The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2607: Princess Rakshasa

In a flash, a new day came.

Xiao Yifeng awoke from the practice and walked out of the room.

Luo Yi came to Xiao Yifeng and smiled, "Brother Xiao, are you free now? Can you go with me to a place?"


Xiao Yifeng curious.

"You know when you go, there is a big surprise waiting for you!"

Luo Yan blinked and smiled mysteriously.


Xiao Yifeng blinked his eyes and nodded.

Immediately, this Luo Yan left Xiaomen with Xiao Yifeng, and Yan Bin and some of them were supposed to follow.

However, Luo Yan said that he could only go with her alone, so Xiao Yifeng asked Yan Bin to stay here.

Soon they left the holy city and headed for a mountain outside the holy city.

"Luo Yan, are you taking me there?"

Xiao Yifeng opened his mouth, and at the same time he was secretly alert, the see-through eye opened, scanning every move around.

"You'll know right away. It's a big surprise!"

Luo Yan said with a smile, and took Xiao Yifeng directly to a dense forest under a mountain peak.

At this moment, Xiao Yifeng's instinct was a moment of instinct.

"Boy, be careful, I feel a dangerous breath!"

Long Gan said suddenly.

"Luo ..."

Xiao Yifeng also frowned, glanced at Luo Yan, was about to open, and the latter waved his right hand violently, a purple smoke came out, covering Xiao Yifeng.

Xiao Yifeng secretly said that it was not good, and was about to make a shot. As a result, a horrible power was suppressed on Xiao Yifeng.

With Xiao Yifeng's coma, a figure appeared here. It was the mother of Luo Luo, the woman.

"Take it away, or the masters around him will be found!"

The woman groaned.

"You belong to me!"

Luo Yan looked at the coma Xiao Xiaofeng's eyes flashed a demon light, then the three of them disappeared directly here.

I don't know how long, Xiao Yifeng slowly sobered up.

He found himself lying on a purple round bed surrounded by purple curtains, and the air was filled with a musk-like aroma, giving a dreamy feeling.

"This is that?"

Xiao Yifeng looked around and said helplessly, then he thought of what happened before his coma, his face changed, and he was about to get up.

As a result, he found that his body was full of a mysterious power, which actually suppressed the strength of his whole body, including his physical power, leaving him soft and weak, unable to move, which sank his heart.

"you're awake!"

At that moment, a charming and crisp voice came into Xiao Yifeng's ears, and his gaze swept away.

I saw a glamorous woman wearing a purple long dress with purple hair sprinkled slowly.

The woman had a charming face, a pair of eyes glowing with a strange purple light, red lips in flames, and a long purple dress.

There was only a white wrapped chest, which was difficult to envelop the pride of the people. Large white skin was exposed, and a deep and seductive gully was looming.

There are a pair of jade. The legs leaked out, came barefoot, purple bells hung on the feet, exuding a breath that made any male impulsive.

This woman is Luo Luo, but Luo Luo at this time is obviously different from the previous Luo Luo.

Today, she is full of charming and enchanting atmosphere, so that men have a feeling of inability to extricate themselves.

Luo Yan came to the bed, and Yuyu's hand gently stroked Xiao Yifeng's cheek.

"Can you tell me who you are now?"

Xiao Yifeng watched Luo Ying's eyes flash a strange color, his face paled out.

"It is indeed the reincarnation of the Lord of the Starry Sky. In this case, you can still be so calm and free!"

Luo Yan smiled at Xiao Yifeng.

"Officially introduce myself, my name is Luo Yan, Princess Rakshasa, and the owner of Rakshasa is my mother. This is the headquarters of Rakshasa!"

Luo Yan looked at Xiao Yifeng and said directly.

"The Rakshasa Sect, one of the five main gates of ghost repair, Man-Gi-zong, Phantom Gate, Pluto Point, Blood Moon Religion, Rakshasa-zong, all of them have touched me all over again. What a fate! "

Xiao Yifeng looked at Luo Yan and smiled slightly.

"Since you have such a destiny, why don't you join our Rakshasa sect directly and be my man. You will be the master of Rakshasa sect in the future. You will lead Rakshasa sect to unify the ghosts and dominate the ancient world. Why not hurry up!"

Luo Yan snuggled on Xiao Yifeng's body, one hand sliding on his chest.

"Okay, let your Rakshasa submit to me now, and I will naturally take you Rakshasa to dominate the ancient world!"

Xiao Yifeng quipped.


Hearing Xiao Yifeng's words, Luo Yi could not help but smile, a pair of purple eyes glowing with strange eyes watching Xiao Yifeng.

"Don't use your set of means that you can control people's hearts and minds, you want to control me, you don't have that strength!"

Xiao Yifeng gave a cold drink and glanced at Luo Luo coldly. Although he couldn't move now, his sharp eyes were still terrible.

"Princess, the lord is looking for you!"

At this moment, a sound sounded outside, Luo Yan stood up and left here.

"Senior, Devour World of Warcraft, Little Soul, hurry up and think about how to restore my strength!"

Xiao Yifeng said quickly.

"Boy, let you like beauty every day, totally unprepared to beauties, this is terrible!"

Longgan joked.

"It's not the time to say this, and I didn't expect this chick to give me such a trick!"

Xiao Yifeng's helpless face.

"Boy, this power in your body is not clear!"

Devouring World of Warcraft said.

"You ancient divine beast, can't even solve this problem?"

Xiao Yifeng has a look of contempt ~ ~ Aren't you also a great star emperor, why can't you solve it yourself? "

Sky Devour retorted directly.

Xiao Yifeng was immediately stunned and didn't know how to talk.

In this temple of the Rakshasa Sect, the Rakshasa Sovereign sat here and stood in front of him.

"I checked that guy. His spirit is very unusual. I'm afraid you don't want to control him so easily!"

The Lord of Rakshasa looked at Luo Yan and said.

"I know, so I plan to do it another way!"

Luo Yan's eyes spit out with a strange light.

"You want to use your own body!"

The Lord of the Rakshasa Sect looked at Luo Yan and said.

"Yes, I thought it was simple before. The Lord of the Stars is not so easy to control. In this case, I will control his power."

"With the help of the Lord of the Starry Sky, I believe that my strength will have a leap forward, and I will not be disadvantaged by letting the dignified Starry Lord get my body!"

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