The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2522: Poisonous Body


The power of the stars in Xiao Yifeng's body moved directly and automatically, completely covering it.

And in this palace of the gods domain, a star light suddenly shot in the mirror in front of this middle-aged man, which directly broke the mirror.


Seeing this, the middle-aged man smiled slightly.

"Master, is he really the one in the prophecy?"

The other man looked at the middle-aged man and asked again.

"The reincarnation of the third generation, not everyone can do it!"

The middle-aged man muttered to himself.

"Hope I can meet him before I leave!"

The middle-aged man in a golden robe full of the majesty of the king said softly, with a look of longing in his eyes.

In the holy city, in the courtyard where He lived that day, there was a roar suddenly in this little thought's room.

Then the endless black poisonous gas erupted directly from the room, and quickly spread toward the entire courtyard.

Seeing this, the faces of Tianyan and Tianhu both changed, and they rushed towards the room where Xiaosi was.


At this moment, Tian Xun appeared here, and shouted suddenly.

"Master, think about her ..."

Tian Yan and Tian Hu looked at Tian Yan with worries in their eyes.

"Don't come near, this poisonous gas is very powerful!"

He sounded deep.

At this moment, the poisonous gas in this room spread, and all the flowers and trees in this small courtyard were withered and died instantly.

Even the air stream was completely corroded by this poisonous gas.

With a single-handed swing by the nature, a terrible energy burst out.

Suddenly all the poisonous gas was blown away, and Teana entered the room directly.

In this room, Xiao Si was lying on the bed, black lines appeared on her face, and a terror of poisonous gas spread in her body.

At this moment, Xiao Si had darkened her lips and was unconscious. There were also black lines on her skin, crisscrossing like poison lines.

"The poisonous body finally broke out, and this day still comes!"

Seeing this, a sigh of sigh appeared in Tian Yan's eyes.

Then his hands waved, and a seal blasted towards Xiao Si's body, trying to suppress the poisonous gas.

At the same time, Xiao Yifeng originally took Luo and his daughters to stroll around the holy city.

As a result, the void in one direction was suddenly shrouded in thick poisonous gas.

And the source of that place is the small courtyard where Tianxuan lives.

When Xiao Yifeng opened his eyes, he discovered the situation in this small courtyard.


Seeing this, Xiao Yifeng frowned and said to the girls, and rushed towards the courtyard where Tianyi lived.

When they came to this small courtyard, Tian Yan and Tian Hu stood in this anxious look, and saw Xiao Yifeng appear, his expression froze.

"How did you come?"

Tianhu looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

Xiao Yifeng didn't speak, his gaze glanced at this room, and he saw the situation of Xiaosi inside, and frowned.

"It turned out to be poisonous!"

Then the stars snapped.

"Poisonous body!"

Xiao Yifeng's eyes flickered.

"Master, this poisonous body is a very terrible physique. Once fully awakened, its body will turn into the strongest poison body in the world. Whoever touches it will have to die."

"And it will release very terrible poison gas, enough to destroy everything in the world."

"Even the strongest masters of the realm have only a dead end to this poisonous gas, which is much more terrible than the poison you cultivated as your master."

The stars sank.

Hearing the words of the stars, Xiao Yifeng frowned, not expecting that Xiao Si had such a constitution.

"Every poisonous body will endure endless suffering for life, and there will be no relatives or friends."

"Once the poisonous body erupts completely, its own consciousness will be completely wiped out, and then it will turn into a terrible poison monster."

Xing Xing continued to speak, and her words made Xiao Yifeng very sad about this little thought.

A flowering girl should endure such pain.

"Is there any way to solve it?"

Xiao Yifeng asked.

"It's almost impossible to get rid of the poisonous body, only through some elixir and human help."

"Let this body itself control the power of poisonous gas and poisonous body in its body, and then transform it into its own controllable power."

Said the stars.

"Master, you can use your eight points to absorb the poisonous gas that bursts out of her body, and this poisonous gas can be transferred to your clone."

"Isn't your avatar just practicing poisonous gas, this will also be very helpful for improving the strength of your avatar."

Stars suggested.

Xiao Yifeng rushed directly into the room, of course, all the terrible poisonous gas flowing in the air was absorbed by Xiao Yifeng's eight tips.

"Why are you here? Hurry out, it's dangerous here!"

Seeing Xiao Yifeng breaking in, he was looking for a way to suppress the poisonous gas in Xiao Si's body, and he quickly said to Xiao Yifeng.

"I have a way to get rid of these poisonous gases!"

Xiao Yifeng said directly, then he rushed to this little thought.

Suddenly a horrendous gas rushed towards him. The power of the gas was terrible enough to destroy the strong in life and death.

Soon these poisonous gases poured into Xiao Yifeng's body to destroy and destroy his body.

Xiao Yifeng operated the Jiuxing Baju tactic, and the eight major acupoints produced terrible engulfing power, absorbing and consuming all these poisonous gas forces.

Then Xiao Yifeng pressed one hand on Dan Tian's abdomen, and the swallowing power of the Eight Great Acupuncture Points was completely unfolded, absorbing the terrible poison gas erupting in his body.

This terrible poison completely enveloped Xiao Yifeng.

If this were to be replaced by someone else ~ ~ even a powerful man who dominates the realm would face such a terrible poisonous gas that erupts in the face of this poisonous body.

But Xiao Yifeng had nothing to do. He used the power of the stars to protect his body to prevent the poisonous gas from causing harm to his body, and then all the poisonous gas was swallowed up by the eight major points.

Seeing this, a shocked look flashed in the eyes of that day.

"This kid ..."

Teana murmured and looked at Xiao Yifeng.

After half a ring, all the poisonous gas that erupted in Xiaosi was absorbed by Xiao Yifeng.

At this moment, Tian suddenly rushed forward and entered several seals into the body of this little thought, temporarily sealing his poisonous body.

"How are you?"

Tian Yan looked at Xiao Yifeng.

"It's all right!"

Xiao Yifeng shook his head and exhaled deeply.

"I didn't expect you to still have this ability. Even the most poisonous poisonous body in the world can absorb the poisonous power. There is nothing at all. I really look down on you!"

Teana looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

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