The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2560: Holy Sword Peak Genius

"Well, you don't need to be too happy, this game is not over yet, it's time for your brother!"

The Holy Sword Peak Saint looked at Xinyan Lengheng, and looked at the young man who was holding the sword in both hands.

At this time, everyone in the audience looked at this young man.

Looking at this young man holding a sword in both hands, the dusty and mad days are frowned slightly.

They both felt an invisible pressure from the other side, which is enough to prove that the other side is very strong.

"Be careful!"

Chen Feng looked at Xin Yan and said helplessly.

Several elders of the Excalibur Mountain and several sword owners looked at this young man with frowns, and apparently found that the other was terrible.

"You are not my opponent, let Mo Wujian come out, he is my target!"

The young man came to Xinyan and said indifferently.

"Who is Mo Wujian?"

Xiao Yifeng looked for a moment.

"Mo Wujian is the first disciple of the first sword master and the first martial art genius of Shenjian Mountain!"

Jiang Mengyuan said.

"Brother is in retreat, let me teach you swordsmanship!"

Xinyan looked at the young man and said in a loud voice.

"You're welcome, give me a good lesson for this woman!"

The Saint Jianfeng looked at the young man, her elder brother, and stared coldly at Xinxinyan.


This Xinyan didn't say anything. She attacked the young man with a sword and released a horrible sword.

With this sword intention, the power of this sword is stronger, reaching the strongest blow of Xinyan.

Obviously she also knows the power of this young man, so she has no reservation at all.

This sword is enough to easily kill a strong man with six lives and death.

Seeing Xin Yan attack, the young man looked very calm.

A pair of eyes were indifferent like water, without any resistance and resistance.

He did not move until the opponent's sword was less than half a centimeter away from the young man.

I saw him holding the scabbard in his left hand and the hilt in his right hand, his eyes condensed into a line, and an invisible and horrifying sword in his body condensed.

"Sword cut!"

The youth spit out two words.

Then his right hand waved the long sword in his hand, and at the same time, the condensed sword in him suddenly burst out completely.


The sky's sword, the dazzling sword awn, and the sky's sword air all burst out.

The formation of a terror-like tide that made everyone under the dominion of the host shiver fiercely, with an inexplicable palpitation and a cold heart.

They couldn't help shaking, and looked at the young man with a look of fear in their eyes.

This move is too horrible, even if they have a feeling of walking away from the ghost gate.


Under the sword of this young horror, Xin Yan's attack suddenly seemed so fragile, the sword in his hand flew out.

The whole person was blown out and spit out blood.

By the way, the place where Xin Yan fell was coincidentally the place where Xiao Yifeng was, although he was not too cold about this proud woman.

But now that the other party is falling towards him, he doesn't look very impersonal if he doesn't take the shot.

However, there was a figure that shot faster than Xiao Yifeng. It was the dust, and his body flashed in front of Xin Xinyan, catching each other.

"How are you?"

A look of anxiety appeared on the dusty and indifferent face, looking at Xinyan.

"Ahem ..."

This Xinyan coughed, her face turned pale, her mouth was stained with blood, and she looked seriously injured.

"It's all right!"

Xinyan shook her head, her eyes turned to the young man, and Shen said, "He is too strong!"

"It is indeed a sword, and it is estimated to be comparable to Mo Wujian!"

Dust stared at the young man vomiting.

At this moment the young man had a sword like a sheath, standing quietly above the void, and the horrible sword-likeness on his body had disappeared.

Soon the disciples of Sheng Jianfeng all burst into warm cheers.

As for this Excalibur Mountain, it was silent. Everyone looked blank, and had not yet reacted to the shock.

The disciples of the divine second sword master, Shenjianshan genius with six lives and deaths.

Even if the other party was given a second, how horrible this young man should be!

For a time, everyone in this Excalibur Mountain felt a big mountain pressing on them.

"Now you can see the strength of my elder brother, your group of Divine Sword Mountain people is not worthy to be compared with my Holy Sword Peak!"

The Holy Lady Jianfeng hummed with pride and a look of contempt, looking at the people of Shenjian Mountain.

"Let Mo Wujian come out, he won't come out, none of you is my opponent!"

The young man spat out indifferently after the trial.

At this moment, the elder sword mountain and the sword owner's eyes were blinking, showing a bit of helplessness.

They can see that this young man's strength should only be resisted by the disciple of the First Sword Master Mo Wujian.

But now Mo Wujian is retreating, he can't shoot at all.

Except for Mo Wujian, they could not find anyone else to deal with this genius of Holy Sword Peak.

"How? Mo Wujian dare not come out?"

The Holy Lady Jianfeng hummed arrogantly.

At this moment, Jiang Fangtian's brow suddenly moved, and his gaze turned towards Xiao Yifeng.

Jiang Fangtian appeared directly in front of Xiao Yifeng, and said, "Can you shoot?"


Xiao Yifeng looked at Jiang Fangtian's expression for a moment, and did not expect that the other party would let him shoot.

At this time, the eyes of the people of Shenjianshan were looking at Jiang Fangtian and Xiao Yifeng, and they both showed a look of astonishment. I did not expect that the fifth sword master would let such a disciple who is not yet Shenjianshan. ~ Although this Xiao Yifeng was the first to break out of the sword array, the genius of the Holy Sword Peak was not even an enemy of Xinyan.

How could this Xiao Yifeng be stronger than Xin Yan.

"Jiang Fangtian, what are you doing? Do you think this boy will have the strength to deal with this holy sword peak?"

The king looked at Jiang Fangtian and hummed directly.

Everyone else, like Wang Cheng, thought that Xiao Yifeng could not be the opponent of Holy Sword Peak at all.

The dusty, mad sky, Xinyan's eyes swept Xiao Yifeng, but they all looked with contempt.

"Hmm, isn't it possible that you can't find anyone in Excalibur? It's ridiculous to find a kid to fight with my brother."

The Saint Jianfeng maiden said sarcastically, making the people of Shenjian Mountain look very awkward.

"Yes, it's you. I was able to help you yesterday. You gave it back to me. How?"

Jiang Fangtian looked at Xiao Yifeng and said lightly.

"Jiang Fangtian, do you want him to humiliate me?

Wang Cheng looked at Jiang Fangtian and drank directly.

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