The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2506: 1 order to kneel

"How did this guy get so strong?"

Bai Yumeng looked at Xiao Yifeng with a stunned expression, a small mouth opened wide.

"Boy, you are so brave, you dare to kill my white parents!"

During the day, Tiger looked at Xiao Yifeng with a majestic expression, and a pair of tiger's eyes shot out a striking light.

"If you kill it, what about it?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at each other with a look of contempt.


Tiger yelled during the day.

"Four elders, take them down!"

Then Xuan Cang yelled. ,

From the Xuan family, four strong and powerful men from the dead and death burst out, as four streamers rushed towards Xiao Yifeng.

Four terrible scenes of life and death were released with nine dignity, and the entire void was suddenly full of coercion.

Except for those who dominate the realm, everyone else at the scene felt that their bodies sank, as if they had an inexplicable mountain oppressing them.

All of them became short of breath, their expressions looked extremely ugly, and they began to move their whole body to resist this terrible coercion.

The coercion of the four strong forces of life and death was released together. Unless they dominate the power of the realm, no one can resist it.

The people who did not reach the level of dominating the scene were all ugly, frowning, and looked very heavy, except for one of these people, that is, Xiao Yifeng.

Faced with the terror of the four strongest men in life and death, Xiao Yifeng's expression seemed very calm, his mouth raised, and a sneer was drawn.

Watching these four mysterious Xuanjia strongmen rushing towards themselves, Xiao Yi sighed coldly:

"Kneel me down!"

Xiao Yifeng exhibited the field of starry sky, and the light of stars around him shrouded the starry sky.

They were shrouded in them on the spot, and Xiao Yifeng urged his full strength, and the terrible starry sky suppressed.

With a single order, the four strong men in the face of life and death all changed their faces, feeling that there was a tremendous coercion on their bodies to oppress them.

The atmosphere of terror made them feel a kind of fear and palpitations from the bone marrow.

As if they are not facing an ordinary youth, but a hegemon who dominates the sky, filling them with a strong impulse to kneel and surrender.

噗通!噗通 ...

On the spot, the four mysterious Xuanjia strongmen who lived in death and life seemed to obey Xiao Yifeng's orders.

One by one kneeled on the ground, surrendered in front of Xiao Yifeng.

Seeing this, Xuanjia's audience was shocked, and everyone's eyes widened.

An unbelievable look was revealed, apparently without thinking of such a thing at all.

The four strongest men in life and death unexpectedly listened to Xiao Yifeng's words and gave each other a kneel.

This weird picture gave everyone a creepy feeling inside.

Looking at Xiao Yifeng's eyes one by one, there was a thick color of fear. This kid was too perverted and too bad.

Not at all like an ordinary young boy, like an old monster hidden from view.

During the day, Tiger and Xuan Cang looked at Xiao Yifeng with so solemn expressions.

At this moment they finally did not treat Xiao Yifeng as a junior youth.


Xiao Yifeng watched the Xuan family's four strongest men and women in cold life yelled coldly, punched out, and horrified by the power of the flesh.

With a bang, the void directly twisted and exploded, and the ripples of energy spread across the sky.

The four mysterious Xuanjia strongmen who flew into life and death flew out and fell to the ground one by one, exhaling blood in their mouths.

Xiao Yifeng's fist gathered the power of the flesh and the power of the stars, and the power was extremely horrifying.

In a single blow, four powerful men with a life and death situation were wounded.

Seeing this, the audience was silent, everyone's eyes were stunned, and they didn't return to God for a long time.

Everyone in the room took a breath and looked at Xiao Yifeng with a horrified look. Many people looked at him with a look of fear.

Bai Ji looked at Xiao Yifeng with a dull look, and Tiger and Xuan Cang looked at Xiao Yifeng with a dignified look during the day.

"Any shots left? I'll be with you!"

Xiao Yifeng glanced at everyone present and spit coldly.

"Damn boy, don't be too arrogant, brother, sangong, what are you still doing? Hurry up and kill this **** boy!"

Bai Ji said while watching Tiger and Xuan Cang during the day.

Xuan Cang's eyes stared at Xiao Yifeng, but the tiger stared at Xiao Yifeng during the day and blinked.

During the day, the tiger stepped out, exuding a terrifying power, and the dual power that dominated the realm broke out.

"Are you going to shoot?"

Xiao Yifeng glanced at this daytime tiger.

"I shouldn't have shot you at first. After all, you are just a junior, but you did not expect that your strength has become so strong, and you have also killed my Bai family. Then I can only shoot myself Take it down. "

Tiger stared at Xiao Yifeng during the day, and suddenly a powerful tiger might burst out of his body.


A deafening tiger howl sounded.

During the day, the entire tiger was like a tiger, and it turned into a tiger's claw in one hand and then blasted down fiercely against Xiao Yifeng.

It's stabbing! !!

The void was torn apart by the tiger's claws of the day tiger, carrying the terrible power of **** towards Xiao Yifeng.

"Star Fist!"

Xiao Yi screamed at the storm, and the starry sky pattern emerged from behind, and the six stars shone out ~ ~ into Xiao Yifeng's fist.

Immediately, Xiao Yifeng banged out with a punch, collided with the mighty Peng of this day's tiger, and a series of roaring explosions sounded.

Endless energy ripples spread out, Xiao Yifeng's body violently retreated by more than ten meters, and his feet dragged out two long wickedness in the ground.


Xiao Yifeng slammed to the ground and stepped out of the ground directly to stabilize the receding figure.

The daytime tiger's body was also a meal, and Xiao Yifeng's terrible claw was blocked.

Seeing this, all the people in the scene were shocked again, totally did not expect that Xiao Yifeng could even resist the attack of the dominating powerhouse.

But at this time Xiao Yifeng felt a burst of blood boiled in his body, and a spit of blood was about to spit out, but he was choked by him.

Just now, he just wanted to test how big the gap between his current strength and those who dominated the realm, but at this point there was a gap, but it was a little less than Xiao Yifeng estimated.

Although this dominating realm is very strong, the gap between Xiao Yifeng's strength and the one or two strong dominating realms is not very large.

The main thing he lacks is the strength of the law compared with the masters who control the realm. Once the opponent uses power, he can't even fight it now.

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