The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2535: got engaged

"Brother Xiao, don't suppress your inner thoughts!"

Luo Yan whispered softly, and even took the initiative to kiss Xiao Yifeng.

This kiss made Xiao Yifeng's mind explode.

He was awake all of a sudden, shoved Kai Luo, and got out of the room quickly.

And Luo Yan watched Xiao Yifeng tremble and fled, scarlet tongue licked. Licking lips.

There was a charming and strange look, and a pair of eyes glowed with strange purple light.

"The fix is ​​good, interesting!"

Luo Yan spat gently.

"I will take you down!"

Luo smiled charmingly.

Xiao Yifeng, who left this room, took a deep breath.

Just now he almost couldn't hold back from doing bad things, but fortunately his fixation was pretty good.

"Boy, I think that girl is deliberately trying to seduce you. You only met for two days, and this girl actually started to hook you up. You have such a charm!"

Longgan joked.

Xiao Yifeng didn't say anything, he was thinking something, and he felt a little bit wrong.

This Luo Yan did seem to be seducing him, but he didn't know why the other party did it.

He had observed the other party, but he couldn't see anything at all.

Moreover, he and Luo Yan did not know each other before, and he didn't understand why the other party did it.

The next day, the sun was shining.

Xiao Yifeng was awake from the comprehension of Fa and alchemy.

One night's comprehension, with the help of the yin and yang ban, his understanding of the formation method and alchemy has taken a new level.

Now he can be regarded as a sixth-level mage and a sixth-level alchemist.

In fact, for Xiao Yifeng, who has a ban on yin and yang, he is working together in the formation method, the refining device, and the elixir without any hindrance. It is completely natural.

As long as he feels it, he can continuously improve his ability to refine his alchemy, alchemy, and formation.

"Do you know? A big thing happened in the ancient world recently?"

Xiao Yifeng was accompanying the girls talking about the sky, Lingyu came over and said.

"what happened?"

Xiao Yifeng asked.

"Tomorrow's young master Zhu Feicheng will hold an engagement ceremony with Jiansong of the Moon God Palace in Jianzong. This Jianzong invited many ancestors from Dongzhou to participate!"

Lingyu said.

"Chu Feicheng is engaged to Mingyue?"

There was a look of surprise in Xiao Yifeng's eyes.

He knew that Chu Feicheng was interesting to Mingyue when he fought in the Long Bang, but he did not expect that they would get engaged so soon.

"Yes, they released the news very early, but you didn't pay attention. Jianzong and Moon God Palace are one of the top ten gates in Dongzhou."

"Now the marriage of the two is a first-class event throughout Dongzhou, and it has been spreading."

Lingyu said lightly.


Xiao Yifeng murmured to himself, his eyes glowed with light, thinking about something.

"What's your kid thinking?"

Long Gan said helplessly.

"It's nothing, except that the owner of Jianzong wanted to kill me in conjunction with other people. Now that his son is engaged to someone, I wonder if I should send a gift of blessings!"

Xiao Yifeng thought of holding his chin.

"I'm afraid your kid isn't going to give gifts, but to make trouble!"

Long Gan said.

"Seniors who know me!"

Xiao Yifeng smiled slightly.

"Chu Tianxing killed me and killed me almost. How could I let his son get engaged so smoothly?"

"And the subject is still a beautiful woman like Mingyue, it's just a flower inserted into cow dung."

Xiao Yifeng hummed coldly.

"Your boy, you are unlucky to offend Jianzong."

Long Gan sighed.

The day passed quickly, and Xiao Yifeng accompanied Ye Yaxin, Liu Xuaner, and the drunk Jiao Niang.

This Luo Yan is also very intimate with Xiao Yifeng, and also took Xiao Yifeng to take her to stroll around the holy city, Xiao Yifeng was not good enough to quit, but only agreed.

A day has passed in this leisurely state.

The next day, Jianzong was very lively.

Today is the day when Jianzong Master Zhu Feicheng engaged with the younger generation disciple of Moon God Palace Mingyue.

This is the top priority of Jianzong, and Chu Tianxing invited a lot of Zongmen from Dongzhou to celebrate.

Such as the Xuanwu Sect, the Seven Killing Palace, the Huangquan Palace, the Kunlun Shrine and other first-class sects in Dongzhou.

In the square of the Sovereign of the Sword, a large crowd gathered at this moment.

In the main hall of the main peak, Chu Tianxing is receiving people from various sectarian forces, including the elders of the Moon God Palace.

"Congratulations to the Chu Sect, this time you can marry with the Moon God Palace, Jianzong's strength will definitely be stronger!"

Kun Xunzi, the elder of Kunlun Shrine, looked at Chu Tianxing with a smile.

"What does Elder Kun say, no matter how strong Jianzong is, you Kunlun Shrine!"

Chu Tianxing smiled slightly.

"Well, the ceremonial start time is coming soon, and we should invite two new people out!"

At that moment the Elder of the Moon Shrine said.


Chu Tianxing nodded.

Then Chu Feicheng and Mingyue appeared on the square.

Chu Feicheng wore a red long shirt, festive, with a smile on his face, and this Mingyue also wore a red long dress with delicate makeup on his face.

It looks more glamorous, just like a fairy in the sky. When it appears, many males present are flashing the evil light of possession.

At the same time, they were all jealous of Chu Feicheng's eyes.

At this moment Chu Feicheng was extremely excited, and at the first sight, he wanted Mingyue to be his wife.

Although they are not officially married now, they are just an engagement, but this is enough to make him happy.

Today is past, this moon is his fiancee ~ ~ The marriage between the two of them is also a matter of course.

Then the two went into the hall, and Chu Tianxing and the Elder of the Moon God Palace sat on either side of the first place.

This Chu Feicheng and Mingyue came to them.

"Mingyue, after today, you are the fiancee of this son of Chu. In the future, you should exchange more feelings, and then get married as soon as the time comes!"

The Elder Luna Temple looked at Mingyue and said.


Mingyue nodded, but she couldn't see much joy on her face, and the whole expression seemed very calm.

As if Chu Feicheng's engagement was a complete task, Chu Feicheng's expression was completely different.

"Feicheng, do you have to treat Mingyue Girl well in the future?"

Chu Tianxing looked at Chu Feicheng and said.

"Yes, father, don't worry, I'll treat Mingyue well!"

Chu Feicheng nodded.

"Xiao Yifeng came to give gifts, congratulations to Master Zongzong on the engagement ceremony!"

At this moment, a loud voice exploded throughout the Jianzong and spread throughout the Jianzong.

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