amount of coercion swept across the headquarters of the Mage Association.

The ancient array method hidden in the mage association headquarters was directly activated by He Zaitian.

The horrific power was suppressed towards the people of the Xinghe family.

Even though the other party has reached the eighth level of dominance, but under the pressure of this ancient formation method, his face is also changed, his pupils are shrunk, his expression looks extremely dignified.

"I didn't expect your array of mages associations to have array formations beyond level nine!"

There was a shocked look in Xingmo's eyes, and he looked a little ugly.

Obviously, the power of this formation method has exceeded the limit of the nine-level formation method.

"Spirit formation!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at this formation, and there was a touch of wonder in his eyes.

Everyone in the ancient world knows that the ranks of the formation law are divided into one to nine, and the nine is the first existence.

But in fact, there are more powerful formations on top of the nine-level formation.

Once this kind of formation is activated enough that even the title master can easily kill, it is a super formation that deals with half-step reincarnation and quasi-reincarnation.

The formation on top of the nine-level formation is called the spiritual formation. Of course, there are more terrible formations on top of the formation.

However, most array mages do not know the existence of spiritual arrays, and Xiao Yifeng also learned from the ban on yin and yang.

Obviously, the headquarters of the Mage Association is a spirit-level formation, which is enough to kill the super-formation of the title master and even the half-step reincarnation.

Xiao Yifeng thought this was just a nine-level formation.

"Are you sure you can resist the blow of this formation?"

He Zaitian looked at this Xingmo Shen channel.

"You guys wait for me!"

Xing Mo hummed coldly.

The people of the Xinghe family left here ~ ~ As the people of the Xinghe family left, why was the wave of the heavens and the spiritual formation disappeared?

"Thank you, Mr. He, for shooting in time!"

Wu Chengde looked at He Zaitian and said.

"Wu Chengde, do you know what you have done?"

He Zaitian glanced at Wu Chengde and said with a deep voice, the latter's face suddenly changed.

"Old Jiang, I ..."

Wu Chengde's eyes flickered to see where he was.

"You played against the genius children of the Master Association in private, just because your unwieldy grandson, the nearly-damaged Master Family Association lost a talent.

"You don't deserve to be the chairman of this Array Master Association. From today on, you will temporarily dismiss your Array Master Association and reflect on it."

He Zaitian looked at Wu Chengde and yelled.

"Yes, Mr. Jiang, I see!"

Wu Chengde's face changed continuously, and he finally nodded.

Then He Zaitian came to Xiao Yifeng and said, "I am sorry for your actions before Wu Chengde!"

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