The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2600: Thunder Robbing

Blood Eater can not only kill the enemy, but also use the opponent's blood for his own use, and once again strengthen his own strength, this Blood Eater is really powerful.

At this moment, Xiao Yifeng suddenly felt that his thunderstorm was about to come, and he broke through the fifth stage of Nirvana to go through the baptism of thunderstorm again.


Xiao Yifeng then left the cave house, but as soon as they came out, the people of the blood moon religion appeared again.

But this time they have four more old men wearing scarlet robes, and all of them have reached the level of six masters, but four supreme masters.

Obviously, the true superpowers of Xueyuejiao are specifically to deal with Xiao Yifeng.

"Boy, give bleeding moonstone!"

This blood moon teaches the Holy Son to watch Xiao Yifeng coldly vomit.

"Do you mean this?"

Xiao Yifeng took out the half moon-shaped **** stone.

The blood moon religion saint and other strong blood moon religion strong pupils have narrowed their eyes, staring at this blood moon stone.

"Young man, hand over the stones in your hands and spare you!"

One of the four **** moon teaching powers of supreme dominance looked at Xiao Yifeng and yelled.

In order to get this Blood Moon Stone, the Blood Moon Sect sent four Supreme Masters to the strong, which shows the importance of this Blood Moon Stone to the Blood Moon religion.

"Sorry, the thing in my Xiao Yifeng's pocket is not a precedent!"

Xiao Yifeng said softly, and took back the blood moon stone.

"court death!"

One of the Supreme Masters of the Blood Moon Teacher sank, his eyes flashing angrily at Xiao Yifeng.

Waving is a **** practise coming towards Xiao Yifeng.

At this time, Yan Bin's wave was a force of fire, and the attack of the Supreme Master was wiped out on the spot.

The force of terror sprayed a spit of blood from his shock, his face pale, and a look of terror appeared in his eyes.

"Want to do something to my master, first ask me if I don't agree!"

Yan Bin stood in front of the **** moon teaching strong, and the terror of his terrifying dominance erupted directly, suppressing the audience.

For a time this blood moon taught everyone's face changed, with a look of panic and incredible expression in his eyes.

Even the six powerful men who dominated the six kingdoms shivered under the horror of Yan Bin.

His face was pale, and there was a feeling of stepping into the **** of death at any time.

"Do you want this blood moonstone?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the saint with a playful smile in his mouth.

"Are you really going to fight my blood moon teaching?"

This blood moon teaches the Son to stare at Xiao Yifeng.

"I have been beaten by all ghosts, people have been killed by the Phantom Gate, and the Master of Pluto Palace has almost died in my hands. Do you think I care about your blood moon teaching?"

Xiao Yifeng's eyes looked at each other with a look of disdain.

And this blood moon teaches the Son to change his face after hearing Xiao Yifeng's words, with a strange look in his eyes.


Xiao Yi shouted coldly.


The Blood Moon taught the Son of Shen to sing, and then they all left here.

"Master, why not kill them all!"

Xiao Xiu was puzzled.

"Anyway, I also get a little benefit from the blood moon teaching strong. It is not good to kill them all, and I don't want to really completely kill the blood moon teaching."

"After all, my strength has not been completely restored. When I really restore my strength, then if anyone wants to kill me, then destroy his nine groups!"

Xiao Yifeng shouted coldly.

Boom boom! !! !!

At this moment, thunder clouds over the void, and thunder and lightning rushed through the thunderclouds. Obviously Xiao Yifeng broke through Nirvana's five thunder storms.

According to the rules of the previous four thunder robberies, this time, Xiao Yifeng had to spend forty-five thunder robberies to successfully complete the thunder robberies.

Before the thunderstorm came, this thundercloud filled a breath that made people suffocate.

The power of terror prevented the powerful under the **** from breathing.

This power alone is so horrible, we can see how terrible this thunderstorm is.

This is just the five thunder robberies in Nirvana. There are four thunder robberies in the back. It is hard to imagine how terrible the thunder robbers will be.


The first force of thunder and thunder blasted down towards Xiao Yifeng. The thunder and lightning in the mouth of the bowl fell from the sky, tearing the void directly.

Xiao Yifeng fell on the spot and shook his body. The power was comparable to the full blow of the top five in life and death, but Xiao Yifeng resisted easily.


Soon the second thunderstorm came again, and fell fiercely on Xiao Yifeng, shivering his split body, and the terrible current wiped out the surrounding air.



The next big and terrible thunderous thunder blasted down and shook Xiao Yifeng's body continuously.

Xiao Yifeng's face was tense, and he kept running Jiuxing Baju.

With the help of this thunder and calamity, you can continue to refine and strengthen your physical body, and continue to stimulate its physical potential.

The ultimate goal of Jiuxing Overlord is to transform his own body into overlord.

What is domineering is that you can dominate the world purely by physical power, and if physical power becomes stronger, it is more powerful than martial arts who cultivate spiritual power.

However, Xiao Yifeng is still a long way from the real domineering, and it is not so easy to really transform into a domineering.

But now Xiao Yifeng is using all the power to temper the potential of the flesh, making this flesh power more and more horrible. Once the flesh power enters the dominating realm, he can still deal with the dominating realm even if the realm does not reach the dominating realm. Strong.

All the horrible powers of thunder and blaze fell on Xiao Yifeng, and all these powers of thunder and blaze were absorbed by Xiao Yifeng and tempered the flesh ~ ~ to the back, the power of thunder and horror is even more terrible. The split skin is fleshy and bloody.

However, Xiao Yifeng did not care at all, and continuously absorbed the power of refining and thundering, and fully integrated the power of thunder and thunder into his physical body.

Xiao Yifeng's body also began to release a sense of destruction.

Yan Bin, Xiao Xiu Xiu, Huo Qilin and others stood side by side watching.

"This master is really talented. Even such a terrible thunderbolt can't kill him. This physical power cultivation has reached a terrible level!"

Yan Bin stared at Xiao Yifeng with a solemn expression.

"After all, it is the reincarnation of the Lord of the Starry Sky. It is normal to have such an anti-sky strength!"

Fire unicorn said lightly.

"Master is the best!"

Xiao Xiuxiao hummed directly.

In a blink of an eye, the forty-three thunderbolts had already fallen into forty, and the power of these forty thunderbolts was all absorbed and refined by Xiao Yifeng.

Xiao Yifeng's physical body once again completed a metamorphosis, the whole body's skin was split off, and then a new skin grew.

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