The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2509: 3rd Dragon Scale

Xiao Yifeng glanced at this daytime tiger:

"Your sister was killed by me. If you want revenge, come, as long as you are not afraid that your Bai family will no longer exist!"

Hearing Xiao Yifeng's words, the tiger's face was very ugly during the day, and his eyes were full of anger, but he dared not say anything.

After all, this Xiao Yifeng's power is beyond his imagination, and even the Bai family has no confidence to fight against this Xiao Yifeng's power.

After dealing with these things, Xiao Yifeng left the Xuan family with him.

The entire Xuanjia also restored peace, but what happened to the Xuanjia today has made the entire Xuanjia people unforgettable.

A young man with a few people powerfully suppressed the entire Xuanjia, killed the Xuanjia wife, and appointed the future heir of the Xuanjia. This is absolutely unique.

In a room in this Xuan family, Xuan You lay on the bed.

When he learned what was happening in the Xuan family, his eyes were full of anger, his fists clenched tightly.

"Damn guy, waste my strength and kill my mother, I will never let you go!"

Xuanyou's face was gaunt, with a terrible coldness flashing in his eyes, he shouted sharply.

"Help me to the forbidden area!"

Xuanyou looked at the men in front of him and drank directly.

"Here, Master, except the homeowner and ancestor, the rest are forbidden to enter it!"

The man's face changed, and he said quickly.

"Why? Haven't you even listened to my words? Although I'm abolished now, it's easy for you to die!"

Xuanyou's eyes flashed a stern look, and he drank coldly.

"Don't dare, your subordinate will help you to go to the forbidden area!"

The man's face changed, and he said quickly, holding on to Xuanyou, he went to the forbidden area of ​​Xuan family.

Xuanyou entered the forbidden area in order to find the opportunity to restore his strength and avenge his mother.

"Father, I'm sorry!"

At that moment, Xuanzang said, standing in front of his father Xuan Cang.

"Ah ... this is the end, it is useless to blame you, and it is not to blame you. You can only blame Bai Ji for everything."

"I just didn't expect that Xiao Yifeng's metamorphosis would be so big, with such a strong strong man behind him, no wonder he dared to challenge the two ancient schools of Cangzong and Five Elements.

Xuan Cang shook her head and sighed.

"Well, you are already the heir of the Xuanjia future homeowner. Improve your strength. When you break through the dominion, you are the new owner of Xuanjia!"

Xuan Cang looked at Xuan Zang and said.

"Yes, don't worry, father. I won't let you down!"

Xuanzang nodded, his face firm.

After leaving the Xuan Family, Xiao Yifeng and others were ready to continue to the Holy City.

As for that Shangguan Waner followed Xiao Yifeng, he looked at him, Huo Qilin and others with a surprised look in his eyes.

"what happened?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Shangguan Mengyu and vomited.

"Is the two of them really dominate the strong ones?"

Shangguan Mengyu couldn't help but say.

"Of course, aren't you shocked?"

Xiao Yifeng smiled slightly.

Shangguan Mengyu was silent for a while, and was obviously shocked.

Shortly after Xiao Yifeng left Xuanwu City, they approached the Qinglong City.

When Xiao Yifeng was preparing to pass from Qinglong City to the Holy City, the dragon scales in his body were shining with light and reacted.

"Boy, wait a minute!"

This Longgan also said violently.

"what happened?"

Xiao Yifeng asked.

"I sense the breath of the third dragon scale?"

Long Gan said in a deep voice.

"Really? There?"

Xiao Yifeng said suddenly.

There are three dragon scales scattered in the ancient world and the earth.

Now Xiao Yifeng has found two dragon scales. With the help of this dragon scale, he has successfully cultivated the dragon spirit tactics. I did not expect that the third dragon scale also appeared today.

"Just here in Qinglong City!"

Long Gan said.

"Blue Dragon City!"

Xiao Yifeng glanced at this Qinglong City.

"Is it in this youth house?"

Xiao Yifeng guessed.

"Not sure yet, go into the city so I can be sure that the dragon scale is there!"

Long Gan said, Xiao Yifeng immediately entered the city.

And in this Qinglong City Qing family, in a secret room, Qing Tianlong sits here with his hands between his legs, and a golden scale is suspended in front of it.

At this moment, the dragon scales were shining with light, and a force of dragons emerged from it into the body of this blue sky dragon, helping him to cultivate and improve his strength.

Now Qing Tianlong's strength has stepped into Nirvana Realm, and at the moment is impacting Nirvana Realm.

The reason why he ascended so fast is because of this dragon scale.

This dragon scale was obtained by his father in his early years and has never been told to others.

In order to improve his son's strength this time, he also deliberately took it out for him to cultivate.

The Qingtian Dragon itself practiced the Qinglong Gongfa, which also belongs to the Dragon family, so with the power of this dragon scale, his strength also hit the Nirvana Realm all the way.


Finally, I don't know how long it took, a roar came from the blue sky dragon.

His strength broke through to Nirvana in Nirvana, and he was just one step away from life and death.

This blue sky dragon also exudes a terrible momentum, his eyes are sharp.

"Xiao Yifeng, wait for me. It won't be long before I step on you!"

Qing Tianlong drank coldly.

At this time, Xiao Yifeng and others had already come outside the Qingjia. According to Longgan's detection, the dragon scale was in this Qingjia.

Xiao Yifeng glanced through his eyes and found out where the dragon scales were.

"Blue Sky Dragon!"

Xiao Yifeng murmured to himself, sneered, and walked straight towards the Qing family.


Xiao Yifeng was stopped by two martial arts soldiers in front of the Qingjia gate.

As soon as Xiao Yifeng waved his hands, the two were burned into the ashes by the sky fire. They and their group broke into directly ~ ~ Xiao Yifeng and his group broke into the Qin family without permission, which also shocked the strong within the Qing family.

"Who are you? How dare you break into my youth!"

A strong young man in the Nirvana Realm watched Xiao Yifeng and others yelled.

"Let the blue sky dragon come out!"

Xiao Yi spit coldly.

"Who are you? Dare to call my young master like this!"

The Nirvana Power of Nirvana is cold.


With a wave of Xiao Yifeng's hand, Chiyan Skyfire swept out, instantly turning the other side into ashes.

"Let the blue sky dragon roll out!"

Xiao Yifeng shouted word by word, with unparalleled momentum, emitting a strong and overbearing air field.

He didn't plan to get the dragon scales with the Qing family, and the other party would definitely not give him the dragon scales.

So he also came in directly to get this dragon scale forcibly. Anyway, there is a fire unicorn and Han Qian falling, he doesn't need to care about this young family.

Xiao Yifeng's voice spread throughout the Qing family, shaking everyone in the entire Qing family.

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