The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2567: 20 Buddhist traditions

The old man said indifferently, then looked at Xiao Yifeng and Jian Yundao with his eyes:

"But it seems that both of you are living in a mysterious heritage and a mysterious constitution. You should not need my inheritance, and the rest is yours!"

The old man said, looking at Luo Qianyu, he said, "It is of average constitution, and the root bones are okay. Although it is not great, but since you can come here to prove your fate, let me help you! "

The old man said, with a wave of his hand, a light shot into the heart of Luo Qianyu.

Suddenly his body was shrouded in a mysterious power.

This power is washing his body, helping him wash the marrow, and let Luo Qianyu's body begin to transform again.

Ten minutes later, the whole Chiba Yu metamorphoses, and the whole person is full of energy and exudes a terrible breath.

His strength has directly broken through to Nirvana Fivefold.

The root bones and meridian body of this Luoqian Yu have undergone washing and transformation.

This will be more helpful for his future cultivation.

"Accept it!"

The old man opened his mouth and waved his hand again, and the Jiantian sword fell into the hands of Luo Qianyu, who recognized the Lord with blood and took control of the sword.

Suddenly, a light shot into the sword into his mind, and the Luo Qianyu began to sit on the ground to accept the inheritance.

"Thank you senior!"

Xiao Yifeng thanked the old man with his fists.

"Don't feel it, I said, since you can come here to represent fate, no one in this sacred sword formation can come here from ancient times to the present."

"I didn't think anyone would be able to pass this sacred sword formation. I didn't expect the three of you to come today."

The old man said indifferently, then pointed at the two beads and said:

"These two beads each contain a power that I have left. You can absorb it and refine it. It should help improve your strength!"

"Thank you!"

Xiao Yifeng thanked again, and then he took a bead with Jian Yun.

Suddenly I felt a very terrible power in this bead.

Xiao Yifeng sat directly on the ground, and then began to absorb the power in this bead.

Boom boom! !!

With Xiao Yifeng so absorbed, a very powerful force like Hongtao from the beads rushed into his body, he quickly ran the Jiuxing Bajuju and began to absorb and refine.

All three were sitting on the ground practicing for a while, and the old man stood silently watching the three.

"Different talents, even the Excalibur array can be broken. It is a good seed, but how I look at it now has a familiar feeling!"

The old man said, his eyes gazed at Xiao Yifeng, a strange look flashed in his eyes.


I don't know how long it took, Xiao Yifeng's realm finally broke through to the triple level of Nirvana.

Then he continued to make a four-way impact on Nirvana. The old man left a huge force.

Let Xiao Yifeng not only break through the realm, but also use this power to impact the ninth big trick.

The ninth big trick is now only three-tenths open, and more than half of them have not been opened. He must also do everything possible to open them up.

As for that Jianyun's strength is also rapidly improving.

And this Luo Qianyu got this inheritance, the breath on his body kept rising, and his body filled with a terrible sword.

At the same time in this holy city.

In a pub, the elderly Nikko and Tokko and Jin Hao and the disciple of the old man were sitting and drinking here.

"What are you going to do next to the old guys? I don't think these six kills will give up, they will definitely try their best to get a half-step rebirth of Dongdong from you!"

The old elder man said faintly at this day.

"Take a step and count a step. Anyway, it will take another half a year for this cave house to open."

Risha said.

"I have an idea, maybe I can help you!"

The lonely old man said.

"what idea?"

Risha looked at each other curiously.

"Lord of the stars!"

The lonely old man groaned.


Sunshade's eyes flickered.

The lonely old man smiled mysteriously.

After half an hour, the four of them walked out of the tavern, but as soon as they came halfway, they heard someone calling for help.

Then a woman covered in blood stumbled and ran towards the four of them.

Then the woman bumped into Jin Hao's body, and her body rebounded and fell to the ground, and Jin Hao helped him in time.

"Girl, what's wrong with you?"

Jin Hao yelled at the girl.

"help me!"

The woman looked at Jin Hao and said, and then passed out.

At this time, a group of fierce guys rushed over, looked at the woman in Jin Hao's arms, and yelled:

"Boy, hand over that chick!"

"Who are you? Why hunt her down?"

Jin Hao watched this group of people drinking.

"Boy, don't bother!"

This group of people looked at Jin Hao and yelled.

"I'll leave it up!"

Jin Hao snorted coldly.


This group of people attacked towards Jin Hao.

At this time the wave of the killer turned the ashes into a ash.

In the Buddhism of the Western Regions, in the secret realm of the Buddha heritage.

A roar rang suddenly, a light of Buddha came and landed here and there.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of the Sanskrit Buddha number echoed in this secret realm, and it is these seven precepts that the Buddha's light came.

At this moment, the seven precepts were sitting on a lotus seat, emitting terrifying Buddha light, and behind him were twenty Buddha statues emitting the supreme Buddha power.

All are glittering, the treasures are solemn, and they carry a terrible power ~ ~ This means that the Seven Commandments have now been passed down by the 20 ancestors of the Buddhist traditions.

At that time, Purdue, the Lord of the Buddhism, had a strong power to become the Lord of the Buddhism after he passed on the five Buddhas.

Now these seven precepts have received the power of the 20 Buddhas, and to what extent will they grow in the future.

It is absolutely hard to imagine, if it is spread, it will shake the entire Buddhism and even the Western Regions.

In another place, behind the release of Tianxing Xing, there are seven Buddha images.

Apparently, he has also inherited the seven Buddhas, which is much stronger than Purdue.

But compared to these seven precepts all at once seem insignificant.

In the hall of this Buddhist sect, Purdue stood here, standing in front of him.

"Sect, recently this elder has been in private with the Brahma sect several times, will he ..."

The figure said.

Pudu blinked his eyes, and said, "I know, you go!"

The figure left here, Purdue murmured, "I hope you won't get there!"

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