The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2572: Divine Power

Looking at Li Bai's strength, Wang Cheng's expression sank, and his eyes flashed a cold look.

Now that Li Bai has reached the dominance of Yae, even if he can beat the opponent, Xiao Yifeng will never be killed.

"Master Li Jian, thank you for your kindness, but you don't need to worry about this!"

Xiao Yifeng said at this time, and his words surprised other people of Shenjianshan.

This tenth sword is mainly to help Xiao Yifeng, but the other party does not allow Li Bai to help, does this kid really want to die?

Li Bai's eyes flashed a look of surprise, looking at Xiao Yifeng: "Are you sure?"

"Well, I said, I will kill him by myself, then I will kill him by myself!"

Xiao Yifeng vomited coldly, his eyes cold with the cold cold mang staring at Wang Cheng.

Li Bai watched Xiao Yifeng for a few seconds, nodded, and walked aside.

"Boy, it seems that you really want to go to Lord Yan early and find your own way!"

Wang Cheng watched Xiao Yifeng drink coldly.

"No, it's you who wants to go to Lord Yan, and your son has gone to hell. Of course, your father is going to accompany him!"

Xiao Yifeng spat coldly.

"go to hell!"

Wang Cheng shouted without mercy.

The shot was to put Xiao Yifeng to death and not give him any chance of survival at all.


When Luo Qianyu saw this scene, his face changed and he rushed over, but was caught by Jianyun.

"Don't move, Master will not die!"

Jian Yun said in a deep voice.

The people of Jiang Fangtian, Jiang Mengyuan, and Shenjian Mountain watched the horrific blow from the city of Wang Wang towards Xiao Yifeng, and all looked slightly changed.

"Mu Xiu in the forest, the wind will destroy it!"

Spit out eight words indifferently.

"This kid is too self-righteous, too arrogant, and all ended up in a dead end!"

Kuangtian chuckled coldly, as Na Xinyan stared at Xiao Yifeng without speaking.

"Master, do you want to shoot?"

At this moment, the four sword masters saw this scene and asked Tibet Tianyun one after another, and the latter shook his head, his eyes were bright and he did not speak.

"Today I will use this Sword of the Excalibur to kill you. It is your honor to die under the Excalibur!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Wang Cheng drinking coldly.

He directly urged the mysterious sword Yuanling to tell him the secret method, and then cooperated with this primitive spirit to urge the real power of this Shenjian--the power of God.

At the same time, Xiao Yifeng exploded all the power of thunder and lightning and the power of his own stars into the sacred sword.

"One sword stuns God!"

Xiao Yifeng held the sword in both hands and slashed out fiercely in the face of this king city.

Rumble ...

A sword is split out, and the sacred sword of the sword is released, and the sword is shining with mysterious light.

The horrifying power of the gods erupted directly.

The power of the title master felt the trembling fear sweeping the entire Sword Mountain.

At this moment, all the people of the Excalibur Mountain were shaking shivering, and there was a sense of death surrounding them.

A terrible divine light rose directly into the sky from the valley, straight into the sky, shaking the world.

"Do not……"

At this moment, the king city watched the sacred sword carrying the power of the sacred **** and blasted towards him. The horrible sacred power of the sacred **** prevented his whole body from being mobilized.

At this moment, Rao is his strength to dominate the territory, and he feels a deep death crisis.

This terrible power seemed to be able to kill even the gods, and he could not help but cry out loud.

For the first time, he felt that death was so close.

A sword broke, and there was a roar of noise throughout the valley.

The void over the valley was shattered completely.


And this king city, the divine sixth sword master of Divine Sword Mountain, dominates the superpowers of Yae.

Under the power of the Divine Sword erupted from the Divine Sword, it was completely destroyed and the spirits were destroyed.

The dead can't die anymore, there is no ability to resist at all.

Divine Sword is a supernatural power that transcends samsara. It is terrifying enough to destroy samsara.

Now Xiao Yifeng exerts his full strength with the help of this elementary spirit to erupt part of the power of this sacred sword.

It is also a direct killing of a powerful man who dominates Yae.

With the death of this king city, Xiao Yifeng withdrew the Sword of Exorcism, and the whole person's face was also pale, gasping slightly, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

The power of this magic sword is really terrifying!

But at this moment Xiao Yifeng could feel that the light of this sacred sword was not as if it had become an ordinary sword.

It is the aftermath of this sacred sword that forcibly stimulates the power of sacred god.

Cannot mobilize any power within a month, it seems to become an ordinary sword.

However, this result has made Xiao Yifeng very satisfied, if he controls all five artifacts.

Let them all revive their spirits. At that time, I am afraid that even the title master can kill him.

Putting away this sacred sword, Xiao Yifeng looked indifferent, and stood there coldly.

In front of it is an extremely deep gulf, and the entire valley is completely gone under this sword.

At this moment, Jiang Fangtian, Chen Tian, ​​Li Bai, and other Divine Sword Mountain disciples and those Divine Sword Mountain disciples were sealed. Xinyan's eyes were all wide open, showing an incredible look.

"This King City was killed?"

The mad sky had a dull face, saying something unbelievable, and it was swallowed in fright.

"Yes, he was killed!"

The dusty channel sounded extremely heavy.

Many people present at the moment secretly swallowed ~ ~ Xiao Yifeng's hand is even more shocking than his defeat of the genius of Sheng Jianfeng and the strength of life and death in Wang Cheng.

Although he defeated Wang Cheng yesterday, it was only because the opponent suppressed his power to life and death that he was able to defeat the opponent.

Today, under the wrath of this royal city, it showed the full power of Dominance Yae, which was completely destroyed by Xiao Yifeng's sword, with no bones left.

The impact of this mutation is really hard to imagine.

The most important thing is that Xiao Yifeng's realm of nirvana is fourfold, and even one sword destroys a strong one who controls the eighth realm.

Such a gap has made this group of powerful men who dominate the realm have been shocked to think and imagine.

They looked at Xiao Yifeng at this moment, they all had a feeling of scalp tingling, with deep fear in their hearts.

At this time, the four sword masters all had a solemn and heavy look, and for the first time in their hearts, such a strong shock emerged.

This Xiao Yifeng shocked them beyond imagination!

"This son really is a heavenly man of this life!"

The second sword master uttered a deep voice, his eyes condensed, his expression seemed extremely solemn.

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