The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2492: The Magical Power of Law

The next second, Xiao Yifeng felt that he had entered a mysterious world.

There is nothing else in this world, only endless fire power.

These fire powers are the purest fire powers, all around Xiao Yifeng's body at this moment, allowing him to have closer contact with these fire powers.

At this moment, Xiao Yifeng felt that he was fire and fire was him. He had become part of the power of fire.


As soon as Xiao Yifeng's thoughts moved, a roar came out of this world, and the power of this mild fire broke out into a terrible force of destruction.

The whole world's fire waves rolled and the power of burning the world was released.

Feeling this might, Xiao Yifeng's look changed.

He began to awaken the memory of the Lord of the Starry Sky and naturally knew that the power just now was the power of the Law of Fire.

The power of the law is to realize the ultimate strength of various forces in the world, and then start to understand the power of the law.

Once you understand the power of the law, you can fully control this power, and between thoughts, you can urge its power to realize a terrible attack.

And the power that Xiao Yifeng just broke out between thoughts is just the power of the power of fire.

It just shocked him, how could he burst into the power of the law of fire.

"No, is that the reason for the stone?"

"Spirit of the Law?"

"Can it help me understand the power of the law before I dominate it?"

Xiao Yifeng secretly guessed.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yifeng was a little excited.

If this is the case, then he will have the confidence to contend with the strong who dominates the realm without dominating it.

For a while, Xiao Yifeng was caught in this perception of the power of fire.

At this moment, the spirit of this law released its light, filled with mysterious power and shrouded Xiao Yifeng, and the four big sky fires surrounded him, setting off him like a fire god.

Time is passing!

In the blink of an eye the night passed and a new day came.

Xiao Yifeng's eyes opened sharply, and a pair of pupils looked strangely.

There was a mysterious mysterious breath all over him, and the four big fires had completely entered his body.

"The Spirit of the Law is amazing!"

Xiao Yifeng stared at the stone in front of him, his eyes filled with excitement.

Then Xiao Yifeng grasped the stone, and Shen said, "It can really help me understand the power of the law. What is this stone?"

With the help of the stone of the spirit of the law, Xiao Yifeng has begun to come into contact with the power of the law.

It is just that he is still a thousand miles away from fully understanding the power of the law.

However, this stone can make him begin to understand the power of the law before he can dominate it, which is really terrifying.

If this goes out, I am afraid that all the major players in the ancient world will try to grab it, after all, this thing is too bad.

boom! boom!

At this moment, two terrible powers suddenly descended from the spirit gate, and the power of terror filled the whole spirit gate.

Xiao Yifeng's eyes narrowed and he rushed out.

Above the void of this spiritual gate, stood two middle-aged men in black and white robes. The faces of these two men were grim and their eyes were radiant.

And the strength of these two people has reached the eighth level of dominance, majestic!

They are the right and left guardians sent by the Wumeng League, who were ordered to come and catch Xiao Yifeng!

This is also the first time that Wumeng ’s right-and-left law enforcement has dealt with a junior. It can be seen that this Wumeng ’s lord is angry with Xiao Yifeng.

"Who is Xiao Yifeng?"

This Zuo Hufa shouted coldly, and his eyes swept towards the whole spiritual gate.

The terrible power oppressed the spirit gate powerhouse with a sense of inability to breathe.


Xiao Yifeng stepped into the air and looked at the two men and said.

"It's you who abolished the young master of my military alliance!"

Hou Fa looked at Xiao Yifeng and cried in a deep voice.

"Yes, your martial arts league is really powerful enough to send you two super powerfuls to fight against me!"

Xiao Yifeng looked coldly at the two men. This Wumeng League is indeed the superpower of Jiuzhongtian, and even such superpowers were sent out.

For other forces in the ancient world, such a strong person basically will not shoot until the moment of Zongmen's life and death.

In order to deal with him, the Wumeng League sent two such super powerfuls at once, showing the strength of the Wumeng League!

Huh! !!

At this time, Qingtian and others all appeared beside Xiao Yifeng, releasing a terrible breath and watching the two martial law leagues to protect the law.

"It's no wonder that the Alliance mainly sent us two. It turns out that there are still many experts around you. No wonder they dare to provoke the Wumeng League and abolish the Wushu League, but unfortunately, you must all die today!"

This martial arts league watched Xiao Yifeng and others yelled coldly, exuding a strong momentum.

They looked at Xiao Yifeng and others as if they were looking at ants. It was natural to deal with Xiao Yifeng and others with their strength.

boom! boom!

However, at this moment, two horrible flames appeared suddenly, and they were directly bombarded by the two Wu Meng's left and right defenders with a thunderbolt.

The blow on the spot dropped the bodies of their two superpowers, second only to the title, on the ground, blood was spit out in the mouth, and their bodies were severely injured.

This sudden change was a bit of a surprise, the two left and right defenders were even more aggressive and did not respond at all.

"Wow, it's annoying!"

At this moment, the fire unicorn appeared here, standing in front of the two left and right guardians, humming coldly.

Obviously it was him who shot just now, and it was so easy to injure two such super powerhouses, which shows how terrible the strength of this fire unicorn.


At this moment, the two martial law defenders looked at the shocked look at the fire unicorn ~ ~ Both eyes were full of vigilance and solemn look.


A horrific power broke out on the fire unicorn and suppressed them.

Huh! Huh!

In both populations, blood spewed out, their bodies trembled fiercely, and they were hit hard again.

"You ... are you the title master?"

The left and right protection of the two martial arts leagues looked at Huo Qilin with a look of fear and shock.

Those who can severely injure both of them based on momentum can only be achieved by the title master.

Obviously, this fire unicorn is likely to be the title master, but they did not expect that a title master would appear here, which just happened to make them meet.

I am afraid that even the leader of the Wumeng League would not expect Xiao Yifeng to have such a strong side.

He has already overestimated Xiao Yifeng's power, so he will send right and left to protect the law, but obviously he still underestimated Xiao Yifeng.


Hearing the words of protecting the law, Huo Qilin sneered and did not answer.

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