The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2494: Qiankun Zhen

Xiao Yifeng glanced at and saw Liu Sanming, the chairman of the branch of the National Front Master Association.

"President Liu!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Liu Sanming and said.

"I didn't expect this to run into you, and I just came to you for something."

Liu Sanming said.

"what's up?"

Xiao Yifeng curious.

"Don't I say that the Masters Association has a Masters competition. There is less than a month before this Masters competition will start."

"At that time, the array of master mages in the ancient world will bring their selected array of geniuses to this game."

"Don't you promise me to participate on behalf of the Fengyun Barisan Nasional Chapter, I'll let you know."

Liu Sanming said.

"I'm at war with the president of your mages association. Is it appropriate to join?"

Xiao Yifeng said, because of the incident of Wu Yinghui.

He has already had grudges with Wu Chengde, the president of the Master Association, and it seems a bit inappropriate to participate in the Master Competition.

"This is nothing, I believe President Wu will not be so stingy, you can participate normally, and the reward for the first place in this array of mages contest is very tempting."

Liu Sanming looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

"What reward?"

Xiao Yifeng asked.

"The first place can enter the Qiankun array for one month."

Liu Sanming said.

"Qian Kun Fang? What's that?"

Xiao Yifeng said in surprise.

"The Qiankun Array is said to be the most powerful and mysterious ancient array of the Array Master Association, and even the most mysterious one in the entire ancient world. It is said that this array has the ability to reverse Qiankun and control time."

Liu Sanming said in a deep voice.

"Turn time and control time, this ..."

Xiao Yifeng heard his eyes freeze, and there was an incredible look in his eyes.

"It is said that one day of cultivation in this formation is equivalent to several months of cultivation outside, and there are other mysteries in it."

Liu Sanming looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

"Isn't this the same as controlling the time flow like the ancient seal of the starry sky!"

Xiao Yifeng said in surprise.

"Master, it looks like this battle is not easy. You can go and see!"

Said the stars.

"Chairman Liu, how did this Qiankun array appear?"

Xiao Yifeng asked.

"I don't know, this battlefield is the biggest secret of the Array Master Association, which is controlled by the elder of the five Array Master Association."

"Unless it is at a specific time, even President Wu has no right to enter it, and the person who has become the first place in the array master contest this time can directly enter this array of training for one month.

Liu Sanming said.

"Okay, I'll be there then!"

Xiao Yifeng blinked his eyes and said directly.

"Well, I will come back to inform you before the game starts!"

A smile appeared on Liu Sanming's face and said.

Xiao Yifeng nodded.

Back at Lingmen, Xiao Yifeng told the crowd that he was going to the ice country.

This time, he took Fire Kirin, Yan Bin and Min Xiu to the ice country.

As for Qingtian intends to leave to find a place to restore his strength.

Now Xiao Yifeng has Fire Kirin around them to protect them. Optimus does not need to worry about Xiao Yifeng's safety for the time being, so he plans to leave to find a place to restore its strength to its peak.

In this regard, Xiao Yifeng naturally agreed.

"Master, when I come back, I will continue to accompany you to the ancient world. I believe that other wars will come one after another!"

Optimus looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.


Xiao Yifeng nodded.

Then Qingtian left, and Xiao Yifeng prepared for it, and also took the fire unicorn, Yan Bin and Xiao Xiuxiu left the holy city directly, and went to the ice country.

At the same time, in the small courtyard where I lived, Xiao Si, who was busy, suddenly fainted.



Immediately, the faces of Tianyan and Tianhu changed, and they rushed forward to help the small thought.


The next second, the figure of Tian Yao appeared here, holding this little thought.

"Master, Xiao Si, why did she suddenly faint? What is going on?"

Tianyan and Tianhu both said with a worried expression.

"You do your business!"

Teana said with a thought, and returned to the room.

In this room, Tian Yan was lying on the bed with Xiaosi hugged, and then examined the other person's body, his frown slightly.

"Hey, it's still coming!"

Tian Yan said to himself, his eyes were full of complex look.

Soon the little thought woke up and looked at his grandfather Teana: "What's wrong with me, grandpa?"

"It's okay, maybe you're tired. Take a good rest first!"

Teana looked at Xiaosi and said kindly.


Xiao Si nodded smartly.

In this Jianzong, Chu Feicheng came to Chu Tianxing.

"Father, is there anything you want me to do?"

Chu Feicheng looked at his father Chu Tianxing and said.

"I have discussed with the Elder of Luna Temple. After one week, I will hold an engagement ceremony with you and Mingyue. After you are officially selected as one of the top ten Excalibur heirs of the Excalibur Mountain, we will hold a wedding ceremony for you!

Chu Tianxing looked at Chu Feicheng and said.

"Really? Great!"

Chu Feicheng said excitedly.

"Of course, since it is a woman you like, my father will naturally meet your wishes, but this is just an engagement. Whether you can get married officially depends on whether you are selected into Shenjian Mountain. You have to work hard!"

Chu Tianxing said lightly.

"Rest assured, father, I will definitely be selected into the Excalibur Mountain and inherit the Excalibur!"

Chu Feicheng said confidently.

Point Cangzong, in the hall.

Cang Tianhai stood in this hall, and a middle-aged man walked in quickly, reporting Cang Tianhai's message to Xiao Yifeng.

"that's it?"

Cang Tianhai frowned after hearing ~ ~ Yes, the lord, his information is only this, he seems to have popped up in the Nanhuang, and his true identity and background cannot be investigated at all. ",

"However, I investigated that Danzong's suzerain had traveled to Nanhuang before, and also said that his identity was Danzong's former suzerain Xiao Yunzi, which was the only information related to his identity background.

The middle-aged man groaned.

Cang Tianhai's eyes flickered, silent.

"Sect, do you say that the forces behind him have something to do with Dan Zong?"

The middle-aged man asked.

"Danzong hasn't had the courage to order me Cangzong. His identity is definitely not only that, but anyway."

"He killed my son Cang Yun, he must die, otherwise what is the point of my Cang suzerain being so vengeful that he can't even get revenge on his son."

Cang Tianhai shouted.

"Sovereign, this son offended the Five Elements Sect yesterday, abolished a Son of the Five Elements Sect, and killed the Lord of the Five Elements Sect. I am afraid that the Five Elements Sect will not stop there!"

The middle-aged man groaned.

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