The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2528: 7 Kill Convergence

Of course, this day's killing is with the lonely elderly, and the rest of the world, Xuanhuang Xingyue's sixth killing, is a group.

They faced each other in the air, and the void in front of them became a vacuum, and the air was completely annihilated.

There was an even more bottomless gulf on the ground, and it was they who made it.

The entire ground was sunken for several meters under their attack.

"Daily, don't bear the stubborn resistance anymore. For the affection of the fellow teachers and brothers, as long as you say what we want to know, we can let you go!

This day killing looked at Risha drinking coldly.

"Well, you guys who are ungrateful and interest-stricken, the ancestors of the Temple of Seven Kills have stipulated that the idea of ​​killing between the Seven Kills is not allowed."

"And for the grave house of the half-round rebirth strongman, you even violated the ancestral teachings. If the ancestors were still there, you would all die!"

Ri Xia looked at the six former teachers and brothers, chuckling coldly.

"Well, you found the grave house of the half step rebirth strongman, but didn't tell us, you just want to sneak into it to get the inheritance and break through the half step rebirth."

"So that we are completely above us and become the real masters of the Temple of Seven Kills. We are all half-dozens. You don't have to be so noble."

Killed hummingly looking at Risha.


The remaining kills nodded.


Risha shook his head, not knowing what to say anymore.

"Old man, they have been blinded by the desire for strength, and it is useless to tell them more than that, unless you say where the half-round rebirth is located."

The old lonely old man said lightly.

"I won't say it, just say that the entire Seven Killing Hall will really kill each other and no longer exist!"

Risha shook his head, and once he said where the tomb was.

These six people will definitely kill each other in order to get the half-step reincarnation of the strong, and eventually the Seven Kills will no longer exist, and the Seven Kills Temple will also be destroyed.

"That being the case, don't blame us for being rude!"

The six-killers sighed coldly, all of them were out of terror, and they went directly to the sun-kill attack.

Immediate killing and the lonely elderly erupted in a terror.

The eight terrible momentums collided directly, and the void suddenly collapsed, and the entire space seemed to collapse completely.

The eight were fighting against the power of the law, and heaven and earth were destroying.

Rumble ...

After the collision of the power of the law, a series of thunderous explosions sounded.

Ripples of terrifying energy swept across the mile.

On this day, the old man who killed and Dugu all retreated, his face turned pale, and the corners of his mouth were overflowing with blood.

Although they are all true martial arts giants, their strength is much better than these six killers.

After all, they are still in the same realm, and they are not much better than six kills.

The six kills would not be their opponents if they played in a single match, but now the other six are joining forces.

The daily kill was also injured in the pursuit of the opponent's all the way, the strength is no longer peak

In this case, even if you add the elderly alone, you can't fight these six people.

"I'll see how long you two can hold on!"

This star kills coldly, and with cold eyes in his eyes, he will continue to attack.


Just then, Jin Hao and Xiao Yifeng appeared here.

"Jin Hao!"

Looking at Jin Hao, the look of killing today was startled.

"Grandpa, I want to die for you!"

Jin Hao rushed to Risha, with an excited look on his face.

"Jin Hao, why are you here? Get out of here, here is dangerous!"

Risha looked at Jin Hao and said.

"Moreover, I didn't expect this kid to come out, just right, Sunshade, if you don't tell the half-round rebirth of the strongman's grave house today, today we will let you die!

Killing looked at Ri Sha and Jin Hao drinking.

"Dare you kill my grandchildren? I want you to die!"

Risha looked at the killing voice and sighed coldly. A terrible killing erupted all over, and her eyes were radiant.

"If you want to kill my brother, it depends on whether you have that ability!"

At this moment Xiao Yifeng came over with both arms in his arms, looking relaxed.

In the face of these big super powers, there is no fear of performance at all.

"Who are you? A hairy child dare to say that!"

The killer looked at Xiao Yifeng's eyes with a look of contempt and disdain.


Then a cold drink sounded, and then a terrible chill erupted.

The terrible chill swept towards this place, and his body shuddered with his strength.

Feeling a cold chill struck him, and the terrible cold immediately shrouded him and sealed it directly.

Seeing this, everyone looked shocked.


In the next second, the ice on the killing ground erupted and broke.

The killing body was revealed, and his brows were frowning, his gaze fixed on the cold Qian Luo standing beside Xiao Yifeng.

"who are you?"

Killed and looked at Han Qianluo.

From the other hand just now, he can see that Han Qianluo's strength is not worse than him.

"You are not qualified to know!"

Han Qianlu drank coldly, the whole person is like a piece of ice.


The killer's face sank, his eyes flashed with anger, one of his grandest kills and seven kills.

It was said that he was not qualified to know the identity of the opponent, which naturally made him extremely angry, and he launched an attack towards Han Qianluo.

"Out of your own power!"

Han Qianlu spit indifferently, waving with one hand, the snow suddenly appeared in the sky, the endless snow turned into endless ice ~ ~ carrying the power of the terrible ice and snow rule.


With a single blow, a blood spit from this place was blown out, his face was pale, and his body retreated.

Seeing this, the rest of the five killing looks, even the sun-killing and Dugu old man's eyes flashed a look of surprise to Han Qianluo.

"This person's strength is not simple. Shoot together!"

Xing Xia shouted, the other five kills are ready to shoot together.

Boom boom! !!

At this moment, the fire unicorn rushed out, without turning into a body, but with a wave of his hands.

There were countless huge fireballs all over the sky, all of them went towards these five kills, and the entire void was directly crushed and exploded.

Under some attack, all five kills were backed by Zhen.

For a moment, the audience was silent. Except for Xiao Yifeng, the seven killers and the old man of Dugu showed shocking expressions.

It was just two people who repelled all the six kills in the Seven Kills Temple and directly suppressed them. This strength is really terrifying.

Han Qianluo and Fire Qilin, one is the existence of the first three of the top ten wars in ancient times, the peak strength reached a half-step reincarnation.

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