The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2579: Luo? Purpose

"Sacred Fruit of the Ghosts!"

Xiao Yifeng's eyes looked at this thing.

"However, if this warrior with a sacred spirit is taking it, it will be easily invaded by the spirit of the yin, and it will be extremely severely damaged. Only the gate of the yin that can absorb yin can be used.

Yan Bin said.

Xiao Yifeng didn't speak, and walked directly toward this holy fruit.

This thing cannot be used by ordinary martial arts, but he can, after all, his eight great tricks can devour all the power.

When he came to this ghostly holy fruit, the endless anger suddenly swept towards him, invading him, and then he was refined by the pure lotus fire.

Xiao Yifeng directly picked this Holy Spirit Fruit and started to take it.

The huge yin qi exploded in Xiao Yifeng's body, and then was completely absorbed by those eight tips.

Eventually transformed into Xiao Yifeng's own strength, he continued to attack the ninth big trick with this power.

Six hours later, all the power of this ghostly holy fruit was refined by him.

He also successfully opened the ninth trick point to four tenths, and not far from five tenths.

However, there is still a long way to go to get through this ninth trick completely.

Then they left here, and it didn't take long before the day was dark.

They found a forest and spent the night before returning to the holy city tomorrow.

After eating the beast barbecue that Xiao Yifeng grabbed, Luo Yan looked at Xiao Yifeng and said, "Brother Xiao, I'll take you to a place!"


Xiao Yifeng curious.

"You know when you come with me!"

This Luo Yan brought Xiao Yifeng to a mid-mountainside, and there is a natural pool here.


Seeing the pool, Xiao Yifeng was a little puzzled.

"Brother Xiao, you have killed so many people before, shouldn't you wash it well?"

Luo Yan smiled at Xiao Yifeng sweetly, and then she took off her clothes in front of Xiao Yifeng.

Standing naked in front of Xiao Yifeng, then slowly walked into the pool, pouring water on himself.

Seeing this, Xiao Yifeng swallowed.

"Brother Xiao, you also take off your clothes. Would you like me to help you wash it!"

Luo Yan looked at Xiao Yifeng with a charming smile, and came to Xiao Yifeng from the pool, and he was going to help Xiao Yifeng undress.

"That's fine, men and women can't accept it!"

Xiao Yifeng said quickly.

"You still care about this, there isn't so much attention among the warriors, and you saved me and saved my body, even if you let me be your woman, this is nothing!"

Luo Yan smiled slightly, and he was about to take off Xiao Yifeng's clothes.

"That still doesn't work, I'll go back to rest first, and slowly wash it by yourself!"

Xiao Yifeng suppressed the desire in his heart and fled as soon as he slipped away.

"The fixation is strong!"

Luo Yan smiled charmingly, and the whole person entered the pool again.

After Xiao Yifeng left, he took a big breath and took a deep breath to suppress the desire in his body.

"This chick really seduces people!"

Xiao Yifeng sighed.

"Boy, this only shows that your peach blossoms are too strong, but I think this woman is not easy!"

Long Gan said.

"Besides trying to seduce me for the time being, I still can't see her purpose. I will look at it at the time. I don't believe that I am so charming that I can be seduced by anyone and take the initiative to dedicate myself!"

Xiao Yifeng said in a deep voice, apparently he was a little skeptical of Luo Luo.

But he didn't see the other's intentions, so he didn't do anything.

Ten minutes later, by the pool, a veiled woman suddenly appeared here, watching Luo Ying in the pool bow down:

"Princess, the lord asked me to tell you that you should go back. This is very dangerous. Once you let him discover your identity, you may be in danger!"

"Go back and tell my mother that I will be fine. Since I intend to do this, then I must succeed. No matter what, I will let him become my male slave and let me control it!"

Luo Ye's eyes glowed with magical purple light, and a strange and mysterious smile appeared on his face.


What else did the woman want to say? As a result, Luo Luo's expression sank, and a ray of cold mang shot in his eyes, watching her drink, "Go!"

"Yes, princess!"

The woman trembled, nodded quickly, and quickly disappeared into place.

"Xiao Yifeng, you are mine!"

Luo Yan's eyes flashed with a strange light, murmured to himself.

In this ghost gate, when the middle-aged man's spirit came back with the help of the bell, the whole ghost gate person was startled.

When they learned that the Yinmen lost dozens of masters this time, not even the news of the Yinling fruit, they were all furious.

"Notice, look for that guy with all your strength, you must find it, this revenge must be reported!"

The current gatekeeper of the Yinmen sighed coldly, his eyes flashing with coldness.

"Door, will this reveal the Phantom Gate?"

An elder said watching the gate of the ghost gate.

"Isn't the Ghost Gate now exposed, and we've all endured it now, it's time to let those people know that I'm powerful."

"When the King of Spirits recovers, the whole ancient world will be the world of my ghost gate!"

The master of the gate of the yinling gate was cold and exuberant.

For a time, the entire Yinmen was secretly searching for Xiao Yifeng's existence.

Somewhere in the ancient world, a roar suddenly sounded. In a mass graveyard, a grave suddenly exploded. ~ ~ A horrible spirit of evil spirits came into the sky, a horrible spirit of evil spirits. Hundreds of miles are directly shrouded, and the hundred miles are completely turned into ghosts.

"Finally awake!"

Then a cold voice sounded from the endless spirit of evil spirits.

A black figure came out of it, full of strong spirits of ghosts, which was one of the four great kings of Wanguizong.

At this moment, the ghost ghost king practising in these ten thousand ghost ancestors also opened his eyes, a flash of joy flashed in his eyes.

"Are you finally waking up? It's almost time for the Big Four to reappear!"

The wicked ghost king murmured to himself, his eyes flashed with a terrible coldness, and his body was releasing a terrifying power.

The next day, Xiao Yifeng and others continued to rush to the holy city.

Only when passing by a city, the sound of tidy boiling came from the city.

"The heavenly girl comes, blessings and good fortunes, heavenly women from generations to generations, bless me and wait for all beings!"

Listening to these sounds, Xiao Yifeng twitched slightly.

This made him think of the words of the gods in the Chinese drama Xiaowei TV series.

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