The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2594: Kill Sanshou Alliance

"After knowing this news, my sister went to seek revenge from them several times, but her father stopped them, saying that it was useless without evidence."

"Now my sister is depressed every day. I have to die to accompany my brother-in-law several times. I have no choice but to come to you!"

Zhong Yunfei said looking at Xiao Yifeng.

"Kill my brother, whoever it is, must die!"

Xiao Yifeng's eyes flashed with a cold look, Han Mang splattered, and he was surging to kill.

"What are you going to do?"

Zhong Yunfei said looking at Xiao Yifeng.


Xiao Yi spit coldly.

"Do you want to kill them? But we have no evidence?"

Zhong Yunfei frowned.

"No evidence is needed to kill!"

Xiao Yi spit coldly.

The Sanxiu Alliance headquarters is located on a mountain peak, where the spirit is strong, but it is a Lingshan mountain, where all the five major families take root.

In one of these rooms, Dong Aofei, Nan Hanchen, Shang Xiao and Bei Pengyu all sat here.

"This Rentianwu was killed this time, finally breathed out!"

Nan Hanchen said with a cold look.

"Well, we can't deal with his brother, it's OK to deal with him!"

Shangxiao cold road.

"But you're sure you did that, wouldn't that man avenge his brother?"

Bei Pengyu said in a deep voice. After hearing his words, several people in Dong Aofei all looked sinking, and that person was naturally Xiao Yifeng.

"Well, even if he wants revenge, does he have evidence that Ren Tianwu's death has anything to do with us?"

"And this is the headquarters of the Sanshou Alliance, which gathers the strongest masters of Sanshou Alliance. He would dare to rush here to kill us, which is ridiculous!"

Nan Hanchen's eyes disdain, and he hummed coldly.

"Dong Aofei, Nan Hanchen, Shang Xiao, Bei Pengyu get out of me!"

At this moment, a loud rumor spread throughout the headquarters of the Sanshou Alliance, surrounded by the ears of all the Sanshou disciples for a long time and could not be dispersed.

The faces of Dong Aofei's several of them were all changed.

"That kid really came!"

Nan Hanchen was shocked, and never thought that this Xiao Yifeng would dare to come here.

"Now that he is here, kill him with him, save the troubles!"

Shang Xiao spat coldly.

"Yes, this is the headquarters of the Sanshou Alliance. What are we afraid of? If he dares to come, let's die with his brother!"

Dong Aofei sneered coldly.

At this moment above the void of the casual repair headquarters, Xiao Yifeng brought people directly here, aggressive, and didn't care what it was.

At this time, the entire Sanshou Alliance headquarters were shocked, one after another emerged, staring at Xiao Yifeng.

"Brother Xiao, Tianwu him ..."

Zhong Yunyan's body appeared here, and the whole person seemed extremely emaciated and thin. Obviously, Ren Tianwu's death caused a great blow to him.

"Rest assured, I already know that I will take revenge for Tian Wu. All those who harm him, I will let him pay back ten times!"

Xiao Yifeng looked cold and drank word by word.

"It's you, let's fight!"

At that moment, the heart sword emerged, watching Xiao Yifeng scream, his eyes filled with endless sword.

Its strength has reached the duality of life and death. Obviously, it has entered this dense land and inherited it, so the strength has improved so quickly.

"No time to fight you!"

Xiao Yifeng glanced at the heart sword at will, but the heart sword was full of zeal for Xiao Yifeng, and he directly wielded a sword and attacked Xiao Yifeng.

"Look for yourself!"

Seeing Xin Jian attacking actively, Xiao Yifeng snorted coldly, waving with one hand, the fire of Tian Ling swept out.

Instantly shrouding the other person's body, in the blink of an eye, this once Shushan was completely killed by Xiao Yifeng on the first day.

At the beginning, they could still compete in the first battle, but now the opponent can't stop Xiao Yifeng's move.

At this time, Dong Aofei and they all appeared here, watching Xiao Yifeng's move to destroy the sword, their faces were all changed.

This time, the strength of the Heart Sword is more than they have improved.

Today, even Xiao Yifeng can't stop a move, we can see how horrible Xiao Yifeng is now.

"A few of you are ready for last words!"

Xiao Yifeng watched Dong Aofei coldly vomit.

"Boy, do you know where it is, dare to speak out here!"

Nan Hanchen yelled at Xiao Yifeng.

"You kill Tianwu, you have to die!"

Xiao Yifeng spat indifferently.

"Ren Tianwu's death has nothing to do with us, you don't talk nonsense!"

Dong Aofei said.

"Regardless of whether it matters or not, you all have to die. If it matters, you should die. It doesn't matter, you should be my brother's funeral!"

Xiao Yifeng said arrogantly.

Hearing Xiao Yifeng's words, everyone in the Sanshou Alliance looked very angry and ugly.

Dong Aofei's eyes stared at Xiao Yifeng with thick anger.

"So arrogant boy, this is the Sanshou Alliance, this is not a place where you can scatter wildly, don't think that when you get a dragon list, you will be invincible!"

At this time, the owner of the east, the owner of the north, the owner of the south, and the owner of the west all rushed out and came to the void, staring coldly at Xiao Yifeng, with a look of contempt.

All four of them had the terrible life and death power of Ninefolds, and they all had the momentum of two battles.

At the same time, a lot of strong men in casual unions rushed out, all eyes were on Xiao Yifeng.

"This son dared to scatter wilds at the headquarters of the Sanshou Alliance. He didn't want to live!"

People in this Zhong family watched Xiao Yifeng shook their heads ~ ~ Today, your major families must bury my brother! "

Xiao Yifeng looked coldly at the people in these big families and shouted.

Hearing these words, the main faces of all of them were all sinking, and there was a look of anger in Xiao Yifeng's eyes.

"Arrogant, want us to die, you die first!"

The owner of the Nan family gave a cold drink, his body swayed, and his palm attacked Xiao Yifeng, and the horrible life and death Jiuzhong force erupted directly.


Xiao Yifeng smashed out with a punch in the air, and the owner of the Nan family was blasted with a punch on the spot.

The spirits fell under the fist of Xiao Yifeng, there was no chance of escape at all.

Watching Xiao Yifeng blast the owner of the Nan family with a punch, the rest of the members of the Sanshou Alliance changed their faces, and their pupils shrank, revealing a shocked look.

"How is that possible? How could this guy be so powerful?"

Seeing Xiao Yifeng kill his father with one punch, Nan Hanchen's eyes widened, showing an incredible look, his face was pale.

Dong Aofei, Shang Xiao's expression also seemed extremely ugly.

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