The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2539: Defeated Chu Mu


In the next second, a huge sword with a length of one hundred feet appeared in the void. This sword was not only one hundred feet long.

And the width is also a dozen feet, extremely thick, like a huge epee.

Hanging in the void, emitting endless power, like suppressing the heavens!


Chu Mu shouted in a deep voice, holding a long sword and severely chopped down at the hundreds of swords displayed by Xiao Yifeng.

The Baizhang Epee, which he condensed with his whole body's swordsmanship and sword energy, was also severely beheaded.

Qiang Qiang and Xiao Yifeng's hundreds of overbearing swordsmanship blasted together fiercely.

boom! boom! boom!


There was a roar of noise in the void, and endless thunder sounded.

The hundred-foot-long epee and the hundred tyrants and swordsmangs stirred up and bombarded together.

The endless rays of energy devoured Xiao Yifeng and this Chu Mu.

The terrible ripples of energy swept across the river like a flood of dyke.

The strong men who were present at the scene took shots to wipe out all these energy ripples, so as not to hit the pond fish.

Under this attack, the entire void was blasted.

The horrible power shook all the people under the dominion, and a shocked and terrified look appeared in his eyes.

After all the energy rays had dissipated, Xiao Yifeng and that Chumu figure appeared.

At this moment Xiao Yifeng was lingering with golden light, and the skin was glowing with golden light.

Apparently he exhibited the immortal golden body tactics, resisting this horrible energy ripple.

As for Chu Mu, a spurt of blood spewed, and was obviously shocked by this energy and suffered internal injuries.

The attacks of both of them were annihilated in this collision.

Xiao Yifeng's power of this hundred swordsmanship was actually resisted by this Chumu. It is indeed a master who has reached the nineth level of life and death and has four levels of combat power.

Of course, this is also because Xiao Yifeng's realm is too low. He is now only a dual strength of Nirvana and has limited strength to play.

If he reaches a state of life and death, Chu Mu can't resist his attack.

After all, his level is still a bit low.

However, Xiao Yifeng's realm of ascension requires extremely large amounts of energy, which is not to say that ascension can be ascended.

"You don't look like my opponent. Do you want to continue playing?"

Xiao Yifeng said looking at Chu Mu.

"carry on!"

Chu Mu shouted coldly.

He promised Chu Tianxing to solve Xiao Yifeng, how could he give up like this.

drink! !! !!

Chu Mu directly exhibited a set of Jianzong secret methods, and once again forcibly improved his strength.

Then the long sword waved in his hand, a powerful sword trick was displayed, and Xiao Yifeng was completely settled in a blast.


However, Xiao Yifeng did not plan to continue fighting with this guy.

Although this Chumu just seemed to be on a par with him, it was just that he hadn't performed a real trick.

And he also directly exhibited the field of starry sky, and the light of the stars was surging.

Endless starlight shrouded all around, and this Chumu was naturally in the realm of this starry sky.

Suddenly he sank down and felt a terrible power on him, like countless stars oppressing him.

The power in his body was greatly suppressed, and it was difficult to exert all his powers.

The Great Wilderness!

Xiao Yi sighed coldly, waved with one hand, and the aura of heaven gathered wildly.

At the same time, with the power of this starry sky domain, his palm power is even more terrifying, and he directly oppresses Chu Mu.

This Chu Mu is in the realm of the starry sky, his strength is suppressed, and he can't exert it at all.

Facing Xiao Yifeng's full blow, he couldn't resist it.

As a roar rang, Chu Mu was smashed to the ground by this palm, smashing the ground into a hole.

Chu Mu's face blew with blood.

Xiao Yifeng took back the realm of the stars, stood quietly on the void, and esteemed the Quartet!

Then Chu Mu was helped by Disciple Jianzong and coughed for a while.

With an incredible look in his eyes, Xiao Yifeng looked at him. He didn't expect that he would be defeated in this way.

The sky of Xiao Yifeng is too powerful, and it is difficult for people under the **** to resist.

At this moment Chu Tianxing and Chu Feicheng looked extremely ugly, and everyone looked shocked.

They did not expect that Xiao Yifeng actually defeated Chu Mu, who had a quadruple combat power, and his strength was too horrible.

Chu Mu's strength absolutely killed all the strong in life and death in the presence, but it was unexpected that Xiao Yifeng was finally suppressed by the palm of his hand.

Chu Tianxing's eyes twinkled coldly and coldly, looking at Xiao Yifeng.

The stronger Xiao Yifeng's strength was, the heavier Chu Tianxing's intention was to kill him.

Even the people of Kun Xuzi and Xuan Wu Zong, the Temple of Seven Kills and the Hall of Wind and Thunder all stared at Xiao Yifeng with a terrible killing intention.

Obviously, Xiao Yifeng's fighting strength made them have a strong killing heart.

They have long been enemies with each other. Now that the other party is so strong, they naturally want to cut off the grass.

"Xiao Yifeng, today you broke into my mountain gate, disrupted my son's engagement, and provoked me Jianzong, I must not spare you today!"

At this moment Chu Tianxing watched Xiao Yifeng coldly drink.

"Well, what if you don't spare me?"

Xiao Yifeng shouted in disapproval.

"You not only offended my Jianzong today, you also offended Luna Temple!"

Chu Tian went cold.

"Luna Temple? Offense offends, it doesn't matter!"

Xiao Yifeng hummed with a disdainful expression, and he didn't have any good feelings for Luna Temple.

Maybe even that day, he would even destroy Luna Shrine, and everything was taken away by Luna Shrine.

"Young man, you might be a bit arrogant, dare to be so disrespectful to my Moon God Palace!"

At that moment, the elder of the Moon God Palace looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

"Huh ~ ~ you lunar palace, sooner or later, I will let you lunar palace completely surrender at my feet!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the elder of the Moon God Palace with a disdainful applause.

"You want me to submit to your feet, what qualifications do you have?"

At this moment, an ethereal cold voice suddenly sounded throughout the Jianzong, shocking everyone's heart.

Especially Xiao Yifeng, when he heard this voice, his heart shook, his pupils shrank, he turned sharply, and swept away towards the source of the voice.

Soon Xiao Yifeng's face changed greatly, his body trembled fiercely, and an incredible look appeared in his eyes.

Above the void of the Sovereign of the Sword, a white shadow came slowly.

This white-dressed Qianying wore a white palace dress with three thousand blue silk flowing over her shoulders. Her face was exquisite and cool, her body was uneven, her skin was white as jade, and she exuded a sense of emptiness like fairy.

It is also like that moon palace Chang'e, exuding a noble and sacred breath.

It makes people feel unattainable and afraid to profane.

PS: The previous chapters that I owe will be filled up when I have time. These days I have been conceiving the plot behind me every day, and I really have no time to write more.

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